
Dr. Antonio Buzón Cuevas has always been linked to the Equine Clinic, his great passion along with teaching. In this way, this Veterinary Expert in Major Species has oriented his professional life to the treatment of this type of animals, to teaching at the highest level and to research.

With a PhD in Veterinary Medicine and a degree in Biological Sciences, Buzón Cuevas combines all his knowledge in the scientific studies in which he participates, being numerous his contribution to science in terms of publications of articles, communications and participations in national and international congresses.

Thus, one of his main lines of research is the evaluation of seminal quality and its correlation with fertility and the response to conservation methods. In this way, Buzón Cuevas has become a reference in his specialty.

  • Veterinarian specialized in Equine Clinic
  • Associate Professor at the University of Córdoba
  • Doctor in Veterinary Medicine
  • Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Cordoba
  • Degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Seville
  • Master's Degree in Animal Medicine, Health and Improvement from the University of Cordoba 
Programmes in collaboration with

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