
Thanks to this professional master’s degree, you will gain in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of Implantology and Oral Surgery, with an agile and flexible learning system" 


Porcelain, ceramic, composite, zirconium or titanium are just some of the materials most commonly used in Implantology and Oral Surgery. However, major technological advances have favored the use of biomaterials and digital implantology. Developments in the field of oral surgical pathology and implant planning mean that dentists have to keep up to date with the latest techniques in computer-guided surgery and immediate loading or periodontics applied to the treatment of implant patients.

With this professional master’s degree, the dental professionals will be able to completely update all their knowledge in this field thanks to the teaching material provided by the specialized teaching team in this degree. A university program taught exclusively online, over a period of 12 months, in which the professional will learn the main surgical techniques used for the approach of different dental lesions. Educational resources using the latest educational technology such as video summaries, detailed videos or interactive outlines will facilitate the updating of their knowledge. Likewise, the clinical case studies and complementary readings will be very useful for professionals who are looking for a program with a theoretical-practical approach.

This university degree is an excellent opportunity for dental professionals who wish to keep abreast of the evolution of their profession in a convenient academic format. The specialist who takes this program only needs an electronic device with internet connection to access the virtual platform where the entire syllabus is hosted. The content is available from the beginning of the course, allowing students to distribute the workload according to their needs. It is, therefore, an ideal professional master’s degree for professionals who are looking for a quality education that is compatible with other areas of their personal and/or professional life.

Expand your knowledge in Implantology and Oral Surgery with this program, where you will find the best educational material with real clinical cases"

This professional master’s degree in Implantology and Oral Surgery contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of clinical cases presented by experts in Implantology and Oral Surgery
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Diagnostic-therapeutic new developments on assessment, diagnosis, and treatment in Implantology and Oral Surgery
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Iconography of clinical and diagnostic imaging tests
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Special emphasis on evidence-based dentistry and research methodologies in Implantology and Oral Surgery
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Availability of content from any fixed or portable device with internet connection

You will have access to simulations and real cases of the different surgical techniques, prostheses on implants and usual complications, giving you a unique perspective in the field of Implantology and Oral Surgery"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Learn with TECH about the latest advances in oral surgical pathology, including extensive topics dedicated to the third molar impacted teeth, impacted canines, as well as the most common dental impactions"


This program delves into the main software used in guided surgery and immediate loading, with an exhaustive review of the most modern dental work methodology"


The aim of this program is to update the dentist's knowledge, offering an advanced program in Implantology and Oral Surgery that includes the main techniques, materials and surgical models applied to the different diagnoses of each patient. The Relearning system will make it easier for the professional to achieve these goals, by reiterating the content, so that progress through the online program will be much more natural and progressive.


Gain 24-hour access to the library of multimedia resources offered by TECH in this degree"

General Objectives

  • Update the theoretical and practical knowledge of dental professionals in the different areas of oral surgery and implantology through evidence-based dentistry
  • Promote work strategies based on a multidisciplinary approach towards patients who are potential candidates for oral surgery or restoration with dental implants
  • Encourage the acquisition of technical skills and abilities, through a powerful audiovisual system, and the possibility of development through online simulation workshops and/or specific training
  • Encourage professional stimulation through continuous education and research

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Diagnosis

  • Explain the appropriate process for carrying out the pre-surgery medical history of a patient
  • Identify the surgical procedure to be followed once the tests have been performed
  • In-depth analysis of the most common diseases that occur in the oral cavity
  • Assist the patient in the case of a medical emergency
  • Perform analytical processes for correct medical diagnoses that serve as a starting point for the surgical procedure 

Module 2. Oral Surgery Pathology

  • Identify the main pathologies that commonly occur in patients
  • Delve into the surgical processes and their mode of execution for a correct use of the surgical process
  • Describe the possible pathologies that may occur after the oral surgery process
  • Describe recommendations to be followed and use of drugs for pain relief
  • Diagnose counterproductive causes of poorly carried out processes

Module 3. Implant Planning 

  • Describe the anatomy of the cranio-maxillary complex: surgical and implant relevance
  • Identify the pharmacological interactions and explain the radiological techniques required for implant diagnosis
  • Analyze the techniques required for correct implant planning
  • Organize the tools and medicines required for the implantation procedure 

Module 4. Implantology and Osseointegration

  • Describe the main aspects involved in osseointegration procedures
  • Identify the bony parts involved in oral implantation processes
  • Analyze the correct handling of implantation to match each facial bone cavity
  • Identify the materials from which the prostheses are made
  • Identify oral bone parts that can be replaced by surgical procedures and others that can be replaced by prosthesis

Module 5. Basic Surgical Technique and Implantology

  • Describe basic surgical procedures: incisions, types of flaps, sutures, etc.
  • Explain the surgical procedures of extractions, frenectomies 
  • Explain one- and two-stage surgical procedures, prepare the surgical area and master sterilization protocols

