
The integration of Applied Design Technologies and Artificial Intelligence will allow you to optimize creative processes and boost the ability to adapt and constantly evolve in the materialization of ideas and projects"


Applied Design Technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have significantly revolutionized the way we conceive, develop and experience Design in various disciplines. By incorporating these tools, unlimited horizons have opened up in terms of creativity, efficiency and personalization. AI enhances the ability to analyze data and patterns, allowing a deeper understanding of user preferences and dynamically adapting to their needs.

This is how this postgraduate certificate in Applied Design Technologies and Artificial Intelligence was born, which will focus on providing professionals with practical tools and fundamental knowledge to make the most of advanced technologies in the field of Design. The course will cover everything from the incorporation of virtual assistants to AI-assisted collaboration in editorial teams, providing a complete overview of the possibilities offered by these innovations.

It will also explore how AI can boost creativity and efficiency in the design process, analyzing relevant case studies and encouraging practical experimentation so that graduates acquire solid skills in the implementation of these technologies. In addition, the importance of human-machine collaboration will be emphasized.

At the end of the program, students will be prepared to effectively apply emerging technologies in Design, with a deep understanding of how AI can transform the way we conceive, create and materialize ideas, offering more efficient and creative solutions.

In this context, TECH has developed a rigorous academic program backed by the innovative Relearningmethod. This educational methodology will focus on reiterating key principles to ensure a complete understanding of the content. In addition, accessibility will be paramount: only an electronic device with an Internet connection will be required to explore the material at any time, allowing students to dispense with the need to attend in person or follow strict schedules.

As a designer, your interaction with Artificial Intelligence will enhance the generation of aesthetic and functional solutions, promoting a more accessible, sustainable and user experience-centered Design"

This postgraduate certificate in Applied Design Technologies and Artificial Intelligence contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Applied Design Technologies and Artificial Intelligence
  • The graphic, schematic and practical contents of the book provide technical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Using AI in your Design projects will facilitate the automation of repetitive tasks, freeing up time for conceptual exploration and innovation. Bet on TECH!”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You'll delve deeper into Adaptive and Predictive Design, all through an extensive library of the most innovative multimedia resources. Enroll now!"


Thanks to this 100% online course, you will master the automatic generation of multimedia content in Editorial Design in a simple and agile way"


With a progressive and practical approach, the objective of this postgraduate certificate will be to equip designers with the necessary skills to master the most cutting-edge tools and revolutionize the field of Design. Through a unique combination of theory and practical application, this program will unleash the innovative potential of professionals, empowering them to lead change in an era where the synergy between human creativity and Artificial Intelligence constantly redefines the boundaries of Design.


Be part of the vanguard that will transform the world of Design with limitless vision, technical prowess and audacity! Only with TECH!"

General Objectives

  • Develop skills to implement artificial intelligence tools in design projects, including automatic content generation, design optimization and pattern recognition
  • Develop skills in adaptive design, considering user behavior and applying advanced AI tools
  • Critically analyze the challenges and opportunities when implementing personalized designs in industry using Artificial Intelligence
  • Understand the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence in design and manufacturing process innovation

Specific Objectives

  • Enhance comprehensive understanding and practical skills to leverage advanced technologies and Artificial Intelligence in various facets of Design
  • Understand the strategic integration of emerging technologies and AI in the Design domain
  • Apply microchip architecture optimization techniques using AI to improve both performance and efficiency
  • Properly use algorithms for the automatic generation of multimedia content, enriching visual communication in editorial projects
  • Implement the knowledge and skills acquired during this program to real projects involving technologies and AI in Design

Become a pioneer in the convergence between design creativity and the unlimited potential of artificial intelligence"

Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Design Technologies and Artificial Intelligence

The convergence of technologies applied to design and the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) have significantly transformed the way creative projects are conceptualized, developed and optimized. If you want to discover the synergy between design and AI, TECH Global University has the ideal option for you. We have a complete Postgraduate Certificate that will immerse you in the fascinating world where creativity and technology converge to promote innovative visual solutions. Through an innovative methodology and an online syllabus, you will learn the fundamental principles of design and applied technologies. You will explore how artificial intelligence can enhance creativity and push the traditional boundaries of design. In addition, you will discover AI-assisted design tools that will accelerate and enrich your creative process. From idea generation to execution, you'll gain the skills to make the most of these innovative tools.

Get qualified with a Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Design Technologies and Artificial Intelligence

By enrolling in this program, you will develop advanced skills and contribute to the development of visually impactful design solutions driven by artificial intelligence. Through the guidance of experienced faculty, you will learn how AI can contribute to the creation of impactful visual content. You will learn how to use intelligent algorithms to customize and optimize images, graphics and other visual elements. Plus, you'll dive into integrating AI algorithms into your design projects. You will discover how these algorithms can provide predictive solutions, analyze design trends and improve efficiency in creative decision-making. In doing so, you'll open your mind to emerging possibilities in digital design, explore advanced concepts and experiment with cutting-edge technologies that are shaping the future of design. Get ready to lead at the convergence of creativity and technology! Enroll now and begin your journey towards mastering applied design technologies and AI.