
Alfonso Ortega Giménez is an Alternate Magistrate of the Provincial Court of Castellón. His professional career has been linked both to the legal profession and to teaching, where he has held the position of Vice-Dean of the Law Degree at the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of Elche.

He is an expert in International Law, Immigration and Foreigners with a long career, in addition, in the field of academic research.  

  • Alternate Magistrate of the Provincial Court of Castellón.
  • Director of the Provincial Immigration Observatory of Alicante. 
  • Honorary Member of the International Academy of Science, Technology, Education and Humanities.
  • Master's Degree in International Commerce from the University of Alicante.
  • Superior Technician in Family Mediation 
  • Higher Technician in Arbitration and Mediation in Commercial, Business and Real Estate Litigation. 
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