
The new scenarios in current Radiology push us to propose new specialization programs that meet the real needs of experienced professionals, so that they can incorporate the advances in Image Guided Medical Intervention"


Medical radiology is of crucial importance in the patient's diagnostic process, but it is increasingly acquiring a leading role in therapeutic interventions that until now have been performed in the dark or by approaching the patient in a much more aggressive way. The latest technological advances that are taking place allow the use of new image-guided systems such as multimodality fusion or the implementation of new therapeutic strategies, such as the administration of drug-loaded particles or oncolytic virus therapy.

This program includes some of the most important areas of interventional radiology, including basic aspects of clinical practice such as management or implementation of the consultation. It addresses processes and areas of knowledge where Image Guided Therapy plays a fundamental role such as neurology, thorax or musculoskeletal. It also includes the main emerging therapies in different areas and the future lines of Image Guided Therapy.

A complete and modern updating program, based on the latest advances in interventional radiology, developed through the latest educational technology, to update the professional and improve patient care. 

You will be able to learn, through the latest educational technology, the latest advances in image-guided techniques"

This postgraduate diploma in Image-Guided Medical Intervention contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Clinical cases presented by specialists in Radiology and other specialties 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and health care training on those medical disciplines that are essential to professional practice
  • Real high-resolution images of pathologies, diagnostic imaging tests and guided procedures
  • Presentation of practical workshops on procedures and techniques
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Action protocols with the most important advances in the specialty 
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • With a special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and research methodologies in Radiology
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Image-Guided Medical Intervention you will obtain a qualification from TECH Global University"

The teaching staff includes a team of leading Radiologists who bring their professional experience to this program, in addition to renowned specialists in other medical areas.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the physician with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is focused on Problem-Based Learning, whereby the Students must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during this training. This will be done with the help of an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts in the field of Radiology with extensive teaching experience.

Incorporate the latest developments in Image-Guided Medical Intervention to your medical practice and improve patient prognosis"


It includes clinical cases and real images in high definition to bring clinical practice as close as possible to the development of the program"


The main objective is to facilitate the incorporation of advances in anesthesia in critical patients, so that specialists can update their knowledge in a practical way, using the latest educational technology and adapting the educational process to their real needs.


This refresher program will generate a sense of confidence in decision making during image-guided interventions, and help you grow professionally”

General Objective

  • Update specialists on the procedures and techniques performed in anesthesia for pediatric and new image-guided, incorporating the latest advances to increase the quality of their daily medical practice and improve patient prognosis

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Management and Organization in Image-Guided Therapy 

  • Describe the importance of informed consent in Interventional Radiology
  • Understand in depth the operation of the outpatient department and the Interventional Radiology department
  • Know how to apply the different types of anesthesia in Interventional Radiology: local, sedation, analgesia and nerve blocks 

Module 2. Basis of Intervention Procedures 

  • Describe the techniques for therapeutic neurointerventionism, their indications, alternatives, and medical management
  • Address the treatment of cerebral vasospasm, ischemic stroke and intracerebral AVMs
  • Identify the spinal vascular malformations 

Module 3. Materials in Interventional Techniques 

  • Know the most commonly used materials in neurointerventionism
  • Know and identify vascular, oncologic, musculoskeletal, drainage and non-vascular interventional materials, as well as materials for drainage and non-vascular interventions 

Module 4. Diagnostic Punctures 

  • Systematize the technique of joint puncture for arthrography
  • Compare and evaluate the basic techniques of puncture biopsy and puncture drainage in interventional Radiology

Module 5. Diagnostic Neurointerventionism 

  • Review the latest endovascular techniques for the treatment of cerebral aneurysms
  • Describe the treatment of neurointerventional emergencies (epistaxis and hemorrhages in the otorhinolaryngological area)
  • Gain up-to-date knowledge on the diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for dural fistulas and intracerebral arteriovenous malformations 

