University certificate
The world's largest school of business”
Why study at TECH?
You have an excellent opportunity to advance professionally in a business field where it is essential to master economics and statistics in order to grow"

Any business strategy must be based on solid precepts, focused from an economic perspective, not only to obtain maximum performance, but also to achieve stability, which allows continuous and stable growth. To achieve these objectives, it is necessary to have a global vision of the economy and to master the main concepts that revolve around it and the statistics applied to the company.
This knowledge has become a key asset for companies seeking to expand or consolidate in sectors that are generally highly competitive. All this has led to the revaluation of highly qualified profiles in this area. That is why TECH offers in this Hybrid professional master’s degree, an intensive learning, which will be developed over a year.
In this academic journey, students will have a theoretical phase, with an advanced syllabus that can be accessed comfortably at any time of the day, from an electronic device with internet connection. In addition, they will have multimedia teaching resources (video summaries of each topic, videos in focus), essential readings or case studies. In this way, students will learn about business administration , statistics, mathematics, new technologies used in economics and econometrics.
Likewise, thanks to the Relearning method, which consists of the reiteration of the most important concepts, the graduate will be able to consolidate the contents in a much more natural way, reducing the long hours of study.
This academic institution offers a unique opportunity for professionals who wish to prosper in their work environment or wish to undertake major projects. All this, through a degree that expands the knowledge, with a practical stay of 3 weeks, in a prestigious company, where you can apply the learning acquired in the theoretical stage. An opportunity to grow from the hand of specialized professionals and with a degree that is at the forefront.
Acquire an education that provides you with the elements you need to successfully manage a company"
This Hybrid professional master’s degree in Business Economics and Statistics contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most outstanding features are:
- Development of more than 100 case studies presented by experts in economics and statistics
- Its graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents, with which they are conceived, gather current and assistance information on those administrative disciplines that are essential for professional practice
- In-depth knowledge of the Human Resources area, as well as its characteristics and management models
- Interactive learning system based on algorithms for decision making on the practical cases presented
- Practice guides for the use of the main tools in Human Resources administration
- All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
- Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connectionIn addition, the graduate will be able to do an internship in an important company
TECH gives you the opportunity to spend an intensive 3-week stay in a prestigious center, where you will learn firsthand the latest techniques and methods of economic planning"
In this proposal of Hybrid professional master’s degree, of professional character and blended mode, the program is aimed at keeping up to date professionals of the field of economics who develop their functions in relevant companies, and who require a high level of qualification. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge in economic and statistical practice, and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the actualization of knowledge and will allow decision making in a competitive business world.
Thanks to its multimedia content elaborated with the latest educational technology, they will allow the economics professional a situated and contextual learning, that is to say, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.
Broaden your professional horizons with a degree that gives you a current micro and macroeconomic vision"

Broaden your knowledge of Econometrics through multimedia lessons and attractive didactic resources"
Estructura y contenido

Condiciones generales de la capacitación práctica
Las condiciones generales del acuerdo de prácticas para el programa serán las siguientes:
1. TUTORÍA: durante el Hybrid professional master’s degree el alumno tendrá asignados dos tutores que le acompañarán durante todo el proceso, resolviendo las dudas y cuestiones que pudieran surgir. Por un lado, habrá un tutor profesional perteneciente al centro de prácticas que tendrá como fin orientar y apoyar al alumno en todo momento. Por otro lado, también tendrá asignado un tutor académico cuya misión será la de coordinar y ayudar al alumno durante todo el proceso resolviendo dudas y facilitando todo aquello que pudiera necesitar. De este modo, el profesional estará acompañado en todo momento y podrá consultar las dudas que le surjan, tanto de índole práctica como académica.
2. DURACIÓN: el programa de prácticas tendrá una duración de tres semanas continuadas de formación práctica, distribuidas en jornadas de 8 horas y cinco días a la semana. Los días de asistencia y el horario serán responsabilidad del centro, informando al profesional debidamente y de forma previa, con suficiente tiempo de antelación para favorecer su organización.
3. INASISTENCIA: en caso de no presentarse el día del inicio del Hybrid professional master’s degree, el alumno perderá el derecho a la misma sin posibilidad de reembolso o cambio de fechas. La ausencia durante más de dos días a las prácticas sin causa justificada/médica, supondrá la renuncia las prácticas y, por tanto, su finalización automática. Cualquier problema que aparezca durante el transcurso de la estancia se tendrá que informar debidamente y de forma urgente al tutor académico.
4. CERTIFICACIÓN: el alumno que supere el Hybrid professional master’s degree recibirá un certificado que le acreditará la estancia en el centro en cuestión.
5. RELACIÓN LABORAL: el Hybrid professional master’s degree no constituirá una relación laboral de ningún tipo.
6. ESTUDIOS PREVIOS: algunos centros podrán requerir certificado de estudios previos para la realización del Hybrid professional master’s degree. En estos casos, será necesario presentarlo al departamento de prácticas de TECH para que se pueda confirmar la asignación del centro elegido.
7. NO INCLUYE: el Hybrid professional master’s degree no incluirá ningún elemento no descrito en las presentes condiciones. Por tanto, no incluye alojamiento, transporte hasta la ciudad donde se realicen las prácticas, visados o cualquier otra prestación no descrita.
No obstante, el alumno podrá consultar con su tutor académico cualquier duda o recomendación al respecto. Este le brindará toda la información que fuera necesaria para facilitarle los trámites.

TECH contratará un seguro de responsabilidad civil que cubra cualquier eventualidad que pudiera surgir durante el desarrollo de la estancia en el centro de prácticas”
Seguro de responsabilidad civil
La máxima preocupación de esta institución es garantizar la seguridad tanto de los profesionales en prácticas como de los demás agentes colaboradores necesarios en los procesos de capacitación práctica en la empresa. Dentro de las medidas dedicadas a lograrlo, se encuentra la respuesta ante cualquier incidente que pudiera ocurrir durante todo el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Para ello, esta entidad educativa se compromete a contratar un seguro de responsabilidad civil que cubra cualquier eventualidad que pudiera surgir durante el desarrollo de la estancia en el centro de prácticas.
Esta póliza de responsabilidad civil de los profesionales en prácticas tendrá coberturas amplias y quedará suscrita de forma previa al inicio del periodo de la capacitación práctica. De esta forma el profesional no tendrá que preocuparse en caso de tener que afrontar una situación inesperada y estará cubierto hasta que termine el programa práctico en el centro.
Hybrid Executive Master's Degree in Business Economics and Statistics
If you are looking for advanced education in economics and statistics to apply in the business world, the Hybrid Executive Master's Degree in Applied Business Economics and Statistics from TECH Global University is the right choice. An advanced educational program that combines the flexibility of online learning with in-person interaction and feedback from expert instructors in economics and statistics. The Professional Master's Degree focuses on modern practices and theories of economics and statistics as applied to business. Another advantage of the Hybrid Executive Master's Degree is that it provides the opportunity to participate in business internships or research projects, this will give them greater visibility as professionals and a competitive advantage in the job market.
With the Hybrid Executive Master's Degree syllabus offered by TECH, they will learn about econometrics, data analysis, statistics applied to business, corporate finance, market analysis and economic policies, among other topics relevant to the business world. One of the main advantages of this program is its flexibility. Most classes are taught online, which means that they can adapt their study schedule to their work schedules and other commitments. In addition, students can access course materials and assignments online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With a combination of online and on-site learning, a comprehensive curriculum and a wide variety of career opportunities, this Hybrid Executive Master's Degree is an excellent choice for anyone interested in advancing their career. Make the most of this great opportunity and take your career to the next level at TECH!