Sarmiento García, Ainhoa
Head of the Nutrition department. Casaseca Livestock
كلية التَغذِيَة
كلية الطب البيطري
الخبرة العلمية والعملية
- Doctor in Chemical Science and Technology. (09 / 2017-12 / 2019). University of Salamanca,
- Master's Degree in Innovation in Biomedical and Health Sciences. (10- 2015 / 06-2016). University of Leon.
- Degree in Veterinary Medicine. (09-2009 / 06-2014). University of Leon.
- Vet. Head of the Nutrition department. Casaseca Livestock
- Collaborative Researcher (09/17-Currently). Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and Higher Polytechnic School of Zamora, University of Salamanca
Functions: Participation in projects, paper and communications to congresses. Analysis of production data and meat quality. - Collaborative Researcher (09 / 16-06 / 17). Group E-Intro (Infectious and tropical diseases) Faculty of Pharmacy. University of Salamanca.
Functions: Development of vaccines against parasitic agents using in vitro and in vivo models. - Veterinary Clinic. (05-2016 / 02-2017). El Parque Veterinary Clinic. Zamora.
Functions: Daily clinic and minor surgeries - Vet. Nutrition Department. (09-2014 / 03-2016) Soc. Coop. Ltda Bajo Duero (COBADU).