
An academic itinerary in theoretical-practical mode and 1,620 hours of duration where you will develop rigorous competencies for your professional performance in the field of Early Childhood Education"


The World Health Organization estimates that around 15% of the world's population has some form of disability - physical or cognitive - and a significant proportion of these individuals are school-age children. However, the actual figures are under-recorded due to the age of data collection methods and the variability of criteria for determining special educational needs. Added to this is the difficulty that teachers face in finding qualifications that enable them to master the analysis models in a practical and intensive way. On the contrary, professionals in the pedagogical sector mostly have qualifications with a heavy theoretical load and are outdated with respect to the most recent teaching trends.

TECH will overcome all these deficiencies with this program. The hybrid professional master’s degree in Early Childhood Education has a unique mode of study in which students will update their knowledge and skills. To do this, first of all, the academic itinerary will examine 10 very complete modules through an exclusive and 100% online methodology. In this way, by means of advanced systems such as Relearning, specialists will consolidate complex concepts in a fast, flexible and efficient way. Some of them will be the latest trends in Special Education, the management of learning difficulties and specific attention to disability.

In addition, this 1,500-hour stage will not be subject to hermetic schedules or continuous evaluations. Therefore, each graduate will be able to determine when to access the contents according to their personal interests and obligations.

On the other hand, at the end of this initial stage, the graduates will have a face-to-face and intensive stay. This training period will last 3 weeks, distributed in intensive 8-hour days, from Monday to Friday. Likewise, the entire practical process will be guided by tutors with an excellent command of early stimulation for young children.

The contents that this TECH program will provide you with in its theoretical period will be accessible 24 hours a day"

This hybrid professional master’s degree in Early Childhood Education contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Development of more than 100 case studies presented by Early Childhood Education professionals and university professors with extensive experience in the management of early learning
  • Their graphic, schematic and practical contents provide essential information on those disciplines that are indispensable for professional practice
  • Comprehensive plans of systematized action for children with special needs in early childhood education
  • Presentation of practical workshops on educational techniques
  • Interactive learning system based on algorithms for decision making in specific teaching situations
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Furthermore, you will be able to carry out a internship in one of the best Companies

In the 3 weeks of the face-to-face stay of this program, you will be able to handle the most innovative teaching techniques and resources"

In this proposal for a hybrid professional master’s degree, of a professionalizing nature and blended learning modality, the program is aimed at updating Early Childhood Education professionals who work in private and public schools and require a high level of qualification. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence, and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical and practical knowledge about specialized care for early childhood and children with special needs.

Thanks to its multimedia content elaborated with the latest educational technology, they will allow the Early Childhood Education professional a situated and contextual learning, that is to say, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Get up to date on the inclusion of new technologies in Early Childhood Education classrooms with this TECH program"


Don't miss this opportunity to acquire highly demanded competencies in the field of Early Childhood Education without abandoning your personal and work obligations.

Why our program?

Many early childhood centers seek to make a significant leap in terms of their teaching models. In this way, they aim to create more comfortable, egalitarian and interactive spaces where children between 0 and 6 years of age can develop their motor and cognitive abilities to the maximum. To achieve this evolution, it is imperative to have experts updated with the most modern trends in relation to the attention to disability or the management of learning difficulties. In this hybrid professional master’s degree, teachers will acquire this preparation in a comprehensive way thanks to its disruptive theoretical-practical mode of study.

master early chilhood education TECH Global University

Do you want to delve into the fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy that complement the development of a young child? Enroll now in this hybrid professional master’s degree"

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

Students enrolled in this hybrid professional master’s degree will be able to analyze and implement in first person the most advanced games and tools to promote the psychomotor development of children between 0 and 6 years of age. In addition, they will evaluate and manage information and communication technologies (ICT) that have been integrated into the most avant-garde school classrooms. All of this thanks to the fact that TECHprovides with this program a rigorous update from real scenarios equipped with the best pedagogical equipment.

2. Delve into the experience of the best teachers.

In this hybrid professional master’s degree, teachers will be continuously accompanied by distinguished experts. During the theoretical stage of the program, they will be guided by a faculty meticulously chosen by TECH. Likewise, during the internship period, they will discuss the most modern cognitive and socioemotional stimulation initiatives with the best specialists and will be supervised by tutors with extensive experience.

3. Entering first-class Communication Management environments

All the facilities chosen for the practical phase of this program are equipped with educational tools to promote early childhood stimulation. Among other resources, you will have at your disposal those indispensable for developing educational games, planning activities and evaluating learning in children under 6 years of age. Each graduate will be able to analyze the work dynamics of an increasingly demanding, rigorous and exhaustive area.

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice

Practically no refresher program for teachers manages to combine theoretical learning with the day-to-day activities of work performance. However, TECHhas overcome this deficiency with this hybrid professional master’s degree. The program, consisting of two distinct moments, allows the analysis of theoretical content from the most innovative learning platform in the online panorama. 
At the same time, with the 3-week on-site stay that is integrated into its design, it facilitates the assimilation of competencies in a direct and rigorous manner.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

In order to carry out the professional practice of this hybrid professional master’s degree, TECHprovides its students with the most prestigious educational centers. In this way, the specialist will be able to be updated under the supervision of renowned experts. This is undoubtedly another feature that makes this learning experience, promoted by the largest online university in the world, unique.

master degree early chilhood education TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Child Education

Child education is a crucial stage in the development of children, where the foundations of their learning and growth are laid. This period is fundamental to prepare the little ones towards a future full of possibilities. Are you passionate about teaching and caring for infants, do you dream of becoming a highly qualified early childhood educator? You've come to the right place. At TECH Global University you will find the most complete and updated Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Child Education in the educational market. This program combines the flexibility of online learning and face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers in a traditional classroom environment. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to participate in live or online discussions, in order to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom. Here, we propose you a theoretical-practical journey through various modules that encompass the most relevant contents of early childhood education.

Specialize in early childhood education

TECH is not only the best digital university in the world according to prestigious media such as Forbes, but it is also home to one of the largest faculties of education, where we are responsible for training high-profile professionals so that they can improve both their income and their strategies when dealing with everything related to early childhood education. That is why we offer you, hand in hand with experts in the field, the best postgraduate program you will find to optimize your curriculum. We guarantee quality lessons enhanced with advanced multimedia technology, case studies and a methodology that combines the flexibility of online learning with practical experience in the classroom. Thanks to these advantages, you will learn everything related to early childhood education in an immersive way. The demand for highly trained early childhood educators has never been higher. With this Hybrid Professional Master's Degree, you will be prepared for a variety of roles in early childhood education, from preschool teacher to program coordinator.