
Teachers who are able to carry out pedagogical processes adapted to the needs of students with learning difficulties will not only achieve their personal growth, but also that of their students"


Teachers who specialize in working with students with learning difficulties require a clear vocation, which allows them to understand the peculiarities of each student, applying the precise methodology in each case to carry out personalized classes that favor the educational and personal growth of each student.

The advanced master’s degree in Therapeutic Pedagogy and Learning Difficulties aims to help professionals combine the main diagnostic tools for these problems with the most appropriate techniques to combat them, so that they are able to teach effective lessons at the level of each student, achieving an adequate personal development that allows them to continue learning.

It is a unique advanced master’s degree, combining the management of common diagnostic classifications within multiprofessional teams and their implication in daily practice. This combination allows students to address the real demands of the labor field in which they work.

The perspective from the emerging educational paradigm must be inclusive and must be based on a biopsychosocial model that contemplates attention to diversity from a comprehensive approach aimed at the entire educational community. Therefore, teachers, at different educational stages, need to know the characteristics of these students, know how to identify their needs and have the knowledge and tools to intervene at a personal, socio-family and, above all, educational level.

Throughout this specialization, the student will go through all the current approaches in working with students with learning difficulties in order to overcome the different challenges that their profession poses. A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level.

In this sense, TECH will not only lead through the theoretical knowledge offered, but will show another way of studying and learning, more organic, simpler and more efficient. It works to keep you motivated and to create a passion for learning, which will drive you to think and develop critical thinking.  

A high-level program, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals" 

This advanced master’s degree in Therapeutic Pedagogy and Learning Difficulties contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. 
The most important features of the program include:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software   
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand    
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts   
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems   
  • Teaching supported by remote training    
  • Continuous updating and retraining systems   
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations   
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification.   
  • Support groups and educational synergies: Questions to the expert, discussion forums and knowledge   
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work   
  • Content that is accessible from any, fixed or portable device with an Internet connection.   
  • The supporting documentation databanks are permanently available, even after the program

We offer you a complete training program that will allow you to advance in your profession and help the students who require the most attention"

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way, TECH ensures that it delivers the intended upgrade objective. A multidisciplinary team of doctors with training and experience in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but above all, they will bring their practical knowledge from their own experience to the course. 
This command of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this advanced master’s degree. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. You will be able to study with a range of convenient and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the operational skills you need for your training.   

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative interactive video system and Learning from an Expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were actually dealing with the scenario they are learning about. A concept that allow them to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.    

A training program created for professionals who aspire to excellence that will allow you to acquire new skills and strategies in a smooth and effective way"


We have the best methodology, the most updated syllabus and a multitude of practical cases that will help you to train you for success"


Our objective is to train highly qualified professionals for work experience An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control A goal that you will be able to achieve thanks to a highly intensive and detailed course.  


If your goal is to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, look no further. At TECH we have everything you need” 

General Objectives

  • Know the evolution of Special Education, especially in relation to international entities such as UNESCO
  • Use a scientific vocabulary adjusted to the demands of the multiprofessional teams, participating in the coordination in the follow-up of students
  • Collaborate in the accompaniment of families/legal guardians in the development of the student 
  • Participate in the evaluation and diagnosis of special educational needs
  • Elaborate the adaptations required by students with special educational needs
  • Use the methodology, tools and material resources adapted to the individual needs of students with special educational needs
  • Know the basics of psychology, educational sciences and neurology both to read reports from other professionals and to establish specific guidelines for the appropriate response in the school to the needs posed by the students
  • Establish measures in the classroom, school and environment of students with special educational needs to enable their full inclusion in today's society
  • Enable the learner to recognize and initiate screening for students who exhibit characteristics consistent with learning difficulties
  • Introduce the student to the main characteristics of the management of learning difficulties and attention to diversity, as well as the pedagogical, scientific and legal
  • framework in which this reality is framed
  • Consider innovation and the application of new technologies as a backbone and useful element in the educational process
  • List the set of good practices that guide psychologists who work with individuals with Learning Difficulties in their professional practice
  • Analyze the developmental processes involved in the different Learning Difficulties described
  • Identify the problems associated with Learning Difficulties that hinder intervention in these cases and propose strategies to address them

