
Yohan Andrés Campos Martínez is a lawyer with a high level of expertise in Tax, Commercial, Public and Immigration law who has developed his career in Colombia and later in Spain, given his eagerness to take on new professional challenges. His expertise in these fields allowed him, shortly after finishing his law degree, to coordinate the judicial management of Fiduciaria La Previsora S.A. 

On the other hand, he has worked as a financial and tax advisor at Campos Ardilla Law Firm, handling civil, criminal and immigration legal proceedings. Likewise, his interest in the field of teaching has motivated him to teach in Postgraduate Certificates closely related to Financial and Tax Law.  

  • Counseling lawyer at Campos Ardila Law Firm 
  • Coordinator of Judicial Management in Fiduciary La Previsora S.A.   
  • Lecturer in postgraduate university studies related to Financial and Tax Law
  • Doctorate in International and Community Taxation from the UCLM
  • Degree in Law from the Santiago de Cali University
  • Master's Degree in International and Community Taxation from the UCLM  
  • Master's Degree in Financial Entities from the UCLM 
Programmes in collaboration with

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