Module 6. Therapeutic Neurointerventionism 

  • Identify and indicate the treatment of ischemic stroke using endovascular salvage techniques, angioplasty and stentplacement
  • Gain up-to-date knowledge of invasive diagnostic procedures by intracerebral and spinal arterial catheterization, as well as venous sampling techniques and intracerebral pharmacological provocation
  • Recognize pre-surgical tumor embolization techniques in neuroradiology

Module 7. Musculoskeletal Interventionism 

  • Analyze trauma and degenerative pathology of the wrist with radiological techniques
  • Diagnose pelvic injuries with MRI
  • Recognize the different types of meniscus tears with MRI
  • Identify the normal anatomy and the semiology of knee ligament injuries
  • Evaluate cartilaginous lesions of the knee and arthropathies
  • Analyze post-traumatic lesions of the ankle with imaging techniques
  • Use ultrasound and MRI to recognize sporting muscle injuries
  • Analyze the technique and indications of dual-energy CT

Module 8. Urologic Interventionism 

  • Describe the techniques of urologic interventionism, its indications, alternatives and medical management
  • Systematize the reading and radiological evaluation of peritoneal carcinomatosis
  • Recognize the advances in assessing the response to treatment with imaging diagnostic techniques in rectal cancer
  • Evaluate the technique, indications and semiology of virtual colonoscopy with CT
  • Analyze the findings of radiological techniques in pelvic floor pathology
  • Recognize radiological surgery of urologic neoplasms
  • Systematize the reading and radiologic report of prostate cancer with PI-RADS 

Module 9. Thoracic Interventionism 

  • Describe the radiological semiology of thoracic vascular pathology
  • Evaluate the anatomy and cardiac pathology with CT and MRI
  • Recognise the latest advances in a cardiac CT and cardiac MRI
  • Revise the technological advances in image biomarkers
  • Evaluate the methodology of multiparametric studies in Radiology

Module 10. Puncture Drainage 

  • Identify the indications for biliary and abscess drainage, its approaches and technique
  • Provide basic and advanced knowledge for the proper development of biopsy puncture techniques in the different visceral territories using imaging methods 

Module 11. Ablative techniques 

  • Describe the ablative techniques, their indications, alternatives, and medical management
  • Correctly apply the different ablative techniques used in image-guided therapy in oncology 

Module 12. Other Aspects of Interest in Interventional Radiology

  • Describe current techniques and protocols for foreign body removal
  • Understand multimodality fusion
  • Apply nanoparticles to the future of interventional Radiology 

A path to achieve education and professional growth that will propel you towards a greater level of competitiveness in the employment market"

Postgraduate Diploma in Image-Guided Medical Intervention

Image Guided Medical Intervention is one of the most important areas of modern Medicine. The ability to visualize and guide instruments and devices within the human body with the aid of imaging techniques such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound has transformed the diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies. Therefore, staying up-to-date in this field is crucial to enjoy a state-of-the-art clinical practice that is completely safe for the patient. The Postgraduate Certificatet in Image-Guided Medical Intervention is a unique opportunity to acquire the most innovative knowledge to perform interventional imaging procedures. The program is designed by experienced and highly qualified specialists in this field, which guarantees quality teaching and is aligned with the latest trends in the sector.

Get up to date in this field of Medicine in just 6 months

The Postgraduate Certificate in Image-Guided Medical Intervention is a fully online program that uses state-of-the-art technology to offer a comprehensive and flexible learning experience. The program focuses on providing knowledge with a theoretical-practical approach, through didactic materials in multimedia formats, among which videos, interactive presentations and analysis of real cases stand out. Through it, you will learn about updated interventional materials, recent advances in diagnostic punctures or cutting-edge ablative techniques. In addition, the program is designed to adapt to your individual needs, offering the possibility to progress at your own pace, respecting your professional obligations and your daily personal tasks without compromising your teaching.