
This program in Modern and Medieval World History will allow you to update your knowledge of human beings in a practical way, 100% online, and without renouncing to the maximum scientific and academic rigor” 


In a globalized environment, students are turning to studies in world history to prepare them for future careers and studies. Even for academics and professionals who later decide to specialize in more specific topics and areas, this postgraduate diploma in Modern and Contemporary History provides students with the essential training and comparative framework necessary to analyze history from our beginnings to the present day. 

The teaching staff is made up of internationally recognized experts who have been trained by and/or have worked for leading institutions. Thus, they give it an academic and rigorous orientation, based on scientific evidence, which will serve to update knowledge in Prehistory, Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary History. 

This program is aimed at those interested in attaining a higher level of knowledge in Modern and Contemporary History. Take advantage of the opportunity to take this course in a 100% online format, without giving up your obligations, making your return to college easy and convenient. Students will update their knowledge and get the qualification they need to continue growing personally and professionally.  

This program will enhance your skills and update your knowledge in Modern and Contemporary History” 

This postgraduate diploma in Modern and Contemporary History contains the most complete and up-to-date academic program in the university landscape. The most important features include: 

  • 100 simulated scenarios presented by experts in history
  • Its graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which they are conceived, provide scientific and practical information on the history of the world
  • News on the latest discoveries in the history of our civilizations
  • It contains practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Interactive learning system based on the case method and its application to real practice
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma is the perfect opportunity to delve into world history and human behavior from their inception”

It includes in its teaching staff professionals belonging to the world of history, who pour into this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists belonging to reference societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training program to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the program. To do so, the professional will be assisted by an innovative, interactive video system created by renowned experts in Modern and Contemporary History with extensive teaching experience. 

Take advantage of the latest educational technology to get up to date in Modern and Contemporary History without leaving home"


You will have the best didactic resources, taught by experts in History"


This postgraduate diploma is aimed at those who are interested in learning more about the world around us, the geopolitics of the world in detail or human behavior in history. Students will be able to update their knowledge in Modern and Contemporary History, delving into the issues that make up the vanguard of this area.  


The postgraduate diploma in Modern and Contemporary History is aimed at those who are interested in learning more about the world around us from the very beginning” 

General Objective

  • Reach the level of knowledge necessary to master world history in the different stages of humanity, delving into its political, economic, religious, cultural and social evolution over the years

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Modern World History I

  • Be able to contextualize any type of product or cultural manifestation in the period of the High Modern Age
  • Know the different historical periods in the conformation of the cultural, political, economic and social bases of the present day
  • Use the terminology and techniques accepted in the historiographic science and profession
  • Demonstrate the ability to correctly comment, annotate or edit texts and documents according to the rules of the discipline

Module 2. Contemporary World History I

  • Know the contributions made during the Contemporary Age in shaping the cultural, political, economic and social bases of the present day
  • Apply skills related to techniques and methods of contemporary history
  • Contrast impacts and incorporations from the West to other historical areas
  • Identify interrelationships and comparisons in a universal set of civilizations

Module 3. Contemporary World History II

  • Know the contributions made during the Contemporary Age in shaping the cultural, political, economic and social bases of the present day
  • Be able to contextualize any type of product and cultural manifestation in the historical period in which it is developed
  • Know the main processes and characteristic events of the 20th century
  • Know the main historiographic interpretations of the problems studied

Module 4. Modern World History II

  • Know the contributions made during the different historical periods in the conformation of the cultural, political, economic and social bases of the present day
  • Have a specific vision of the different periods of history
  • Convey information to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
  • Be able to gather and interpret relevant data to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues

A boost to your CV that will give you the competitiveness of the best prepared professionals in the labor market”

Postgraduate Diploma in Modern and Contemporary History

The Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. Human beings, as homo sapiens, emerged in the Paleolithic approximately 250 thousand years ago. In terms of statistical equivalence, this means that everything our race has done covers barely 0.005% of the total chronology of the planet. We are too minuscule a fragment to boast in our anthropocentrism, but at the same time we are a peculiar element that has behind it a trail of fascinating achievements and defeats that invite reflection. Why not delve into everything we have done to rethink what we can achieve? The Postgraduate Diploma in Modern and Contemporary History offered by TECH Global University is an online program aimed at those seeking to specialize in this field. We offer you a pleasantly interactive content based on the relearning educational model, simulated scenarios presented by experts in historiography, flexible hours, among many other advantages that will allow you to easily reach a new career ladder.

Specialize in modern and contemporary history

The contributions left by the epochs prior to our present decade are remarkable. The Renaissance, for example, gave birth to egregious artists of various disciplines such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo or El Bosco. The French Revolution was the turning point that gave birth to human rights, the conception of the republic and the idea of a constitution. In the same way, many other unfavorable events took place in previous centuries, such as Italian fascism, the rise of Nazism and the economic crisis of 1929, to cite a few examples. To study our past is to have the basis to transform the present and build the future. The University Expert that we offer you is designed for this purpose. There are four modules in total where you will learn all about the culture, science, religion and politics corresponding to the epochs from the 16th century to the industrial revolution. Nowhere else will you find such a complete course with the ease of distance learning. If you want to give your career an innovative boost, come and enroll with us.