Ronda Iglesias, Javier
Journalist responsible for Events and Courts at Canal Sur Radio.
كلية الصحافة والإعلام
الخبرة العلمية والعملية
- Journalist responsible for Events and Courts at Canal Sur Radio.
- Professor Doctor at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Seville.
- Doctor in Journalism and Communication from the University of Seville.
- Bachelor of Information Sciences. Sevilla University. nineteen ninety six.
- Academic training
- Contracted Doctor Accreditation
- Accreditation for Private University Professor
- University studies:
- Bachelor of Information Sciences. Sevilla University. nineteen ninety six
- Ongoing: Studies of the Law Degree at the Ouberta University of Catalonia. 111 credits passed in 16 subjects.
- President of the Manager of the Campo de Gibraltar Press Association.
- He received the Soldier of Honor Distinction from the UME, Military Emergency Unit, Ministry of Defense. Morón de la Frontera Base, Seville.