
With more than 10 years of experience in the business field, Alberto Gil de la Guardia, a lawyer specialized in the civil and commercial sector, has focused his career on technological advances in trading and the economic movement of virtual currencies. In addition, he has a Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence, which has allowed him to delve even deeper into Trading and Crypto

He has also balanced his career with the academic field, teaching in various programs focused on the virtual world and Crypto trading, as well as the financial study of the new economies and their transactions.

  • Founding member of Le Crypto Club 
  • Co-director of several university programs related to Blockchain Technology and the Crypto world
  • PhD student in International Public Law at the Complutense University of Madrid
  • Master's Degree in Financial Studies at CEU San Pablo University
  • Master's Degree in Blockchain Technology and Bitcoin by the European University of Madrid
  • Degree in Law from the University of Salamanca 
Programmes in collaboration with

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