
This professional master’s degree will broaden your horizons as a psychologist and will allow you to grow personally and professionally" 


This professional master’s degree provides extensive knowledge in advanced models and techniques in community health and social intervention. For this, the professional will have a faculty that stands out for its extensive professional experience in the different areas in which psychology is developed and in the different sectors of the population. 

With this program you will develop the necessary skills to act in different application contexts such as the promotion of volunteering and community development; gender diversity and equal opportunity policies; intervention in family diversity and families at risk; action in the criminological context; prevention and treatment of violence, mistreatment and abuse; and public health strategies, prevention and promotion, among others. 

Throughout this program, the professional will go through all the current approaches in the work of the community health and social intervention psychologist.  The correct approach to psychopathological disorders; knowing the characteristics and fundamental aspects of the psychological interview or knowing how to analyze needs and demands, will be many of the work and study topics that you will be able to integrate in your training with this complete program. 

TECH will not only take you through the theoretical knowledge we offer, but will show you another way of studying and learning, more organic, simpler and more efficient. We will work to keep the professional motivated and to create a passion for learning, helping them to think and develop critical thinking.  

A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level.   

A program created for professionals who aspire for excellence, and that will enable you to acquire new skills and strategies easily and effectively"  

This professional master’s degree in Community Health Psychology and Social Intervention contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of 100 practical cases presented by experts
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents provide students with scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for Psychologist
  • New developments and innovations in the different areas of psychology
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student
  • Special emphasis on cutting-edge methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an internet connection

Access the deep knowledge of Community Health Psychology and Social Intervention and its multiple implications, in a complete program created to propel you to another professional level"  

It includes a very broad teaching staff made up of experts in psychology, who share their work experience in this training, as well as recognized specialists from leading communities and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training program designed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced psychology experts. 

Increase your confidence as a psychologist, updating your knowledge through this professional master’s degree"


A professional master’s degree that will allow you to apply the knowledge you acquire in a practical way, with an approach focused on real and contextual learning"


The objectives of this program have been established as a guide for the development of the entire course, with the specific mission of offering students very intensive training that will really boost their professional progression. A journey of personal growth that will take you to the top in your intervention as a psychologist. 


If your goal is to improve in your profession, to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, then look no further. This program will give your career the boost it needs"  

General Objective

  • Foster psychology professionals in the acquisition of new skills and knowledge necessary for the practice of Community Health Psychology and Social Intervention

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Health Psychology and Quality of Life

  • Learn the fundamentals of health psychology and quality of life 
  • Conceptually analyze what health psychology is and why it emerged 
  • Learn historical and methodological aspects 
  • Understand the historical and methodological process for effective research, with special interest in the field of stress 

Module 2. Psychology of Social Interaction

  • Get to know the theories and psychosocial processes involved in social interaction, as well as the models, concepts and methods by which these processes are articulated
  • Reflect on their own internal social interaction processes (identity training, self-concept and emotions) and on those linked to the contexts in which the individual is sustained (family and culture)
  • Know the instruments that help to detect risk situations for social behavior 
  • Delve into strategies, concepts and ideas to promote such healthy social behavior Different studies and scientific research will be presented
  • Obtain a global vision of what can lead to a given behavior and, more importantly, facilitate social behaviors with more adaptive processes

Module 3. Family, Community and Human Development 

  • Understand human behavior, it is essential to know how values, attitudes and behavioral patterns are constructed based on the characteristics of the contexts in which human beings grow up and are educated
  • Obtain an overview of the way in which human development is shaped by the relationship with its socialization contexts, focusing on the so-called ecological model of development
  • Study in detail their modes of influence on the cognitive and socio-emotional development of the person, and to particularize these aspects in the different stages of the evolutionary cycle (childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age)
  • Know some of the problems that arise within the family, such as child abuse and violence against women
  • Understand the basic aspects of the community as a socialization environment, and detail aspects such as community feeling

Module 4. Group Psychology 

  • Describe the psychosocial principles (needs and demands) of individuals and groups 
  • Analyze and describe how groups work 
  • Describe the interaction processes 
  • Investigate inter-organizational dynamics and structure 
  • Measure the influence of subject/group contexts on social interaction 
  • Define intervention objectives and design the basic intervention contingency plan
  • Distinguish between psychosocial intervention techniques 
  • Identify the context in which individual behaviors, group and organizational processes take place 
  • Create products and services adapted to groups by differential characteristics. 
  • Select the resources best suited to individual and group demands 

