
Dr. Juan Carlos Parejo Rosas is a Veterinarian Expert in surgical techniques for the intervention of large animals and small pets. Throughout his professional career, he has actively collaborated with institutions dedicated to zootechnics and breed conservation.

He is currently involved in research at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Extremadura, while running a private practice. He also holds a Professional Master's Degree and a Doctorate in Science.  

  • Veterinarian in private practice
  • Research associate at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Extremadura
  • Veterinarian at the Department of Zootechnics of the University of Extremadura
  • Veterinarian at the Fernando Valhondo Calaff Foundation
  • PhD in Veterinary Science at the University of Extremadura
  • Master's Degree in Environmental Impact Assessment, Instituto de Investigaciones Ecológicas 
  • University Specialist in Conservation of Domestic Animal Breeds from the University of Cordoba 
  • Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Extremadura
Programmes in collaboration with

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