Sureda Riera, Joan
Urologist at the Hospital of Manacor
With an extensive professional career, Dr. Joan Sureda Riera is a renowned physician and highly qualified surgeon in the field of Urology. In line with this, his main premise is based on offering individualized therapeutic plans that are adapted to the special needs of each person. At the same time, he uses the most modern minimally invasive techniques to guarantee optimal recovery for users and, therefore, a substantial improvement in their quality of life.
In this way, he has carried out his duties in prestigious health organizations such as the Hospital of Manacor in the Balearic Islands. There he has been in charge of performing multiple surgical interventions for the management of complicated pathologies such as Prostate Cancer, Urinary Lithiasis and even Urinary Tract Infections. All this using cutting-edge technological tools including Robotic Surgery, Flexible Laser-Assisted Ureteroscopy and Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. As a result, his procedures have been characterized by their precision, safety and efficiency.
- Urologist at the Hospital of Manacor
- Surgical SAP Instructor at the Clinical Hospital of Barcelona
- Specialist in Advanced Prostate Cancer Management
- Residency in Reconstructive Urology at the Urological Institute of London
- Master's Degree in Localized, Advanced and Metastatic Prostate Cancer from the University of Salamanca
- Master's Degree in Research Design and Analysis in Health Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona
- Certification as a Fellow of the European Board of Urology
- Member of the Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology