
Mr. Carlos Pérez Zorrilla is a Sports Journalist. His extensive work experience has always been linked to this discipline, serving as Head of Section and Digital Content in the newspaper Estadio Deportivo.  

In addition, he collaborates as a journalist in Onda Cero Sevilla and Canal Sur Radio, a work that allows him to combine the press with the radio. Also, Carlos Pérez Zorrilla, throughout his professional career, has specialized in other sectors such as tourism.  

  • Sports Journalist
  • Head of Section at Estadio Deportivo Newspaper.
  • Head of Digital Contents at Estadio Deportivo Newspaper.
  • Web Editor of Tourism and Sports in Andalusia.
  • Collaborator in Onda Cero Sevilla
  • Collaborator in Canal Sur Radio
  • Graduate in Journalism at the Andalusian Center for Business Studies (CEADE).
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