
Achieve a level of excellence as a sports professional by serving on a board of directors" 


Sport is a transversal discipline that in recent years has grown internationally, becoming an economic sector with a great impact on the GDP. That is why the sports professional who is immersed in this environment must have a managerial knowledge that will help them improve their professional profile. Likewise, they should know all the areas that have an impact on sports, such as finance, law, marketing, communication, events or new trends. 

This program, specially designed to meet the needs of coaches, athletes and professionals related to the sports world who wish to bring a fresh and innovative vision to the management of a Sports Entity. For this reason, each module will provide the student with high-quality and in-depth theoretical content. Each topic was designed based on building a logical and orderly knowledge on the part of the student for a better understanding and in turn a greater assimilation of the contents in order to be able to apply successful MBA in Sports Entities Management at a practical level.

One of the characteristics that differentiates this program from others is the relationship between the different topics of the modules at a theoretical level, but above all at a practical level, so that the student obtains real examples of MBA in Sports Entities Management , as well as the professional world of sports, resulting in the student being able to build knowledge in the most complete way.

In addition, it is composed of a very complete legal-sports content, in order to have relevant information in this field. It will provide the student with a general vision of the sports environment, as well as knowledge of all the areas that make up MBA in Sports Entities Management : legal, financial, strategic, events, marketing, communication, without forgetting to provide basic managerial skills applied to sports.  

Delve into the study of this very complete professional master’s degree and improve your skills in MBA in Sports Entities Management " 

This professional master’s degree in MBA in Sports Entities Management contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of numerous case studies presented by specialists in Sports Entities Management
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the course are designed to provide all the essential information required for professional practice
  • Exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision making
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in personal training
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This professional master’s degree is the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge as a personal trainer, you will obtain a qualification from TECH Global University" 

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of sports sciences, who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from leading companies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. The professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in MBA in Sports Entities Management . 

This professional master’s degree offers specialization in simulated environments, which provides an immersive learning experience designed to prepare for real-life situations. 


This 100% online professional master’s degree will allow you to combine your studies with your professional work while increasing your knowledge in this field"


TECH is always at the forefront of academia, it develops its programs to meet the professional objectives of its students. Consequently, the professional master’s degree in MBA in Sports Entities Management seeks to develop a theoretical-practical learning, so that the sports professional masters the different aspects that are part of this discipline in all its areas, looking for a Sports Manager of the highest quality. With this in mind, the future graduate has a series of specific and general objectives that will guide them at all times.


Our goal is to achieve academic excellence and help you achieve professional success. Don't hesitate any longer and join us” 

General Objectives

  • Provide knowledge about the environment and the sports market
  • Specialize professionals to work in the sports industry
  • Become a successful sports manager
  • Train managers, leaders and future managers of sports entities
  • Learn about the international market, with practical experiences of the professionals who are part of the faculty 
  • Understand that sport is an economic and business sector different from any other sector, with its specificities and particularities

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Introduction to Sports Law and Management 

  • Obtain a legal basis for the sports sector 
  • Define the most important legal regulations for sports management 
  • Develop criteria based on the laws that exist in the sports sector 

Module 2. Organizational Structure of International Sport  

  • Know the international sports ecosystem 
  • Understand the different actors that are part of sport both at the international level 
  • Identify the main sport pillars within the major entities of the sector.  

Module 3. Labor Relations in Sports 

  • Understand the existing working relationships in the sports world 
  • Identify the connections and different channels within sport 
  • Recognize sport allies that seek to benefit the sporting world

Module 4. Strategic Planning in Sports Organizations

  • Learn about strategy in sport 
  • Identify a follow-up path for the sports organization 
  • Structure and make strategic plans for the growth of sports organizations. sports organizations

Module 5. Financial Management and Tax Aspects in Sports 

  • Identify the main tax aspects of sport 
  • Recognize the most effective financial plans for the growth of sports 
  • Cover a financial vision of the sport entity 

Module 6. Marketing and Communication in Sports   

  • Acquire knowledge about Sports Marketing and the creation and development of a Marketing Plan 
  • Recognize the main media to promote sports  
  • Create routes and establish communications with sports agents and media that promote sports  

Module 7. Organization of Sports Events 

  • Understand the importance of communication in sports  
  • Know the steps and stages for the realization of a sport event
  • Identify the correct planning of an event  
  • Research the most important events in the world of sports and analyze their execution 

Module 8. New Trends in Sports: Big Data & Sports

  • Understand the new forms of sports business, as well as the most innovative techniques 
  • Analyze results and appropriate new technologies 
  • Identify new trends in the world of sports, as well as their advances in technology  

Module 9. Leadership and People Management in Sports  

  • Awaken interest in innovation and new trends in Sports Entities Management  
  • Enhance leadership skills within a sports organization and learn how to properly manage people in this sector 

Sports requires specialized professionals, and we give you the keys to position yourself among the professional elite” 

Professional Master's Degree in Management of Sports Entities


Sport has established itself as a sector of utmost importance for society, therefore, companies dedicated to this field seek to get specialized professionals who are able to efficiently meet the challenges imposed by the market, and position the company as a strong competitor. At TECH Global University we understand the importance of having trained professionals, for this reason, we designed the most complete and updated Professional Master's Degree in Sports Entities Management in the educational panorama. Our program will provide applicants with the necessary knowledge to lead renovation projects, in which digital tools are applied and projects are structured based on the metrics of the sports industry, both nationally and internationally.

Postgraduate course 100% online


At TECH we have an experienced faculty. Thanks to this, students will be trained by experts in the sports field, who will ensure to provide the best sapiences in the following topics: sports jurisdiction, marketing, organizational structure, labor relations, financial management, among other conceptual areas of utmost importance to consolidate as a multidisciplinary professional. Likewise, we will boost the managerial skills of individuals, thus, they will be able to competently delegate the human talent at their disposal and form a work team that will help them achieve the objectives set.