Specific Objectives

  • Describe changes throughout history using a vocabulary adjusted to the historical time
  • Compare changes and developments throughout the history of special education
  • List the most commonly used classifications in interdisciplinary work, both ICD-10 and DSM-V
  • Analyze and reflect on UNESCO's approaches
  • Define the essential concepts in current psycho-pedagogy 
  • Know and describe the most important milestones in the development of healthy children in order to establish comparisons with children with educational needs
  • Know and compare the evolution of the concept of intellectual disability
  • Differentiate and recognize developmental variables and differential aspects
  • Know and appreciate multiprofessional coordination
  • Differentiate and analyze special educational needs
  • Know the tool and materials to use
  • Reflect on and recognize the different evaluations and prognoses to be established 
  • Define and differentiate the concepts of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and non-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Know and appreciate multidiscipline coordination
  • Adapt tools and materials related to the learner's needs
  • Recognize the different evaluations and prognoses to be established
  • Know and define the different motor disorders
  • Differentiate and recognize the incidences in the stages of development
  • Use technical aids in the teaching and learning process of the student with motor needs
  • Collaborate in the design of adapted spaces for the use of the entire educational community
  • Coordinate teaching teams for the proper use of prostheses and other technical aids
  • Define and differentiate the types of concepts within autism spectrum disorder
  • Deepen in the different disorders, their characteristics, intervention and needs, among other aspects
  • Adapt tools and materials related to the learner's needs
  • Recognize the different evaluations and prognoses to be established
  • Define the concept of mental disorder
  • Know the different disorders, their characteristics, intervention and needs, among other aspects
  • Know and appreciate multiprofessional coordination and socio-community intervention in the school
  • Reflect on and recognize the different evaluations and prognoses to be established
  • Define and know what the eye is, what its function or functions are and what its possible diseases may be
  • Know the incidences in the student's developmental stages for intervention 
  • Understand the multiprofessional coordination with the student, along with the documentation and organization required according to their needs 
  • Knowledge of social and individual intervention according to the student's developmental stages 
  • Adapt tools and materials related to the learner's needs
  • Recognize the different evaluations that can be established depending on the type of illness of the student 
  • Define and know what the ear is, what its function or functions are and what its possible diseases may be
  • Classify and recognize the most relevant diseases of the ear for subsequent evaluation and intervention
  • Identify the neurological basis of development and learning in the developmental pyramid 
  • Know the incidences in the student's developmental stages for intervention 
  • Adapt tools and materials related to the learner's needs
  • Recognize the different evaluations that can be established depending on the type of illness of the student 
  • Define the term communication and know its possible disorders
  • Classify and recognize the different communication disorders
  • Identify the neurological basis of development and learning in the developmental pyramid
  • Know the incidences in the student's developmental stages for intervention 
  • Understand the multiprofessional coordination with the student, along with the documentation and organization required according to their needs 
  • Knowledge of social intervention according to the student's developmental stages 
  • Know the intervention at the individual level according to the stages of the student's development in relation to their needs and the type of disorder
  • Adapt tools and materials related to the learner's needs
  • Recognize the different evaluations that can be established depending on the type of disorder of the student
  • Know other important disorders
  • Know the incidences of the different disorders in the stages of development
  • Adapt the tools and materials related to the stages of development
  • Recognize the different evaluations that can be established depending on the type of disorder of the student
  • Review educational intervention based on educational projects and diversity plans
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of flexibilization as an alternative to more significant adaptations for certain student profiles
  • Describe the basis of cooperative learning as an enrichment of the educational and learning environment
  • Review educational intervention based on educational projects and diversity plans
  • Compare the use of new technologies with other educational tools
  • Differentiate between information technologies, learning technologies and empowerment technologies for students with functional diversity
  • Justify the need to advance in digital competence for both teachers and students
  • Compare digital resources and share experiences for the development of such a resource bank
  • Identify successful educational responses based on the analysis of cases of specific educational needs
  • Know the intervention focused on each of the most common learning difficulties in the classroom
  • Understand the functioning of the brain and the interrelationship of the main neurological centers involved in learning
  • Describe the cognitive, affective, and relational processes that regulate learning
  • Concisely define the concept of Learning Difficulties
  • Substantiate the aspects or variables to be taken into account in the design of the evaluation and intervention with these difficulties, as well as to list and detail the phases in both processes
  • Know and describe different information and communication technologies
  • Analyze the use of ICT for students with special educational needs
  • Appreciate the importance of ICT in special education
  • Appreciate the role and value of ICT in special education


A unique specializacion program that will allow you to acquire advanced training in this field"

Advanced Master's Degree in Therapeutic Pedagogy and Learning Difficulties

Nowadays, learning disabilities have become a worrying situation within the academic environment. This implies that teachers must seek through different strategies, how to improve and streamline the processes of the educational sector, in order to provide students with the best pedagogical tools for their training process. From TECH Global University we have identified the needs related to this field, so we have designed this Advanced Master's Degree, focused on therapeutic pedagogy that reduces school problems. The Postgraduate Certificate has a duration of two years and is taught in 100% online mode, which allows you to take it in the schedule that best suits you. The curriculum was developed by experts with extensive experience in the sector, who will instruct you on topics such as the foundations of psychology, educational sciences and neurology to establish specific guidelines to meet the needs of students. As a result, you will be able to attend to this type of cases, based on a biopsychosocial model that contemplates attention to diversity.

Study an Advanced Master's Degree in Therapeutic Pedagogy and Learning Difficulties

TECH is consolidated as the leading university in digital education, therefore, you will have the guarantee of receiving a unique program in the market. By taking this Advanced Master's Degree, you will obtain the necessary skills to apply good pedagogical practices. During the training, you will delve into the evolution of 'special education' and the main characteristics that demonstrate learning difficulties, as well as the pedagogical, scientific and legal framework in which this reality is framed. You will also study emerging methodologies, innovation and the application of new technologies as a backbone and useful element in the educational process. Finally, you will approach the historical approach, conceptualization, theories and classification of teaching problems. In this way, you will be able to teach dynamic and effective lessons, which are at the level of each student, in order to motivate their personal development and improve their educational process.