
Video games such as Carlos, Rey Emperador or El Velo sound thanks to Don Alberto Raya Buenache, composer of all their soundtracks. He has dedicated his professional career to music, specializing in interpretation and composition for audiovisual media. 

He combines his practice with teaching as a professor specializing in music production and composition in different educational institutions. In addition, Mr. Alberto Raya Buenache is the musical director of the Colmenar Viejo Youth Symphony Orchestra. 

  • Musician Specialist in Performance and Composition for Audiovisual Media. 
  • Musical Director of Colmejazz Big Band 
  • Director of the Colmenar Viejo Youth Symphony Orchestra. 
  • Professor of Music Composition for Audiovisual Media and Music Production at the EA Centro Artístico Musical. 
  • Superior Degree in Music in the Specialty of Interpretation by the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid. 
  • Master's Degree in Composition for Audiovisual Media (MCAV) from the Katarina Gurska Higher School of Music. 
Programmes in collaboration with

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