Module 6. Biomaterials and Guided Bone Regeneration 

  • Define bone biological mechanisms in guided bone regeneration
  • Analyze the materials and composition of prostheses to avoid the use of processes that affect bone regeneration
  • Describe the care to be taken after a surgical procedure
  • Identify the amount of time it takes for a bone system to fully regenerate after the oral implantation procedure

Module 7. Maxillary Sinus Lift

  • Explain the process for performing sinus lift, ramus bone grafting and mandibular symphysis surgical techniques
  • Analyze the engraftment procedure in surgical lifting techniques
  • Describe the correct process for maxillary sinus elevation
  • Delve into the surgical procedure of sinus lift 
  • Apply post-surgical techniques for the recovery and evolution of sinus lift

Module 8. Immediate Implantology

  • Interrelate Implantology with the patient's medical pathologies and the rest of the dental specialties, as well as to take samples
  • Apply techniques in Immediate Implant Dentistry
  • Apply your knowledge to single teeth, partial bridges and immediately loaded restorations

Module 9. Advanced Surgical Techniques in Implantology

  • Apply surgical techniques to obtain primary implant stability in suitable situations with high bone availability
  • Apply pre-implantological alveolar ridge augmentation techniques with both hard and soft tissue regeneration
  • Identify surgical procedures of major complication and implement them, taking into account the bases and procedures
  • Analyze the new surgical models applied for modern implantation

Module 10. Periodontics Applied to the Treatment of the Implantology Patient

  • Describe maintenance techniques as well as peri-implant alterations and their treatment
  • Describe the different soft tissue management techniques used during implant and regenerative surgery

Module 11. Implant Prosthesis

  • Perform complete rehabilitation processes, vertical dimension alterations, etc.
  • Identify materials used for the creation of prostheses and their proper use on implants
  • Develop medical samples to identify the bone gear for implanting prostheses on natural parts

Module 12. Implant Prosthesis in a Totally Edentulous Patient

  • Explain the dental implantation process to the edentulous patient
  • Identify the dental implantation procedure and the appropriate prosthesis models for each particular patient
  • Delve into the surgical procedure and describe the medical materials used to perform the procedure
  • Perform surgical procedures that allow the implantation of prosthesis to the edentulous patient
  • Follow the post-surgical process

Module 13. Implant Prosthesis in the Anterior Aesthetic Sector

  • Explain the process for performing advanced implant prosthodontic procedures
  • Conduct a prosthesis study to identify the best and most modern prosthesis models
  • Aesthetically identify the appropriate prosthesis for each specific surgical procedure
  • Perform a post-surgical smile and design study
  • Perform recovery and rehabilitation process 

Module 14. Computer-Guided Surgery and Immediate Loading 

  • Implement the new use of technology in surgical procedures
  • Analyze the new handling techniques for computerized surgery and immediate loading
  • Identify the shortcomings of the surgical procedure by computer and immediate loading to solve during surgery
  • Identify the care to be taken when undergoing guided surgery
  • Analyze the surgical process and make a diagnosis of possible surgical corrections if applicable 

Module 15. Occlusion in Implantology 

  • Describe the steps for the surgical, prosthetic and occlusal adjustment of single teeth and partial bridges
  • Explain the process to perform the basic aspects of implant prosthesis: impression taking, casting, articulator mounting and occlusal adjustment of the prosthesis

Module 16. Complications in Implantology 

  • Identify surgical procedures that went wrong in patients with oral difficulties and discomfort
  • Be aware of the common complications presented in poorly performed surgical procedures and their possible immediate correction 
  • Identify materials according to the patient's diagnosis so as not to affect recovery and future complications
  • Analyze different proposals for fast-acting and surgical methods to solve complications in implantology

A program that will make you aware of the most commonly used materials such as porcelain, resin or zirconium, according to the condition of each patient"

Professional Master's Degree in Implantology and Oral Surgery

The working environment of the medical field demands professionals specialized in the surgical area, who are in constant innovation of knowledge and can respond effectively to the challenges of the market, providing a service with the highest quality standards. At TECH Global University we structure the Master in Implantology and Oral Surgery as an excellent opportunity for educational qualification. Our program consists of 1,500 instructional hours, within which the student will have access to an innovative curriculum that has sophisticated thematic axes and updated in the most recent advances in this sector. Likewise, upon graduation you will have designed work strategies based on a multidisciplinary approach to the patient, meticulously analyzing the needs of the individual.

Study a postgraduate course in implantology and oral surgery 100% online

This TECH program seeks to improve the practical-theoretical skills of students through an interactive audiovisual system, which will allow them to qualify through the development of online workshops. Similarly, in these activities, students will learn with quality contents that enable the acquisition of the best knowledge in relation to oral pathology, implant prosthetics, implant planning and biomaterials, as well as other topics of great academic value. On the other hand, thanks to our 100% online modality we offer time and space benefits, which will help the student body to plan their daily activities.