
Aesthetic dentistry is an area that is increasingly in demand, so having highly qualified training, such as the one we present in this advanced master’s degree, is a unique opportunity to be among the best" 


There is an increasing demand for highly qualified and experienced cosmetic dentists. Nowadays, patients not only come to the dental office when they have an oral problem that may become a disease, but also to improve those physical aspects in their mouth or teeth that they do not like.

Aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry is a specialty of dentistry that solves problems related to oral health and the aesthetic harmony of the mouth as a whole. Aesthetic dentistry can be defined as an application of art and science aimed at developing or highlighting beauty in the form of a smile.

The growing demand from patients for increasingly complex, less invasive, and more demanding treatments in terms of the final result increasingly justifies a multidisciplinary execution of treatments, where each of the specialties of dentistry can contribute their point of view in search of excellence in the treatment.

The knowledge acquired in this advanced master’s degree will give the student the ability to face working life from a position of higher qualification, giving them a clear advantage when it comes to accessing a job, as they will be able to offer the application of the latest technological and scientific advances surrounding the specialty of aesthetic dentistry.

Throughout this specialization, the student will learn all of the current approaches to the different challenges posed by their profession. A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level. We will not only take you through the theoretical knowledge, but we will show you another way of studying and learning, more organic, simpler and more efficient.

This Advanced Master’s Degree is designed to give you access to the specific knowledge of this discipline in an intensive and practical way. A great value for any professional. Furthermore, as it is a 100% online specialization, the student decides where and when to study. Without the restrictions of fixed timetables or having to move between classrooms, this course can be combined with work and family life.

A high-level scientific training program, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals" 

This advanced master’s degree in Esthetic Dentistry contains the most complete and up-to-date academic program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in e-learning software  
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • The development of practical case studies presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems  
  • Self-organised learning which makes the course completely compatible with other commitments
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: Questions to the expert, discussion forums and knowledge
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • The banks of supporting documentation are permanently available, even after the training has been completed

A training program created for professionals who aspire to excellence that will allow you to acquire new skills and strategies in a smooth and effective way"

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way, we ensure that we provide you with the up-to-date training we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary staff of trained and experienced professionals from a variety of environments, who will develop theoretical knowledge in an efficient manner, but above all, will put at the service of specialization the practical knowledge derived from their own experience.  

This command of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this Grand Master. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, you will be able to study with a range of easy-to-use and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the necessary skills you need for your specialization.  

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative interactive video system, and learning from an expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were actually dealing with the scenario you are learning about. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.  

Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in Aesthetic Dentistry and improve your patients' care by offering them the latest treatments and the newest techniques: the surest way to position yourself among the best"


We offer you the best specialization of the moment so that you can carry out a deep study in this field, in such a way that you will be able to develop your profession with total guarantees of success"


Our objective is to train highly qualified professionals for the working. An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that you will be able to achieve thanks to a highly intensive and detailed course.  


If your goal is to improve in your profession, to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, then look no further: welcome to TECH”

General Objectives

  • Update the dentist's knowledge in materials and technology of the main aspects of restorative dentistry, orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, from the point of view of scientific evidence
  • Train the dentist to plan in a multidisciplinary work concept to perform excellent dental care
  • Provide the dentist with the necessary bibliography and documentation to equip them with the necessary diagnostic judgment to select the appropriate work strategy when dealing with any clinical situation
  • Encourage the acquisition of technical skills and abilities through a series of online tutorials describing the most frequent techniques of each of the aspects of esthetic dentistry
  • Encourage professional stimulation through continuing education and research
  • Apply acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills to new or unfamiliar environments, with a multidisciplinary approach within the context of Health Sciences
  • Transmit learning skills to students that will allow them to continue their education in an autonomous and self-directed manner, developing habits of excellence and quality in professional practice

