
With an outstanding professional career, Lorena Dubal stands out as an expert practitioner in the field of Pharmacy and Aesthetics. In this way, her expertise has positioned her as a renowned Lactation Consultant, providing specialized support to mothers and families in this process. At the same time, in her commitment to excellence, she has acquired solid knowledge in the fields of Dermopharmacy and Cosmetics.  

With this, through her dedication and commitment she has held the position of Manager in recognized pharmaceutical institutions, directing daily operations and ensuring high-quality customer service. Likewise, her versatility has led her to become an expert in the use of advanced tools such as Dermoanalyzing. In addition, she balances her extensive experience with a passion for the comprehensive care of her patients. 

  • Manager at Trébol Guillem de Castro Pharmacy
  • Lactation Consultant for Educatra 
  • Specialized in Dermopharmacy and Cosmetics by the University of Murcia
  • Specialist in Multidermascope Dermoanalyzer in Patient Pathology
  • Graduated in Pharmacy
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