
Analyzes the role of radionuclides in the study of neuroendocrine tumors and delves into the most innovative chemotherapy treatments" 


The clinical industry is under continuous scrutiny in search of treatments that reduce public health side effects. In this case, gastric tumors are very common, but survivability is still a milestone. These characteristics force the clinical labor market to have multidisciplinary professionals who know how to apply the latest medical technologies to reach a faster and more effective cure for cancers of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, among others.  In response to this demand, TECH offers the postgraduate certificate in Medical Non-Colorectal Oncology.

TECH has developed a specific and enriching program together with a team of experts in medical oncology who work in this area in different clinical centers. Specialists will be able to investigate the risk factors for esophageal, stomach and pancreatic cancer, current mutations, its target population, as well as the diagnosis, the staging of the disease, the treatments determined for each case and future perspectives. In this way, the student will receive information that will also allow its practical application with real patients. 

To facilitate your study, the degree has digital features, such as its 100% online modality. In this way, TECH brings medical knowledge closer, adapting it to the personal and work possibilities of specialists and allows them flexible study. Likewise, they will have audiovisual content in different and downloadable formats, which will make it easier for them to consult even once the Postgraduate Certificate. 

Hepatocellular carcinoma constitutes 90% of primary hepatic 90% of primary malignant liver tumors. Increase your knowledge in its treatment and collaborate in its prevention” 

This postgraduate certificate in Medical Non-Colorectal Oncology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Development of case studies presented by experts in Medical Oncology.
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide medical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning.
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection.

Project your oncology profession and be part of the focused research to possible target patients suffering from non-colorectal digestive tumors” 

The program includes, in its teaching staff, professionals from the sector who bring to this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Renew your knowledge in oncology to get closer to the most effective methods towards the identification of esophageal and stomach cancer"


Delve into the treatments of localized and extended pancreatic tumors to provide scientific solutions to these conditions"


This postgraduate certificate in Medical Non-Colorectal Oncology aims toeducate oncologists in the field of gastrointestinal disorders and achieve that they achieve high-level theoretical-practical training that renews their previous knowledge, focusing them on the latest medical technology. By taking this program, specialists will this program, specialists will deepen in epidemiology, diagnosis, staging and the most innovative treatments to assist tumors of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, biliary tract and neuroendocrine tumors. esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, biliary tract and neuroendocrine tumors. In addition, the learning will be guided by oncologists who work in the sector and will help them handle real situations in the clinical setting. 


Analyzes the future outlook for neuroendocrine tumors to identify cases from the cells by applying  the latest technology" 

General Objectives  

  • Know how to carry out a good assessment of the cancer patient, starting with epidemiology, diagnosis and staging of the most frequent tumors
  • Delve into complementary studies that help us diagnose and decision making of the main neoplasms
  • Become familiar with the main genetic syndromes that predispose to the development of this disease
  • Recognize and manage the main breast, lung, digestive, urological, gynecological and mesenchymal tumors

Specific Objectives

  • Learn the diagnosis and staging of pancreatic tumor
  • Know how to choose what type of treatment is indicated in each situation
  • Know the main treatments available for metastatic Pancreatic Cancer, both for first line and subsequent treatments
  • Know  the diagnosis and staging of Esophageal and Stomach Tumors, knowing the main treatments depending on the tumor stage in which it is found
  • Guide the diagnosis and know the peculiarities of neuroendocrine tumors, knowing how to differentiate secretory tumors from those that are not. And know in depth the treatments available for this entity, highlighting the role of radionuclides
  • Know the tests performed in the diagnosis of bile duct tumors, staging and treatment

Strengthen your oncological abilities by delving deeper into primary and secondary malignant liver tumors”  

Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Non-Colorectal Oncology

Enter the fascinating world of cutting-edge medicine with the Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Non-Colorectal Oncology, an online learning opportunity offered by the prestigious TECH Medical School Technological University. Are you ready to face the most exciting challenges of contemporary medicine? Dive into this exceptional Postgraduate Certificate and discover the unexplored depths of digestive medical oncology outside the colorectal spectrum. What's stopping you from joining this premier academic initiative? We invite you to become part of an exclusive group of students guided by an elite faculty of renowned experts in the field of oncology. Prepare your mind for an intellectual journey that will take you beyond the traditional boundaries of medicine. Do you dare to be a part of this exceptional learning community?

We invite you to join us!

Acquire knowledge in digestive medical oncology

Within this Postgraduate Certificate, you will explore in detail the anatomy and physiology of the digestive systems, immersing yourself in the understanding of non-colorectal tumors. You will acquire skills to apply advanced diagnostic methods and design personalized treatment plans, placing you at the forefront of medical care. Our approach goes beyond theory. We encourage collaboration in multidisciplinary teams and challenge you to hone your communication skills in a complex clinical environment. Upon completion of the Postgraduate Certificate, you will receive a certificate awarded by TECH Global University, a concrete testament to your mastery of the knowledge and competencies gained. Imagine the doors that will open once you complete this program. From advanced medical practice, to cutting-edge research, you will be prepared to tackle the most pressing challenges in the field of non-colorectal digestive medical oncology. This is your opportunity to be part of an institution recognized for its academic excellence and commitment to innovation. Enroll today in the Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Non-Colorectal Oncology and forge your path to medical leadership in the field!

Postgraduate Certificate in Non-Colorectal Digestive Medical Oncology.