Specific Objectives

  • Define the specialty of aesthetic dentistry
  • Conduct a needs and demand analysis
  • Establish the importance of the psychosocial factor in modern dentistry.
  • Perform esthetic analysis from the measurement of different facial, dental and gingival parameters
  • Provide the student with tools to correctly measure dental color
  • Provide the dentist with analog and digital techniques to communicate the esthetic analysis to their patients
  • Update the dentist in the main techniques of analysis and prevention in cariology
  • Perform a detailed analysis of the evolution of modern restorative materials
  • Acquire knowledge of the main obturation techniques in restorative dentistry
  • Define the etiopathogenesis of erosive processes and dental sensitivity
  • Provide the necessary auxiliary tools for the rehabilitation of lost dental tissue
  • Update the classification of the different adhesive systems, from the current scientific evolution and under a practical application
  • Establish the necessary skills for the adequate selection of the adhesive agent for each clinical situation
  • Typify the different bleaching materials and application techniques currently available
  • Establish an action protocol for each clinical situation
  • Establish the limits, advantages, and disadvantages of each technique
  • Be able to apply bleaching techniques in a multidisciplinary context
  • Define the main waxing techniques, the appropriate instruments and the different materials
  • Establish the main anatomical characteristics of each tooth and their practical implication
  • Explain the appropriate procedures for waxing anterior and posterior teeth
  • Be able to apply these techniques as key tools in diagnosis and treatment planning
  • Expand knowledge in periodontics applied to restorative dentistry and prosthodontics
  • Provide the dentist with the adequate analysis tools for the selection of the appropriate technique for each clinical situation
  • Establish the most common techniques for clinical crown lengthening procedures
  • Establish a practical classification of the different materials found in the industry
  • Define the most frequent techniques used in the direct application of composite resins
  • Provide the dentist with the tools that will facilitate the application of these techniques
  • Explain in detail the techniques for each clinical situation
  • Protocolize the finishing and polishing sequences explaining the importance of these procedures for the final perception of the restoration and its longevity
  • Provide the dentist with tools that allow them to stereotype the patient and to establish an adequate maintenance schedule for each patient
  • Classify in a practical way the different materials available to the dentist for the realization of all-ceramic prostheses.
  • Clarify the different properties of each one of the materials and the reduction needs they require
  • Provide the dentist with protocols for the esthetic adhesive rehabilitation by means of laminated fronts
  • Provide the dentist with protocols for esthetic adhesive restoration using full veneer crowns
  • Establish the advantages of digital workflows and CAD/CAM technology
  • Update the classical concepts of occlusion
  • Establish which of the anatomical and physiological parameters are determinant for rehabilitation
  • Protocolize the cases in which a change of occlusal scheme is required
  • Establish the limits of materials for the rehabilitation of posterior sectors with minimal intervention dentistry
  • Establish treatment protocols for the definition of the free space and vertical dimension
  • Clarify which would be the most appropriate materials for each clinical situation
  • Define the main advances in orthodontics
  • Clarify which would be the most appropriate techniques for each clinical situation
  • Define the main parameters for obtaining a quality dental photograph
  • Provide the dentist with the necessary knowledge to select the appropriate acquisition and illumination material
  • Establish protocols for each clinical situation
  • Clarify the importance of clinical photography as a communicative tool
  • Classify the different defects that can be found when facing a rehabilitation on implants
  • Provide the necessary tools for the choice of materials and techniques for the different regeneration procedures
  • Establish surgical and prosthetic loading protocols for each clinical situation
  • Perform an anatomical recall of the main muscle musculoskeletal structures involved in peribuccal esthetics
  • Define the limits of each of the techniques to achieve the desired results
  • Consolidate structural and radiological anatomical knowledge, as well as the practical considerations that the student should apply in the diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic planning of orthodontic patients
  • Training of the student in the field of Diagnostic Imaging of human anatomy and especially in the area of dentistry. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the various imaging techniques available, with their indications and limitations
  • The student will learn about oral, intraoral and extraoral radiology, with special emphasis on lateral and frontal teleradiography of the skull. You will also receive training on other techniques such as simple radiology, ultrasound, CT, CBCT and MRI of the human body and especially of the cervico-facial area
  • Train students to obtain sufficient knowledge to enable them to diagnose, describe, classify, transmit and plan the treatment of malocclusions, being able to distinguish between skeletal and dental problems
  • Acquire sufficient training to diagnose, classify and treat dental malocclusions caused by osseo-dental discrepancy
  • Know and know how to identify the different malocclusive syndromes and craniofacial deformities
  • Be able to identify the disorders that require treatment, as well as the ideal age to treat each type of disorder: to determine the specific therapeutic objectives of each treatment
  • Determine the individual characteristics of the patient, both physical, psychological and social
  • Perform medical history, patient examination and record taking
  • Know and know how to identify the different malocclusive syndromes and craniofacial deformities, as well as the functional alterations of the stomatognathic system that accompany morphological alterations.
  • Know how to take a clinical history and perform the usual examination, as well as to request and interpret the complementary examinations used in the integral diagnosis of the patient
  • Understand the indications, contraindications and limits of orthodontics, dentofacial orthopedics and orthognathic surgery
  • Be able to predict the efficacy and efficiency of different treatments and the stability of the correction
  • Know and know how to apply the retention protocols for the different deformities, as well as the principles and mechanisms involved in the physiological rebound and recurrence of malocclusions
  • Be able to identify and prevent or treat the risk factors for recurrence present in each patient
  • Review the basic therapeutic principles of the other specialties of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Identify alterations, pathologies or special characteristics that should be treated in collaboration with other Health Science specialists
  • Know what the competences of the Orthodontic Specialist within a multidisciplinary team for the treatment of special patients with dentofacial deformity and malocclusion are
  • Develop competencies related to the search for and organization of documentation, as well as to the presentation and communication of their work in an appropriate manner to the scientific community
  • Update research methodologies that allow the implementation of evidence based orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics
  • Know and understand the different parts of the preparation of a scientific article
  • Know and know how to handle the different databases in Health Sciences
  • Develop strategies for searching and organizing information
  • Review the latest developments in advanced treatments in conventional orthodontics and multidisciplinary treatments
  • Update on the latest developments in aesthetic and/or invisible orthodontics

