
Dr. María Simó Vesperinas is a Veterinarian graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona with a special interest in Pathology, a field she discovered after completing her exchange program between Texas A&M and the School of Veterinary Medicine and Food Technology. 

After her time in France, in another academic experience, she decided to continue her training in Ophthalmology at the British Small Animal Veterinary Association, while working as an Emergency Veterinarian and General Practitioner in hospitals in the United States and Spain, forging an outstanding professional profile to work as a researcher and university teacher in her specific field.  

  • Emergency Veterinarian at Vets Now Emergency Hospital. Manchester 
  • Veterinarian in General Medicine at Canis Veterinary Hospital. Girona, Spain
  • Stays at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
  • Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Practical program of Microsurgery in Corneal Pathology at the Institute of Ocular Microsurgery (IMO)
  • Veterinary Ophthalmology Congress: "Ocular manifestations of systemic diseases", held at the Institute of Ocular Microsurgery (IMO)
  • Postgraduate in Veterinary Ophthalmology by British Small Animal Veterinary Association


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