
Dr. José Luis Fernández Fernández Fernández has extensive professional experience demonstrating great skills in Business Planning, Marketing Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Negotiation. In this line, it is remarkable his work at the head of the Institute for Training, Growth and Development-Doctor Paz Varela, serving as President and being one of its founding partners.

PhD in Philosophy from the Pontifical University Comillas ICAI-ICADE, José Luis Fernández Fernández Fernández has been Director of the Ethics of the Professions Collection of Editorial Desclée De Brouwer and has an extensive university teaching career. He is also a member of the Corporate Social Responsibility Commission of AECA and of the Advisory Board of the Social Business Consultancy of ICADE, of the ONCE Foundation, among other boards.

  • President and Founding Partner of the Dr. Paz Varela Institute for Training, Growth and Development.
  • Professor of the Pontifical Comillas University ICAI-ICADE
  • Director of the Ethics of the Professions Collection of Desclée De Brouwer Publishers.
  • Director of the Iberdrola Chair of Economic and Business Ethics. 
  • Judicial Expert in Compliance certified by ASCOM
  • PhD in Philosophy by Pontifical Comillas University ICAI-ICADE 
  • MBA from ICADE
  • Member:
    • Corporate Social Responsibility Commission of AECA 
    • Advisory Board of the Social Business Consultancy of ICADE
    • Advisory Board of ASCOM
    • ICCP 
Programmes in collaboration with

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