Module 5. Legal Psychology

  • Identify differences, problems and needs
  • Analyze the context in which individual behaviors, group and organizational processes are developed
  • Prepare oral and written reports
  • Gain knowledge about the deontological obligations of psychology
  • Describe and measure variables (personality, intelligence and other skills, attitudes, etc.) 
  • Learn techniques for writing psychological reports
  • Provide feedback to those concerned in an appropriate and accurate manner
  • Analyze and interpret the results of the assessment
  • Explain human motivations, the biological structures that support them and the psychological mechanisms that organize them
  • Plan and conduct an interview
  • Identify the context in which individual behaviors, group and organizational processes are developed

Module 6. Violence Against Women: Genesis, Analysis, Prevention and Intervention 

  • Learn the main aspects of the prevention of violent behavior, for an adequate approach to this phenomenon 
  • Plan and develop preventive intervention strategies
  • Develop the necessary skills to actively participate in programs, projects and concrete cases of intervention against gender-based violence 

Module 7. Social and Community Intervention

  • Analyze the needs and demands of the target audience 
  • Select and manage resources, products and services 
  • Identify stakeholders
  • Define objectives and develop basic intervention plans according to the purpose of the intervention 
  • Choose the appropriate psychological intervention techniques to achieve the objectives
  • Use strategies and techniques to involve the target audience in the intervention
  • Apply strategies and methods of direct intervention on the contexts: construction of healthy scenarios
  • Plan the assessment of programs and interventions
  • Devising an intervention plan 

Module 8. Family Counseling and Intervention

  • Analyze the demands and needs of the addressees 
  • Apply basic intervention strategies and methods to target audiences 
  • Learn the theoretical and therapeutic models in working with families 
  • Learn an integral and evolutionary vision of the family 
  • Intervene in family contexts 
  • Learn about the mediation process 

Module 9. Addiction Assessment and Intervention

  • Analyze the demands and needs of the addressees 
  • Apply basic intervention strategies and methods to target audiences 
  • Understand the processes of acquisition and maintenance of addictions 
  • Master the social and contextual factors in which addictions develop 
  • Differentiate between substance and non-substance addictions with their own characteristics 
  • Learn the characteristic treatments 
  • Learn how to prevent relapses 

Module 10. Conflict and Negotiation 

  • Understand and comprehend social relationships and coexistence
  • Argument and reasoning, complex ideas, problems and solutions
  • Negotiate and mediate between people or institutions in the context of a conflict
  • Design, plan and organize one's own work
  • Encourage initiative and entrepreneurship
  • Develop aptitudes and skills to adapt to new situations 

Module 11. Coaching 

  • Learn the concept and scope of coaching 
  • Appreciate the importance of coaching as a process that pursues specific objectives 
  • Be familiar with the different approaches and historical background of coaching 

Make the most of this opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Community Health Psychology and Social Intervention”

Professional Master's Degree in Psychology of Community Health and Social Intervention

Although we speak of the mental health of the individual as the primary axis of psychotherapeutic action, we should not overlook the fact that the approach to psychic and emotional balance is also a collective sphere. How can we speak of internal wellbeing when a population is in a state of vulnerability and exclusion? It is here where the sociological component enhances the work of the professional. For this reason, TECH Global University has devised the Professional Master's Degree in Community Health Psychology and Social Intervention: a detailed look at those psychosocial environments that must be explored if you want to excel in your career: family, community and human development, for example. With this offer, structured in an innovative online modality, we give you the opportunity to add vital competencies as a constructive support to the current times where there is often a latent crisis in mental health on a massive scale. Because the work of the psychologist must transcend borders, here in the best digital university, we help you to achieve it.

Community and social psychology: an essential axis.

"For any kind of social management, it is of great practical importance that quasi-stationary equilibrium levels can be changed in two ways: by adding forces in the desired direction or by decreasing the opposing forces" words of psychologist Kurt Lewin, recognized as the founder of social psychology for his work on group dynamics. The progress of a community, from a globalized approach, is subject to the sum of elements that point towards a common goal. That is why this postgraduate course represents an essential advantage if you want to give more dimension and depth to your psychological intervention. Through a consolidated group of experts in the field and totally flexible online classes, you will be able to access a range of exclusive knowledge that covers concepts such as: group counseling, gender violence, family mediation, addiction management, legal psychology, among others. With TECH, you have all the tools at hand to enhance your career and contribute to optimal social development.