
Thanks to this Internship program, you will use cutting-edge tools and algorithms to perform predictive analytics, product customization and task automation in Design"


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is radically transforming the field of Design, providing innovative and efficient tools to materialize creative ideas. In fact, AI enables designers to automate repetitive tasks, such as generating preliminary designs, optimizing manufacturing processes and customizing products according to user preferences. In addition, by analyzing large volumes of data and identifying patterns, AI provides valuable insights that can inform and enrich the creative process. In this scenario, TECH has developed a program that consists of a 120-hour stay in a reference entity in the field of Design.

In 3 weeks, the graduates will be part of a team of high-level specialists, with whom they will work actively in the creation of creative projects and products. In this way, they will develop advanced skills to handle tools such as TensorFlow, Deep Dream Generator or Fotor, optimizing their daily practice and making the most of the job opportunities offered by this growing industry.

Likewise, during the on-site stay, the graduates will have the support of an assistant tutor, who will be in charge of making sure that the requirements for which this Internship program was designed are met. At the same time, they will resolve any doubts that may arise during the academic itinerary and will provide personalized advice to students, according to their needs. Undoubtedly, this is an ideal learning proposal for designers who wish to acquire new skills to carry out highly innovative and creative proposals.


This academic itinerary is exclusive to TECH and you will be able to develop it at your own pace thanks to its 100% online Relearning methodology"


The objectives of this Internship program are multiple and range from the acquisition of technical skills to the understanding of the underlying principles of Artificial Intelligence applied to Design. In this way, designers will be specialized to effectively integrate AI tools and techniques into their creative process, allowing them to optimize the efficiency of their work, explore new design possibilities and develop innovative solutions. In addition, it will foster an understanding of how AI can impact user-centered design, enabling the creation of more personalized products tailored to individual needs.


You will gain the technical skills necessary to effectively integrate Artificial Intelligence into your creative process, taking full advantage of the available tools and algorithms"

General Objectives

  • Understand the theoretical foundations of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Study the different types of data and understand the data lifecycle
  • Evaluate the crucial role of data in the development and implementation of AI solutions
  • Delve into algorithms and complexity to solve specific problems
  • Explore the theoretical basis of neural networks for Deep Learning development
  • Analyze bio-inspired computing and its relevance in the development of intelligent systems
  • Analyze current strategies of Artificial Intelligence in various fields, identifying opportunities and challenges.
  • Develop skills to implement Artificial Intelligence tools in design projects, including automatic content generation, design optimization and pattern recognition.
  • Apply collaborative tools, taking advantage of Artificial Intelligence to improve communication and efficiency in design teams.
  • Understand the symbiosis between interactive design and Artificial Intelligence to optimize the user experience
  • Develop skills in adaptive design, considering user behavior and applying advanced AI tools
  • Understand the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence in design and manufacturing process innovation

Specific Objectives

  • Analyze the historical evolution of Artificial Intelligence, from its beginnings to its current state, identifying key milestones and developments
  • Understand the functioning of neural networks and their application in learning models in Artificial Intelligence
  • Analyze the life cycle of data, from generation to disposal, identifying key stages
  • Explore the initial stages of the data life cycle, highlighting the importance of data planning and structure
  • Analyze supervised and unsupervised models, including methods and classification
  • Use specific tools and best practices in data handling and processing, ensuring efficiency and quality in the implementation of Artificial Intelligence
  • Master the techniques of statistical inference to understand and apply statistical methods in data mining
  • Perform detailed exploratory analysis of data sets to identify relevant patterns, anomalies, and trends
  • Introduce algorithm design strategies, providing a solid understanding of fundamental approaches to problem solving
  • Analyze the efficiency and complexity of algorithms, applying analysis techniques to evaluate performance in terms of time and space
  • Evaluate and compare different knowledge representations, integrating these to improve the efficiency and accuracy of intelligent systems
  • Study clustering techniques to identify patterns and structures in unlabeled data sets
  • Develop skills in adaptive design, considering user behavior and applying advanced AI tools
  • Implement Transfer Learning as an advanced technique to improve model performance on specific tasks
  • Implement mass customization strategies in production using Artificial Intelligence, tailoring products to individual needs.
  • Apply microchip architecture optimization techniques using AI to improve both performance and efficiency

You will lead the way in the ethical and responsible and responsible application of Artificial Intelligence in Design, thus contributing to the development of a more sustainable and equitable creative and technological environment" 
