
You will manage, through this program, the updated predictive models that allow to reduce the risk of suffering Venous Thromboembolic Disease in the oncologic patient"


Venous thromboembolic disease, although preventable and treatable, continues to cause a high number of deaths today. In fact, it is the third leading cause of cardiovascular death after acute myocardial infarction and stroke. In order to treat patients safely and preserve their lives, specialists in Genomic and Precision Medicine in Hematology are obliged to constantly expand their capabilities, applying all scientific innovations in their work methods. For this reason, TECH has opted to design this academic program, with the aim of placing the expert at the forefront of this sector in a short period of time.

During 3 intensive weeks, the physician will have access to a hospital internship in a highly prestigious center, where they will apply the most up-to-date diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in Genomic and Precision Medicine in Hematology. Surrounded by the best specialists in this field and fully integrated in a multidisciplinary work team, you will manage the new predictive models to prevent the risk of thrombosis in oncology patients or master the modern treatments for Venous Thromboembolic Disease, among other issues.

In order to promote an exhaustive learning process adapted to their professional needs, students will be accompanied throughout their internship by a tutor specifically designated for them, who will be in charge of resolving their health concerns and guiding them towards excellence in this field of medicine. Therefore, this is a unique opportunity to improve your medical competencies with the best experts and in a real environment, which guarantees the applicability of all the skills acquired in this program in your daily practice.



Why our program?

In the field of medicine, it is strictly necessary to properly apply new procedures and updated diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in order to obtain a relevant professional growth and provide a quality service to the patient. For this reason, TECH has created this program, which will allow the physician to learn all the advances in Genomic and Precision Medicine in Hematology in an exclusively practical way. During 3 weeks, you will have access to a first level hospital, surrounded by the best experts in this field, to learn the latest preventive methods in these pathologies and adopt them in your daily work.

vocational apprenticeships genomic precision medicine hematology thrombosis TECH Global University

Do you want to update your skills in Genomic and Precision Medicine in Hematology in a practical way and in a short time? TECH offers you that opportunity by enrolling in this program!"

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

Genomic and Precision Medicine in Hematology has undergone a notable modification in recent years due to the appearance of updated preventive, diagnostic and treatment methods that avoid or minimize the risk of thrombosis. Because of this, TECH has created this program, so that the doctor can acquire all these advances in a real working environment and in a practical way to enhance their daily practice.

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

In this practical experience, the student will be accompanied by a team of professionals who guarantee the immense quality of the program. Therefore, supervised at all times by a specific tutor, you will observe and act with real patients together with the best experts in Genomic and Precision Medicine in Hematology, acquiring updated skills that will be useful in your professional life.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

TECH carefully selects all available centers for Internship Programs. Thanks to this, the specialist will have guaranteed access to a prestigious clinical environment in the field of Genomic and Precision Medicine in Hematology. In this way, you will be able to see the day-to-day work of a demanding, rigorous and exhaustive sector, always applying the latest theses and scientific postulates in its work methodology.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

In the academic market, there are a large number of programs that focus on offering didactic content with little real applicability. Given this circumstance, TECH has opted to design this 100% practical learning model, which will integrate the student for 3 weeks in a prestigious hospital to apply the innovative diagnostic and therapeutic methods in this medical area from the very beginning.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH offers the possibility of carrying out this internship program in centers of international importance. This way, the specialist will be able to expand their frontiers and catch up with the best professionals, who practice in first class centers and in different continents. A unique opportunity that only TECH could offer to its students.

professional practices genomic precision medicine hematology thrombosis TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Genomic and Precision Medicine in Hematology: Thrombosis

Discover the latest advances in genomic and precision medicine as applied to hematology with TECH Global University's Hands-on Internship Program in Genomic and Precision Medicine in Hematology: Thrombosis. This revolutionary program gives you the opportunity to acquire cutting-edge theoretical knowledge combined with hands-on practice at our facilities, where you can develop essential technical skills and apply the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of hematological disorders.At TECH Global University, we are proud to offer a training program that immerses you in the exciting study of thrombosis through genomic and precision medicine in hematology. Our focus is on providing you with a comprehensive education that combines the most up-to-date theory with hands-on practice in a real-world setting.

Enroll now and advance professionally

Our program is distinguished by the on-site internship, where you will be able to work with experienced professionals and use state-of-the-art equipment to perform genomic analysis and evaluate hematological samples. These internships will allow you to apply your acquired knowledge and develop crucial technical skills in the diagnosis and management of thrombosis. In addition to classroom practice, you will have access to quality theoretical content through our online platform. You will be able to study at your own pace and from anywhere, which gives you the flexibility to adapt your learning to your lifestyle and personal commitments. The Internship Program in Genomic and Precision Medicine in Hematology: Thrombosis at TECH Global University will provide you with the necessary tools to excel in the field of hematology. Our team of experts will be at your disposal to guide and support you throughout your academic career. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills in genomic and precision medicine in hematology.Enroll now in TECH Global University's Internship Program in Genomic and Precision Medicine in Hematology: Thrombosis and become an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of hematologic diseases!