
Dr. Jorge Rojas Marcos Rodríguez de Quesada is a Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine. This health professional has carried out his healthcare activity in hospitals such as the University Hospital Rey Juan Carlos, in its Internal Medicine Service. 

In addition to this, Rodriguez de Quesada has been Coordinator and Field Doctor of the Organization Doctors Without Borders, in addition to having a high international training in reference centers such as the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, where he has specialized in International Health and Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

  • Specialist of the Internal Medicine Service at the University Hospital Rey Juan Carlos
  • Coordinator and Field Doctor in the Organization Doctors Without Borders
  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery 
  • Diploma in Hygiene and Tropical Medicine from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
  • Specialist in International Health by the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
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