
With extensive experience in the field of Financial Services and Estate Planning, Ms. Marlene Carolina Barrera Silva holds the position of CEO at Simigrex. She also combines this activity with that of Financial Services Advisor at Global Business Analítica. Her knowledge extends to the areas of Business Intelligence and International Taxation, being precisely an Expert in Investment in Financial Products. 

In the academic area, she is involved in Financial Planning and Advice, especially in the national and international framework, being accredited by the CNMV to advise and inform on investment matters in compliance with MIFID II regulations.

  • CEO at Simigrex
  • Financial Services Advisor at Global Business Analítica.
  • Insurance Advisor at CNA de Seguros La Previsora
  • General Manager at Asesorías Lisbar
  • Advisor in Business Intelligence, Estate Planning and International Taxation.
  • Expert in Investment in Financial Products
  • Degree in Statistics from Universidad Central de Venezuela.
  • Master's Degree in Tax and Financial Advisory in a National and International Framework from Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy.
  • Master's Degree in Financial Planning and Advisory Services from Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy.
  • TSU in Foreign Trade from Universidad Simón Bolívar.
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