
Dr. Miquel Solé Inarejos is a biologist specialized in Cryobiology as an area, who has dedicated his knowledge to more than a decade between research and clinical practice. His interest in science, especially in relation to human reproduction and fertility preservation, has led him to undertake numerous lines of study, the results of which reinforced his thesis focused on the field of Cell Biology.  

He has written a book, "Cryopreservation in human assisted reproduction techniques" and has also written dozens of articles for national and international scientific journals and media. In addition, he is a teacher and university lecturer in several postgraduate programs and courses. 

  • Senior Embryologist of the In Vitro Fertilization Laboratory at the Dexeus University Hospital
  • Lecturer of the Master in Reproductive Biology
  • PhD in Cell Biology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Degree in Biology and Biochemistry 
  • Member of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) 
  • Member of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) 
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