Quality Program training for outstanding students. At TECH, we offer the perfect education for high level specialization in your field”

Advanced Master's Degree in Esthetic Dentistry

The importance of the esthetic aspect in the development of various elements of modern life has generated a growing interest, on the part of a considerable percentage of society, in the approach of dental care plans focused on esthetics. Due to this situation, there has been an exponential increase in the labor demand for dentists specialized in esthetic treatments. Understanding the need for academic updating that accompanies the processes of growth and expansion of this important occupational niche, at TECH Global University we have prepared our Advanced Master's Degree program in Esthetic Dentistry focused on the training of the professional. This postgraduate course will pay special attention to the new materials, elements and techniques developed around adhesive dentistry. In addition, the following aspects will be updated in depth: the particularities to be taken into account in the development of an esthetic rehabilitation process using full veneer crowns; and the knowledge of the new techniques of bone regeneration applied in the esthetic dentistry sector.

Study an Advanced Master's Degree online in Esthetic Dentistry

The different approaches that characterize the area of esthetic dentistry make this sector a highly demanding field with regard to the degree of knowledge, expertise and preparation of its specialized professionals. In our Advanced Master's Degree program you will learn the practical management of the new procedures used in the area of modern esthetic dentistry, providing the professional with the necessary tools for an adequate work performance in the sector. Likewise, in this postgraduate program you will delve into the updating of the following topics: knowledge of the different techniques, materials and therapeutic protocols used in the processes of dental whitening; and the different ways of dental intervention applied as part of the multidisciplinary treatment in cases of gummy smile.