
Cesar Espinosa is a lawyer who has devoted his professional career to the field of environmental management in public entities to ensure compliance with the laws in this area. Therefore, his wide expertise in this field has catapulted him to be the legal coordinator of the Department of Rural and Marine Environment and Environment of the Cabildo Insular de El Hierro.  

In the same sense, he has been the head of the Environment Service of the City Council of Arona, a municipality on the island of Tenerife. Likewise, he has experience as technical responsible for the UNESCO Global Geopark and the World Biosphere Reserve in El Hierro.  

  • Legal coordinator of the Rural and Marine Environment and Environment Departments of the Island Council of El Hierro.     
  • Head of the Environment Service of the City Council of Arona.   
  • Technical responsible for the UNESCO Global Geopark in El Hierro.   
  • Technical responsible for the World Biosphere Reserve on El Hierro   
  • Degree in Law     
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