
Dr. Gabriela Zambrano Ibarra is a Medical Specialist in Allergology, a discipline she practices in different hospitals throughout the country. Her professional career is linked to research, developing as a researcher numerous pioneering clinical trials. 

Thus, Dr. Gabriela Zambrano Ibarra carries out research work among which are some studies such as: The retrospective observational study in routine clinical practice of the immunological follow-up of treatment with modified allergens at high doses in patients with rhinoconjunctivitis and/or asthma sensitized to Phleum pratense, Olea e, Platanus a, Cupressus arizonica and Salsola k pollen through the use of biological objective parameters; or: The biological standardization of the allergenic extract of Cupressus arizonica to determine the biological activity in Histamine Equivalent Units (HEP). 

  • Allergologist at the General University Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain
  • Allergologist at the University Hospital del Tajo, Madrid
  • Allergologist at the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada, Fuenlabrada, Madrid
Programmes in collaboration with

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