
With a focus on Conservation and Wildlife Ecology, Allard Blom has become a prestigious Environmental Consultant. He has spent most of his professional career in non-profit organizations, including the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), where he has led numerous initiatives in collaboration with local communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  

He has also overseen projects to counter corruption in natural resource management in Madagascar. In line with this, he has provided technical advice related to both landscape and wildlife preservation in general terms. In addition, he has played an active role in fundraising and collaborating with partners or stakeholders to manage natural protected areas.  

Among his main achievements was his work in the development of the Dzanga-Sangha Special Reserve. There, he promoted a long-term sustainable financing strategy, consisting of a tri-national Conservation Trust Fund. He also designed a successful gorilla habituation scheme, which provided tourists with the opportunity to visit gorillas in their natural habitat under the supervision of the Bayaka people. In addition, he contributed significantly to the establishment of the Okapis Wildlife Reserve, which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  

It is worth mentioning that he combines this work with his facet as a Scientific Researcher. In this sense, he has published multiple articles in the media specialized in Nature and Fauna. His main lines of research focus on biodiversity in protected areas of tropical forests and endangered animals such as elephants in Zaire. Thanks to this, he has been able to raise public awareness of these realities and has encouraged various organizations to intervene in favor of these causes.  

  • Vice President of WWF's Integrated Global Programs in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Collaborator in European Union Conservation Initiative to help establish Lopé National Park in Gabon, Central Africa 
  • Ph.D. in Production Ecology and Resource Conservation from Wageningen University 
  • Degree in Biology and Ecology from Wageningen University 
  • Member of:  
    • Zoological Society of New York 
    • Conservation Society International in Virginia, United States 
Programmes in collaboration with

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