University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
Why study at TECH?
With this program you will incorporate into your daily practice the most relevant advances in the area of Emergency Toxicology thanks to a unique and effective practical academic experience"

The broad approach of this health specialty makes it necessary to focus on the emergency department to treat severe poisoning. The main objective of this Practical Training is to provide healthcare personnel with experience in the correct development of toxicology assistance. All this in order to successfully address the professional challenge of caring for patients with urgent toxicological problems. The multidisciplinarity acquired by the specialist after completing this program is reflected, prominently, in his knowledge in the evaluation of the patient's condition
and the successful management of his treatment.
TECH offers a Practical Training process in prestigious hospitals, so that specialists can develop clinical techniques in the real scenario. This practical period will consist of 3 weeks of intensive learning, integrating the latest technological tools. In addition, they will have the support and guidance of professionals who belong to the team of experts of the health centers throughout
the clinical training.
Therefore, throughout the proposed stay in this program, the graduate will become part of a team of professionals of the highest level, with whom they will work actively in the management of the different patients who come to their respective urgent consultations during this period. In this way, you will be able to update yourself not only on the most effective care strategies, but also to implement the most assertive and approachable communication skills in your practice. As a result, you will participate in a program that will bring you up to date with the most important scientific postulates and clinical advances.
During the on-site stay at the reference center you will be supported by an assistant tutor, who will ensure that all the requirements for which this Practical Training has been designed are met. In this way, the nurse will work with total guarantee and safety in the handling of the most innovative clinical technology, as well as in the use of effective therapeutic techniques.

The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences"
El personal especializado en Enfermería juega un papel activo en la atención médica del paciente de Urgencias. Sus destrezas y competencias son clave en esta labor y junto al equipo de médicos ejecutar las acciones necesarias de forma efectiva para salvar la vida del paciente afectado por sustancias tóxicas en su organismo. Es así como su actualización y capacitación en el día a días se hace fundamental, porque es una pieza esencial en el entorno de atención primaria. En este sentido, TECH ha diseñado este espacio de aprendizaje eminentemente práctico para su capacitación en un centro clínico de referencia donde el alumno dispondrá de todos los recursos necesarios para actualizarse en cuanto a los métodos, técnicas, herramientas, equipos más usados en la atención el paciente en Toxicología de Urgencias.

Disfruta de una experiencia académica netamente práctica exclusiva de TECH en un centro clínico de prestigio”
1. Actualizarse a partir de la última tecnología disponible
El área de la Toxicología en Urgencias exige acciones rápidas y la disponibilidad de equipos técnicos efectivos para atender al paciente. Gracias al empeño de TECH por crear programas de perfeccionamiento profesional, acerca a sus alumnos a centros clínicos dotados de la más avanzada tecnología y equipamiento de vanguardia. Así, podrá acercarse a la innovación en cuanto a la atención de pacientes afectados por sustancias tóxicas para su organismo.
2. Profundizar a partir de la experiencia de los mejores especialistas
Los alumnos de TECH siempre cuentan con el apoyo de los mejores profesionales. Durante la estancia presencial en el centro clínico de referencia, pasará a formar parte de un equipo multidisciplinar y perfeccionará su praxis clínica, lo cual se traduce en un proceso que garantiza su actualización sin precedentes. Junto al tutor designado para este período de prácticas, el alumno podrá ver pacientes reales en un entorno de vanguardia.
3. Adentrarse en entornos clínicos de primera
TECH selecciona minuciosamente todos los centros disponibles para las Capacitaciones Prácticas. Gracias a ello, el especialista tendrá garantizado el acceso a un entorno clínico de prestigio. De esta manera, podrá comprobar el día a día de un área de trabajo exigente, rigurosa y exhaustiva, aplicando siempre las últimas tesis y postulados científicos en su metodología de trabajo específicamente capacitándose en Toxicología en Urgencias. siempre las últimas tesis y postulados científicos en su metodología de trabajo.
4. Llevar lo adquirido a la práctica diaria desde el primer momento
El mercado académico está plagado de programas pedagógicos poco adaptados al quehacer diario del especialista y que exigen largas horas de carga lectiva, muchas veces poco compatibles con la vida personal y profesional. TECH ofrece un nuevo modelo de aprendizaje, 100% práctico, que permite ponerse al frente de procedimientos de atención para el enfermero en el campo de Toxicología en Urgencias y, lo mejor de todo, llevarlo a la práctica profesional en tan solo 3 semanas.
5. Expandir las fronteras del conocimiento
TECH pone a su disposición esta Internship program a realizar no solo en centros de envergadura nacional, sino también internacional. De esta forma, el enfermero podrá expandir sus fronteras y ponerse al día con los mejores profesionales, que ejercen en hospitales de primera categoría y en diferentes continentes. Una oportunidad única que solo TECH podría ofrecer.

Tendrás una inmersión práctica total en el centro que tú mismo elijas”
Internship Program in Toxicology in the Emergency Department for Nursing
Human beings are exposed to suffer numerous accidents such as intoxications that put their life and integrity at risk. Such problems can be caused by the inhalation of toxins, contact with pesticides and poisonous plants, or by the improper consumption of medicines and altered alcoholic beverages. As these are situations that require immediate attention by health personnel, it is necessary that professionals have the required skills to successfully carry out priority care procedures. For this reason, at TECH Global University we designed an Internship Program in Toxicology in the Emergency Department for Nursing, specialized in providing the latest knowledge in this field. Through state-of-the-art educational equipment, you will study essential aspects such as assessment models for intoxicated users in a mild or severe state, their therapeutic management and preventive life support techniques that allow the decontamination of the harmful effects caused to the body. In addition, in the curriculum, you will find the necessary tools to deal with cases of industrial poisoning (drugs, gases, solvents), heavy materials, phytosanitary products, cleaning products or natural agents (plants, mushrooms and animals). By mastering these concepts, you will be an expert in handling the approach protocols, according to the specific needs of the patient.
Get to know toxicology in emergencies for nursing
This program offered by TECH contains the most innovative and updated scientific agenda in the educational sector, stands out for its theoretical-practical approach and its avant-garde methodology, which facilitates the development of the curriculum in a more progressive and efficient way. In three weeks, distributed in eight hours a day from Monday to Friday, with classes taught in a prestigious hospital center, you will delve into the diagnosis of suspected poisoning, the phases of treatment to be applied and the preventive techniques of gastrointestinal absorption. Likewise, you will study in depth the epidemiology, etiology and repercussions of this condition in children and adolescents, as well as in adults and geriatrics. Finally, you will study toxicokinetics, the effects of xenobiotics and the approach guidelines adapted to each patient. As a result, you will be a specialist in attending, diagnosing and identifying clinical pictures in users suffering from related problems. In addition, you will obtain a multidisciplinary work that will allow you to perfect your skills in interventions in the toxicological area.