Barberán Valero, Sebastián
Pediatrician Specializing in Respiratory Obstruction and Childhood Cardiovascular Arrest
Dedicated for more than three decades to Pediatric Medicine, Dr. Sebastián Barberán Valero is fully trained in the most advanced procedures of Pediatric Cardiovascular Resuscitation. He is also highly trained in the early care of airway obstructions.
His knowledge has earned him a high prestige among the scientific community, reaching positions within the Valencian Society of Pediatrics and as Coordinator of the Spanish Journal of Pediatric Emergencies.
- Pediatrician specialized in Respiratory Obstruction and Child Cardiovascular Arrest
- Pediatrician at the Pasarela Medical Center
- Pediatrician at the Alzira Medical Center
- Regional representative of the Spanish Group of Pediatric and Neonatal CPR
- Coordinator of the Journal of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Emergencies
- Secretary of the Valencian Society of Pediatrics
- Member of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Emergencies
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