
Thanks to this professional master’s degree you will be up to date in Time-Limited Psychotherapy and in the most effective techniques used in this therapeutic method”

master psicoterapia tiempo limitado

In a society that lives at an accelerated pace, the cases of patients with anxiety or stress have increased in the consultations of psychologists. These are problems that the patient can face thanks to the different techniques and methodologies used by the professional. However, not all therapies manage to intervene on the cause or origin of the conflict. This is also true for other pathologies such as obsessive-compulsive disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder or psychosomatic disorders. 

Time-Limited Psychotherapy has been able to delve into the root of the problem of different disorders through sessions of a shorter duration, but which focus on the exact point of the condition. To do so, it enters the patient's emotional field by giving them the option to let go of the pain and suffering they are experiencing. Thus, this professional master’s degree has integrated in a single academic program all the keys to this important psychotherapeutic methodology, providing the professional with the most updated knowledge in this field. 

This program has a theoretical-practical approach that will allow you to delve dynamically into the characteristics that define Time-Limited Psychotherapy (TLP), the proper establishment of the therapeutic bond, the role played in this therapy by clinical hypnosis or the development of self-concept or the scientific and neurobiological bases on which TLP is based. In addition, students will have access to clinical case studies with which they will be able to approach real situations, whose methodology they will be able to apply in their daily practice. 

A professional master’s degree that professionals will also be able to study comfortably wherever and whenever they wish. You only need an electronic device with an Internet connection to access the content of this program. In addition, TECH offers the opportunity to distribute the teaching load according to the needs of the students, an ideal flexibility for professionals seeking to update their knowledge in a way that is compatible with the most demanding responsibilities. 

This professional master’s degree will lead you to learn about the most recent studies on self-concept development"

This professional master’s degree in Time-Limited Psychotherapy contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Time-Limited Psychotherapy
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

This program will allow you to delve into the most recent advances in TLP and the management of the phobic patient"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

A 100% online academic option with which you will reduce the long hours of study through the Relearning system used by TECH"

master psicoterapia de tiempo limitado

Thanks to the multimedia didactic material of this program, it deepens in the phases of reciprocal admiration, of meeting and marking or of unframing and displacement"


This professional master’s degree has the most innovative didactic tools for academic teaching. Thanks to them, the specialist will be able to delve much more quickly into the approach to generalized anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress, affective disorders or eating disorders through Time-Limited Psychotherapy. To achieve this, an expert teaching staff will guide you throughout the 12 months of this educational program. 

magister psicoterapia tiempo limitado

With this program you will learn the most recent techniques used to access the emotional sphere of the patient without having a contamination that affects the therapist's balance"

General Objectives

  • Describe and develop intervention models for Time Limited Psychotherapy 
  • Master the neurological and biochemical laws that show how, with other models, our patients do not change their emotional response despite intervention 
  • Describe the arsenal of technology that allows the patient to change his or her traumatic memories into memories of remembrance
  • Explain the bonding relationship that is established between the patient and the therapist (reciprocal interaction)

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Features in Time-Limited Psychotherapy 

  • Know the model of Time-Limited Psychotherapy
  • Know the origin of Time-Limited Psychotherapy 
  • Identify the different intervention scenarios 
  • Study the dynamics in the micro, meso and macro contexts
  • Delve into the bases of interaction 

Module 2. Establishment of the Therapeutic Bond 

  • Change the patient's beliefs for verifiable facts
  • Admire unconditionally, without judgment, without criticism, just contemplating
  • Getting the patient to be able to imagine his or her desires
  • Make listening the the bridge to build therapeutic relationships 
  • Know how to be always present 

Module 3. The Role of the Therapist 

  • Contain with safety and craft 
  • Identify the role of the therapist as the main engine of the therapy
  • Implement the mentor therapist, indispensable to achieve the right bonding 
  • Describe the territory of the family therapist and of the mentor therapist 
  • Teach how to live together in an intervention where multidisciplinary work is totally normal

Module 4. Role of Clinical Hypnosis in Time-Limited Psychotherapy 

  • Know how to disconnect the patient from his thoughts and place him in his bodily sensations
  • Identify the illness and the disorder as a way of expressing a poorly adapted form of survival
  • Know how to settle in the emotional sphere of the patient without having a contamination that affects the therapist's balance
  • Know the whole process with induced head movements

Module 5. Contexts in the Development of Self-Concept

  • Allowing the disease to be a messenger that tells us where the pain and harm is 
  • Prevent the patient from connecting only with the symptom
  • Know that the reality for the patient is what he/she records in his/her brain, and not so much what could have happened
  • Discover how in the relationships of the mesocontext, micro deficiencies are maintained
  • Detecting indicators of health and disease in relationships in the mesocontext

Module 6. Scientific and Neurobiological Bases of T.L.P. 

  • Know that the territory of intervention is more in the virtual realm than in what happens
  • Discover that what is important is not what happens but what the patient does with what happens
  • Know that the reality for the patient is what he/she records in his/her brain, and not so much what could have happened
  • Identify the chemical families and interactions between them

Module 7. Phases in the Intervention with T.L.P. 

  • Emphasize what we feel with the patient and above all what the patient feels with our actions
  • Empower the student not to have protocols for disorders, but to make a different intervention protocol for each patient
  • Not to be so much in solving as in building
  • Develop the different phases of intervention with T.L.P. 

Module 8. Universe of Intervention with T.L.P. 

  • Propose from the first moment, to be present, to accompany and to intervene in the traumatic emotional memory, in return the patient is the one who executes the whole process
  • Appreciate the importance of love and emotion in the solution
  • Take into account not only what produced the problem, but also what maintains it
  • Organize the patient's own mechanisms to manage their conflict

You are looking at a flexible, online program without fixed class schedules. A program designed for psychology professionals like you"

Professional Master's Degree in Time-Limited Psychotherapy

If you wish to practice your profession keeping in mind Greenberg's emotional schema and deepen in therapies through hypnotic states, the Professional Master's Degree in Time-Limited Psychotherapy that we offer at TECH Global University is essential in your training. This psychoanalytic model was designed in 1995 by Roberto Aguado, who directs its contents in this online postgraduate course: through its study you will be able to manage the relationship between the patient and the therapist to improve their symptoms and their quality of life, you will update your knowledge and you will position yourself as a prestigious professional in the eyes of your clients, colleagues and employers.


Study Psychology at TECH

Through this Postgraduate Certificate for psychotherapists, which stands out for placing listening as the main vehicle of therapy, you will be able to master the neurological and chemical laws that will contribute to the improvement of your patients, have strategies that allow them to change their traumatic memories for memories of memory and work on the reciprocal interaction between therapist and individual. It should be noted that this one-year Professional Master's Degree will allow you to access a new job, improve the quality of your work as a psychologist and incorporate new tools to the practice of your profession.