
According to the CEFR, the C1 Level implies an effective operational command of the language, which means that a person can speak fluently and naturally in a wide range of professional or social situations. When it comes to English, this opens the door to a world of enormous job opportunities, as this language is used in countless international projects, business meetings and major companies. 

TECH has assembled a team of expert native teachers, who have developed all the contents of this Language Course and complemented it with video summaries, practical exercises of all kinds and downloadable content to review and strengthen all the language skills of C1 Level English.

You will receive excellent guidance so that you can face the C1 Level exam with maximum confidence"

Achieving a C1 level in English requires suitable preparation, because, although it is not a particularly difficult language to master, it is important to know the different intonations and regional differences to perfection. The program's native teachers have placed special emphasis on all these issues throughout the syllabus, with a unique educational methodology in which the student does not have to invest enormous amounts of hours and effort to start obtaining results. 

With a C1 level of English you will far surpass other candidates at lower levels or without such advanced language proficiency.
English is spoken in the world's most powerful companies, leading governments and major institutions. Enroll now and aspire to take a remarkable step in your professional future.
Pintura TECH Global University

It is proven that learning languages increases your Intelligence. The brain's neural networks are strengthened as a result of language learning"

José Antonio Marina.
Philosopher, writer, and teacher.

A unique and stimulating experience 

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Flexible and Tailored 

Take the best language course from home, at your own pace and according to your availability and schedule.

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Acquire Skills and Abilities

With our method, you will practice and consolidate the skills required for this level. 

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Join a large community and exchange knowledge and experiences with students from all over the world. 


The program's primary objective is to enable students to achieve the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) C1 level certification in English, providing them with the necessary skills to become English speakers. All this will be achieved thanks to TECH's online teaching methodology, its teachers and the effort of the students, who want to achieve a great command of the language. 

curso conversacion objetivos

Practice the skills and abilities required by the C1 CEFR with guarantees: more than 500 different practice exercises"

General Objectives

  • Carry out transactions of all kinds, even if they are delicate and complex
  • Participate and take the initiative in social interactions within the community or the social, academic or professional communities they belong to
  • Deal with oral or written texts of any kind, regardless of the situation and the subject matter


Specific Objectives

  • Understand enough to follow a long speech on abstract and complex topics beyond their expertise, although they may have to confirm some details, especially if they are not used to the accent 
  • Recognize a wide range of idiomatic and colloquial expressions, and notice changes in register 
  • Follow an extended speech even when it is not clearly structured, and when links are only assumed and not explicitly pointed out 
  • Easily follow complex conversations between third parties in group discussions, even on abstract, complex, and unfamiliar topics 
  • Understand with relative ease most lectures, discussions and debates 
  • Extract specific information from public statements that have poor quality and distorted sound; e.g., at a station, in a stadium, etc. 
  • Understand complex technical information, such as operating instructions, product specifications, and everyday services 
  • Understand a wide range of recorded and broadcast material, including some unusual usage, and identify details and subtleties such as implied attitudes and relationships between speakers 
  • Understand long and complex texts in detail, whether or not they relate to their specialty, provided they can reread difficult sections 
  • Understand any communication with sporadic use of the dictionary 
  • Understand a wide range of lengthy and complex texts that they are likely to encounter in social, professional or academic life, and identify subtle details including both implicit and explicit attitudes and opinions 
  • Understand lengthy and complex instructions on new machines or procedures, whether the instructions relate to their field of specialty or not, provided they can reread the difficult sections 
  • Understand films that use a considerable amount of slang or colloquial language and idiomatic expressions 
  • Deliver clear and detailed descriptions and presentations on complex topics, integrating other topics, developing concrete ideas and ending with an appropriate conclusion 
  • Perform clear and detailed descriptions of complex topics 
  • Make statements fluently, almost effortlessly, accurately using some intonation to convey subtle shades of meaning 
  • Deliver clear and well-structured presentations on a complex topic, expanding at some length and defending your points of view with complementary ideas, reasons and appropriate examples. Make good use of interjections, responding spontaneously and with little effort 
  • Write clear and well-structured texts on complex topics highlighting the main ideas, expanding at some length and defending their points of view with appropriate complementary ideas, reasons and examples, ending with an appropriate conclusion 
  • Write descriptions and imaginary texts in a clear, detailed and well-structured way, with a convincing, personal and natural style that is appropriate for the intended readers 
  • Write clear and well-structured presentations on complex topics, highlighting the main ideas. Expand at some length and defend points of view with complementary ideas, reasons and suitable examples 
In TECH's CEFR C1 Language Course course you will find more than 300 pronunciation and phonetics activities.

 To consolidate all these skills, you will have access to more than 500 lexical, vocabulary and sociocultural activities"

Language Course in Preparation for English Level C1


There is nothing better than traveling to other countries to broaden cultural diversity or to get a job position whose remuneration allows you to enjoy a better quality of life. For both cases, it is essential to have an excellent level of English. So, if you identify yourself as a person with these types of goals and you already have an intermediate command of this globally valued language, it's time to take the next step. TECH Global University, the largest virtual education institute in the world, opens the doors of its language school for you to study the Language Course in Preparation for English Level C1, an online program based on specialized multimedia content, innovative methodologies for the development of bilingual competencies and flexible learning that you can freely adapt to your daily activities. This unique and stimulating experience will provide you with all the theoretical and practical tools you need to improve your written and oral comprehension and expression skills, bringing your language skills to a satisfactory level.

Learn English C1 online


A man who doesn't feed on their dreams ages soon."" A quote from the playwright William Shakespeare that expresses the importance of self-motivating ourselves by thinking about the things we long to make happen. Understanding and speaking fluent English is one of those steps that will bring you closer to achieving your goals. Thanks to our solid experience in training professionals with innovative teaching methods and a state-of-the-art platform with exclusive study material, you will be able to perfect your grammar, spelling and pronunciation of a wide range of idiomatic and colloquial expressions, appreciating changes in register. The syllabus we offer you is one of the most complete and updated on the market, structured according to the CEFR requirements for level B1; you will find a total of 16 modules seen over four months, in which you will see topics such as moods, family and friends, cooking and restaurants, work life, travel, finance, among others. Are you passionate about English? Improve your level by enrolling in TECH.