
Thanks to this postgraduate diploma, your work will go one step further. Not only will you become a Gym Instructor, but you will also know how to manage these institutions successfully”


n recent decades, the benefits attributed to physical activity have been supported by scientific publications that associate increased systematic exercise and good habits with improved quality of life. Likewise, it has been found that the absence of physical activity and negative habits represent a serious threat to overall health. It is for this reason that people find it necessary to go to specialized places, gyms and training centers, where they can perform physical activities in a controlled manner and guided by qualified professionals in the field.

Therefore, gyms, in addition to being a strategy to accompany this reality, represent spaces where psychophysical well-being is promoted and, therefore, it is essential that they can count on the presence of physical activity and health professionals who can meet the needs of users and, in turn, who can advise people on how physical activity should be carried out.

Whether the purpose is to know the state of physical fitness at the beginning of a training process or to know and assess it at any time during the training process.

Likewise, the sports sciences are rapidly advancing in communicating assessment proposals that are increasingly specific in terms of the physiological objective to be targeted, and all this in communion with the contribution and progress of the technological resources that are provided at the service of this instance.

Based on the above, the student graduating from this postgraduate diploma will have the possibility to learn about different tools and ways of assessing physical fitness in order to apply them in their different areas of performance.

If you want to make a quality leap in a booming sector, then this program is for you”   

This postgraduate diploma in Performance Assessments for Fitness Instructors contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Physical Activity and Sport
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional development
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

In addition, this program gives you the opportunity to learn how to perform specific tests to analyze the physical condition of your clients”  

The program includes, in its teaching staff, professionals from the sector who bring their work experience to this refresher program, as well as renowned specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

As it is an online program, you can study wherever and whenever you want. All you need is a computer with an Internet connection to enjoy the most complete content on the market"


The tools, knowledge and skills you will acquire will enable you to excel in a sector that increasingly requires more and more specialized instructors"


The postgraduate diploma in Performance Assessments for Fitness Instructors at TECH was created with the fundamental objective of promoting the acquisition of specific skills in the student that will become the basis that will support their daily practice. To this end, a program of the highest level has been created based on the latest developments in the sector and created with the utmost scientific rigor. These contents will be taught by a team of top professionals who will provide the student with valuable tools to work as a Gym Instructor with greater guarantees of success.


Welcome to the program that will help you achieve your professional goals. We have been waiting for you” 

General Objectives

  • Acquire knowledge based on the most current scientific evidence with full applicability in the practical field
  • Master all the most advanced methods of sports performance evaluation
  • Master and apply with certainty the most current training methods to improve sports performance and quality of life, as well as to improve the most common pathologies
  • Master the principles governing exercise physiology, as well as biochemistry
  • Successfully integrate all the knowledge acquired in the different modules in real practice

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Logistics and Administrative Role of the Indoor Instructor

  • Provide the student with information on the main administrative tasks required to organize the different activities proposed and the responsible and professional human resources that work there
  • Provide the fitness instructor with the theoretical knowledge as well as the necessary tools to coordinate the logistics of this facility
  • Have an in-depth knowledge of the different types of tasks related to administrative logistics
  • Understand the importance of the administrative functions of a fitness center as part of their professional background
  • Correct management of administrative tasks and human resources of the gym
  • Judiciously select and apply different types of management strategies according to their actual work context

Module 2. Group Classes

  • Have an in-depth knowledge of different types of group classes and their applicability to the field of practice
  • Select those group classes most appropriate to the needs and desires of heterogeneous populations
  • Manage correctly and with solid arguments those pedagogical-methodological strategies that characterize the profile of the different group classes proposed
  • Know and apply different types of strategies that provide a safe environment for handling the external load that characterizes the modality of each type of group class proposed

Module 3. Sports Performance Assessment

  • In-depth knowledge of the different types of assessment and their applicability to the field of practice
  • Select the most appropriate tests/exercises for the client’s specific needs
  • Correctly and safely administer the protocols of the different tests and the interpretation of the data collected
  • Know and apply different types of technologies currently used in the field of exercise assessment both in the field of health and fitness performance at any  level of demand

The academic excellence of TECH programs is materialized in the professional development of its students”  

Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Assessments for Fitness Instructors


If you are passionate about the world of fitness and want to become a highly skilled professional in physical performance assessment, TECH Global University's Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Assessment for Fitness Instructor is your gateway to a successful career.

In our program, you will be able to access online classes that will give you the flexibility to study from anywhere and on your own schedule. Our virtual learning platform will give you access to interactive content, instructional videos and assessment tools, so you'll acquire the knowledge and skills you need to excel in the fitness field.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Assessment for Fitness Instructor will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the principles of fitness assessment and performance measurement. You will learn about body composition measurement techniques, strength and endurance testing, cardiovascular assessment and movement analysis. In addition, you will become familiar with the use of advanced technologies, such as wearable devices and tracking applications, to optimize performance monitoring for your clients.

Our team of faculty, experts in the field of fitness and performance assessment, will guide you through the program. Through hands-on case studies and real-time projects, you will develop the skills necessary to assess, design customized training programs and help your clients reach their goals safely and effectively.

By completing the Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Assesment for Fitness Instructor, you will be prepared to become a highly sought-after professional in the fitness industry. You will be able to work as a gym instructor, personal trainer or performance evaluation specialist in sports centers, rehabilitation clinics or even start your own business.

You will be able to work as a fitness instructor, personal trainer or performance evaluation specialist in sports centers, rehabilitation clinics or even start your own business.

Don't miss the opportunity to stand out in the exciting world of fitness! Enroll in our Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Assessment for Fitness Monitor at TECH Global University and take your fitness skills to the next level. Your professional success starts here!