University certificate
The world's largest faculty of veterinary medicine”
A professional master’s degree that will enable you to prepare expert opinions and defend them in court with the solvency of a high-level professional”

The current social need for professionals specialized in the expertise in legal proceedings requires specific training from an eminently practical perspective, and veterinary medicine is no exception. The current social need for professionals specialized in the expertise in legal proceedings requires specific training from an eminently practical perspective, and veterinary medicine is no exception. The more scientific support a legal decision has, the more justice it will impart.
That is precisely the reason for the creation of this professional master’s degree, in which we count on the collaboration of authors directly related to Judicial Expertise, with more than enough professional and teaching experience. Experts from Schools of Legal Practice, Master's Degree of Access to the Legal Profession, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, who have previously taught Judicial Expert training programs in the Veterinary field.
The professional master’s degree will analyze in detail all the issues that may arise for a Veterinary Graduate who intends to enter the world of expertise in Courts. The objective of this training is to take the veterinary professionals through a complete development, enabling them through a solid training to be able to intervene with judgment and responsibility in any legal proceeding to which they may be called.
Obtain a complete and adequate qualification in Judicial Veterinary Expertise with this professional master’s degree of high preparatory efficiency and open new paths to your professional progress"
This professional master’s degree in Judicial Veterinary Expertise contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features of the program include:
- The latest technology in online teaching software
- Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents, easy to assimilate and understand
- Practical cases presented by practising experts
- State-of-the-art interactive video systems
- Teaching supported by telepractice
- Continuous updating and recycling systems
- Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
- Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
- Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
- Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
- Availability of content from any fixed or portable device with internet connection
- Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the course
Specialize as a Veterinary Expert with this complete online professional master’s degree designed by professionals with extensive experience in the sector"
Our teaching staff is made up of professionals from different fields related to this specialty. In this way, TECH ensure that we provide you with the up-to-date training we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of specialized and experienced professionals in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but above all, they will put at the service of the course the practical knowledge derived from their own experience: one of the differential qualities of this training.
This mastery of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodology used in the design of this professional master’s degree. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-Learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, the students will be able to study with a set of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give them the operability they need in their training.
The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice: with the help of an innovative interactive video system and Learning from an Expert you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were facing the scenario you are learning at that moment. A concept that will allow students to integrate and memorize what they have learnt in a more realistic and permanent way.
This professional master’s degree in Judicial Veterinary Expertise will take you through different teaching approaches to allow you to learn in a dynamic and effective way and successfully apply what you have learned in your daily practice"

Learn the latest developments in Judicial Veterinary Expertise with this unique training, which stands out for the quality of its contents"
The objective is to train highly qualified professionals for work experience. A goal that, in just twelve months, can be achieved with a course of high intensity and precision.

With this program you will acquire the necessary skills and abilities to know how the veterinary expert must make an appraisal"
General Objectives
- Become aware of being in possession of the necessary knowledge as a veterinary professional to be able to issue an expert report
- Know how to project the technical knowledge in the corresponding written opinion with the necessary wording and clarity so that it can be understood by all parties
- Acquire the necessary knowledge of the legislation on the functions of veterinary experts
- Examine and analyze specific cases that have been the subject of veterinary expert reports in court and the importance of these reports in resolving the specific case
- Know the general principles of veterinary law and the different veterinary activities in which they are applied
- Acquire the necessary knowledge of what an expert opinion is
- Acquire the necessary skills and abilities to know how the veterinary expert should give an opinion
- Become aware, in general, of the trial or hearing as one of the moments, probably the supreme one, of the judicial processes
- Become aware of the possibility of incurring liability as a result of the practice of the veterinary profession and judicial expertise
- Know the ethics, dignity and professional discipline of the veterinary expert
- Provide the professional with full knowledge of the operation of the livestock farm and the food industry, from the birth of the animal to its commercialization
