
Incorporate into your daily clinical practice the most advanced approach methods to treat pediatric patients in the Emergency Department with this 100% practical program”


Like other medical specialties and subspecialties, Pediatric Emergencies Medicine has reached a very high level of development and professionalization in recent years. Physicians working in pediatric emergency care services must be able to provide initial care to pediatric patients in a comprehensive, fast, accurate and safe manner.

For this reason, knowledge must be constantly updated through programs aimed at reinforcing their functions, both in recognizing and initially resolving emergencies, as well as in focusing, orienting and correctly directing situations in the face of urgent pathologies.

The updating of the Pediatric Emergency Department physician should include the updating of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques such as airway management, peripheral and central line approach or immobilization of traumatic and burned patients, which guarantee a quick and safe assistance in all pediatric ages. In addition, it should include organizational aspects of pediatric emergency services and the provision of personnel and material, with emphasis on their differential characteristics.

This program offers the physician the possibility to take an updated internship program on Pediatric Emergencies, establishing the keys for the care of the critically ill patient and the approach to the different diagnostic and treatment techniques of emergency care in the pediatric age. In this way, after 3 weeks, they will be able to respond adequately to the evolution of scientific and technological knowledge, and to the evolution of his/her field of action in the different health systems, by means of adequate training.


You will learn in a direct way, working in the team of great professionals in this area, dealing with real cases as they arise”

Why our program?

Constant and quality updating is essential for the medical specialist, regardless of the area he/she works in. Therefore, TECH in its interest to offer a wide range of programs of interest to professionals and useful for both society and the current labor market has designed this academic space of 100% practical character where the professional will share a series of activities in an avant-garde environment and reference for the care of patients in the area of Pediatric Emergencies. These will be related to common pediatric and neonatal advanced cardiovascular support or different special situations arising in the emergency area with pediatric patients. Thus, it will incorporate the latest findings of the sector to perfect its technique and professional profile.

vocational apprenticeships pediatric emergencies TECH Global University

This exclusive TECH program opens doors to the most reputable hospital centers in different locations around the world”

1. Updating from the latest technology available

In order to effectively care for pediatric patients in the emergency department of a hospital center, new approaches and updated techniques must be available to be even more efficient. Mastering the resources and equipment currently available to specialized clinical centers is essential to expand talent and demonstrate human and professional capabilities in the most unlikely cases that may arise.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

By taking this program, the professional will be in contact with the most specialized human team in the health area. You will also have a designated tutor who will show you the entire process and provide you with the necessary support. In this way, you will meet and care real patients in a complex context in the Pediatric Emergency Department, incorporating in your daily practice the most effective procedures and approaches currently implemented.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

In order to guarantee access to a prestigious clinical environment where you will be able to experience the day-to-day work of a quality area, always applying the latest scientific evidence in its work methodology, TECH has chosen the best hospitals. Thus, the specialist will put into practice the knowledge of Pediatric Emergencies in a specific and updated way.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

This innovative program, updated according to the latest scientific evidence on advances in Pediatric Emergency Medicine, offers the professional a 100% practical academic space, which will allow them to be in charge of procedures with state-of-the-art equipment, taking him/her to the professional practice throughout 3 weeks in a specialized center in a national or international environment.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

Fulfilling the goal of training millions of professionals around the world regardless of geographic boundaries, TECH continues to innovate with this cutting-edge, 100% hands-on program. To this end, it has established agreements with hospitals in different locations where the specialist will be able to expand his frontiers and get up to date in the approach to Pediatric Emergencies, with the best experts practicing in prestigious clinical environments.

professional practices pediatric emergencies TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice”

Internship Program in Pediatric Emergencies

Pediatric emergencies are emergency situations in which children and adolescents require immediate attention. Prompt identification and attention to these situations is vital to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient. Common causes include accidents, respiratory illnesses, infections and neurological disorders. If you are looking for a program that will provide you with the necessary knowledge to specialize in this field, at TECH Global University you will find the ideal degree. The Internship Program in Pediatric Emergencies is a high level program, through which you will learn the most relevant and updated aspects of this field. With our methodology, you will approach the development of practical cases, which will allow you to enhance your skills in the performance of assigned functions. In addition, you will have lessons taught in a clinical center of high prestige, where you will reinforce your practice in areas such as the management of pediatric patients in critical condition, emergency care in infants or young children and the evaluation or treatment of injuries and fractures in children.

Specialize in treating pediatric emergencies

This eminently practical program, consists of several weeks of duration. During this time, you will have access to sophisticated thematic axes, which will boost your abilities to perform safely in the field. In addition, you will learn from the most outstanding professionals in this area, which will allow you to obtain a high quality preparation. Throughout the program, you will learn about advanced pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques, comprehensive care of the critically ill patient, the approach to patients with acute respiratory diseases and pain management in pediatric patients. Upon completion of the program, you will have the skills necessary to lead multidisciplinary teams and make accurate, life-saving decisions.