García Sánchez, Roberto
Doctor in Psychology
Dr. Roberto García Sánchez is a psychologist and researcher with extensive experience in the clinical management of psychopathologies. He also has several scientific publications that address the history, evolution and current state of the art of Neuropsychology.
In addition, he has collaborated with several behavioral and personality analysis projects. At the same time, he maintains an active work in the fight against bullying, becoming President of a Canarian Association “No to School Bullying” (ACANAE).
On the other hand, García Sánchez has an acclaimed career in the academic field. Thanks to these merits, he holds the title of Director of the PhD Department of the TECH Education Group and also serves as Vice Rector of Research at the institution itself. He also serves on the scientific committees and is a reviewer for the journals Abaco, Medicc Review, EGLE Journal and Relieve Journal.
- Doctor in Psychology
- Master's Degree in General Health Psychology
- Specialized Psychologist of the Psychopathology Service of the Official College of Psychology of Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Vice-president of the Canarian Association “No to School Bullying” (ACANAE)
- Former Director of the Doctorate Department of the TECH Education Group
- Former Vice-Director of Research of the TECH Education Group
- Director of doctoral thesis of doctoral students
- Reviewer of the journals Ábaco, Medicc Review, EGLE Journal and Relieve Journal
- Degree in Psychology
- Member of:
- Global Clinical Practice Network of the World Health Organization
- Gender in Freedom Association
- Spanish Society for the History of Psychology
- Spanish Association of Bioethics and Medical Ethics