- Know the common general principles that all criminal proceedings require in order to lay the foundations that will later guarantee the correct performance of the veterinary testimony or expertise
Specific Objectives
Module 1. General Aspects: Causes and Functions of the Expert Evidence Legislation and Jurisprudence
- Know how to respond to questions and objections on method, premises, conclusions and other aspects of the report
- Be aware of the possibility of a complete exposition of the opinion, when such exposition requires the performance of other operations, complementary to the writing provided, through the use of documents, materials and other necessary elements
- Be aware of and develop the capacity to respond to possible requests to extend the opinion to other related points, in case it could be carried out at the same time
- Know the expert's opinion on the possibility and usefulness of the extension, as well as the time required to carry it out
- Acquire the necessary knowledge of specific cases that have been the subject of veterinary expert reports in court
Module 2. Veterinary Law Euthanasia Forensic Aspects of Veterinary Medicine Anamnesis, Thanatology and Forensic Toxicology Veterinary Necropsy
- Understand the meaning of Veterinary Law and know how to apply it in the resolution of problems of a legal nature that arise in the veterinary activity related to the expert activity
- Know the importance, significance and legal consequences of euthanasia in animals, both in clinical and forensic aspects and in animal experimentation
- Know the different contents of the veterinary forensic activity, as an activity of assistance in the judicial resolution of cases in which the animal, corpse or not, is an expert element
- This includes acquiring the ability to follow a protocol for action at the scene, knowing how to properly identify an animal species (observational and molecular methods), knowing the correct way to take biological samples for forensic studies and the importance of a correct planning of the anatomopathological examination to differentiate the different possible pathologies
- Know how to differentiate between the different types of death, identifying the evidence prior to death, as well as the different biotic and abiotic phenomena that occur in a corpse
- Know how to establish the date of death, applying different chemical-physical-biological parameters, being important the knowledge of the insects that act on the corpse (cadaveric entomofauna)
- Know how to distinguish between the different injuries that appear in an animal related to forensic traumatology produced by contusions, weapons, drowning, electricity, lightning, etc
- Know the different intoxications that an animal can suffer through the clinical and lesional aspects, as well as the analytical aspects provided by chemistry. Know the different possibilities of chemical-toxicological analysis and the interpretation of the results obtained
- Know the necessary material to perform a necropsy and the correct, protocolized performance of the same, being able to apply this protocol in the different animal species that can be subject to it
Module 3. Preparation of the veterinary expert opinion Intervention of the veterinary expert in labor court proceedings
- Understand how a veterinary expert has to deal with the preparation of an expert's report
- Act appropriately before the labor courts, taking into account their special characteristics of unity of action and orality, which requires knowledge of how to present an opinion before this jurisdiction
- Know the procedural dynamics of labor trials and the specialties that arise in the practice of this evidence
- Develop properly before an eminently oral trial in which the conviction of the opinion has to be reached after the oral intervention in the trial, subject to contradiction
Module 4. Performance of the experts at the trial or hearing. Assessment of expert evidence
- Present the trial or hearing in perspective, i.e., not as an isolated phase, but as an element in synchrony and harmony with the rest of the steps that make up the judicial procedure, highlighting its importance as the source of the final judicial decision
- Take the students by the hand so that, stripping them of their apriorisms, prejudices and fears, they get a real sense of the physical space in which the hearing takes place and its various
- participants, before having to go through the doors of the courtroom
- Know in depth what will be the purpose of his appearance at the trial or hearing, as a solemn and formal act; how they will address the court; how they will respond to the questions asked by the different participants; or how far their duty of explanation and/ or clarification extends
- Be aware of the relevance of the expert's report, as a means of evidence of necessary practice in cases in which the judge lacks the necessary knowledge to resolve, as well as the scope of the duty to perform his duties, always, but particularly at the time of the trial or hearing, on the one hand, in a faithful and accurate manner, without falsehoods, reticence or inaccuracies and, on the other hand, in an impartial manner
Module 5. Civil Liability of the Expert Intervention of the Veterinary Expert in Civil Judicial Proceedings
- Understand the casuistry that may lead to a declaration of civil liability
- Act duly before the Courts of this jurisdiction, in order to know how to transmit and illustrate to their holders the technical-scientific knowledge of the veterinary expert
- Know the functions of the agents involved in the civil process (Judges and Lawyers, fundamentally)
- Be duly prepared for any circumstance that may arise in the civil procedure, knowing in advance the possibilities of action of the agents involved in this type of process
- Learn how to properly challenge the judgment of other experts
Module 6. Criminal Liability of the Expert Intervention of the Veterinar Expert in Criminal Judicial Proceedings
- Acquire and improve knowledge in the field of expert evidence, as well as to acquire preparation for the task of expert assistance to the Administration of Justice, being a participant in a task of vital importance and social responsibility
- Know the different types of offenses that can be committed by a veterinary legal expert
- Intervene appropriately before the courts and tribunals of the criminal jurisdiction
- Analyze the functions of judges, prosecutors and lawyers in the criminal process, in order to interrelate with them
- Know in detail their possibilities of intervention for a correct performance in the oral hearing of the criminal trial
Module 7. Disciplinary Liability of the Expert Intervention of the Veterinary Expert in Contentious-Administrative Judicial Proceedings
- Understand the ethical-deontological bases and principles of the profession of the veterinary expert
- Be familiar with the legal framework governing professional disciplinary liability. College Regulations
- Know the development of the disciplinary procedure, as well as their rights and obligations within it
- Know the sanctions they face in the sanctioning procedure and the ways to appeal, as well as the interpretation of the courts in this field
- Acquire the basic knowledge of the contentious-administrative jurisdiction, its organs and jurisdictional competence
- Obtain a working knowledge of the types of administrative litigation proceedings and their peculiarities
- Know the general aspects of the judicial phase for the practice of the evidence in the contentious-administrative procedure
- Know the specificities of the legal expert and expert evidence in the Contentious-Administrative process
- Know and analyze the interpretation of the courts of the aspects related to the expert practice in the contentious-administrative procedure
Module 8. Veterinary Expert Investigation Agrifood Industry
- General knowledge of the different stages in the production and transformation of food of animal origin intended for human consumption
- Know the parallel industries involved in this process
- Acquire knowledge and skills to act as an on-demand expert in the different phases of the referred process
- Integrate all this acquired knowledge into a necessary whole in expert performance
- Apply this knowledge in the corresponding expert's performance
- Know and understand the principles that govern animal production and its processing industry
- Know precisely the procedure to be followed in the expert's performance in the different phases of production, including parallel industries
- Know with solvency the critical points of the production chain
- Knowing the legislation that affects this production process
Module 9. Environmental Veterinary Expertise
- Knowledge of the legal framework in environmental matters
- Obtain a practical knowledge of environmental issues (in particular zoos, exotic species, poison, aquaculture, protected natural areas and hunting species)
- Apply the knowledge acquired to the expertise practice
Module 10. The Veterinary Expert and Animal Abuse
- Understand the principles that form the basis of the criminal process and crime in order to carry out the expertise in the most appropriate way possible
- Know the process, the participants, the implications and value of the expertise in order to be able to handle with solvency the veterinary opinion and submit it to the judicial assessment with solvency
- Know in a concrete way the relevant aspects of the expertise in the criminal process
- Know the positions of the parties, their claims and situation and know how to defend the expertise will be one of the main objectives of this module
- Know the correct approach to the presentation of the expert's report and the data that are relevant in criminal proceedings for animal abuse as a strong point in this module, as it will help veterinarians to handle this type of procedural situations outside their science, but necessary to transfer their knowledge to the prosecution of mistreatment behaviors

A training and professional growth pathway through which you will acquire new skills and knowledge that will propel you towards greater competitiveness in the labor market"
Professional Master's Degree in Judicial Veterinary Expertise
The growing importance of veterinary expertise in the evolution of the scope of the modern judicial system highlights this sector as an area of great labor demand today. Understanding the constant academic updating as an element of vital importance in the correct training of the professional regarding the approach of the multiple and varied labor scenarios of the sector, in TECH Global University we have designed our Professional Master's Degree in Judicial Veterinary Expertise. In this postgraduate course you will have the opportunity to deepen in the new techniques and methodologies applied in the processes of thanatology and forensic toxicology in veterinary contexts. Likewise, you will approach the modernization of the following aspects: the elements to be taken into account in the development of a necropsy procedure in various species of birds, fish, reptiles and mammals; and the identification of the particularities corresponding to the process of elaboration of a veterinary opinion.
Study an online Professional Master's Degree in Judicial Veterinary Expertise
The great responsibilities behind the structuring and elaboration of a veterinary expert report highlight this sector as an area of great demand regarding the degree of knowledge, preparation and expertise of its specialized professionals. In our Master's program you will learn about the major fields of development of veterinary expertise, contemplating the challenges and opportunities of the current context of the area. Likewise, in these postgraduate courses special attention will be paid to the modernization of the following topics: the identification of the specific scope of the expert's intervention in a criminal trial; and the particularities to be taken into account in the development of veterinary expert investigations applied to the agri-food industry sector.