
This program will prepare you intensively to specialize in cybersecurity management, the most demanded professional profile in the IT field today"


In recent years, the digitization process has accelerated, driven by the continuous advances in information technology. Thus, not only technology has enjoyed great improvements, but also the digital tools themselves with which many tasks are performed today. For example, these advances have made it possible for many banking operations to be carried out from a mobile application. There have also been new developments in the healthcare field, in appointment systems or in access to medical records. In addition, thanks to these technologies, it is possible to consult invoices or request services from companies in areas such as telephony.

But these advances have also led to an increase in computer vulnerabilities. Thus, while the options for performing various activities and tasks have expanded, attacks on the security of devices, applications and websites have increased proportionally. As a result, more and more companies are looking for cybersecurity professionals who are able to provide them with adequate protection against all types of cyber-attacks. 

Thus, the profile of Cybersecurity Manager is one of the most sought after by companies that operate on the Internet or have services in the digital environment. And to respond to this demand, TECH has designed this Professional master’s degree in Advanced Cybersecurity Management, which will provide the computer scientist with all the necessary tools to exercise this position effectively and taking into account the latest developments in protection and vulnerabilities in this technological field. 

In this program, you will be able to delve deeper into aspects such as security in the development and design of systems, techniques or security in Cloud Computing environments. It will do so through a 100% online methodology with which you will be able to combine your professional work with your studies, without rigid schedules or uncomfortable trips to an academic center. In addition, you will enjoy numerous multimedia teaching resources, taught by the most prestigious and specialized faculty in the field of cybersecurity.  

Get to know, first hand, the best security techniques applied to Cloud Computing environments or Blockchain technology"

This Professional master’s degree in Advanced Cybersecurity Management contains the most complete and up to date scientific program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • The development of case studies presented by IT and cybersecurity experts
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

You will enjoy numerous multimedia contents to speed up your learning process, while receiving the support of a faculty of great prestige in the field of cybersecurity”

The program includes, in its teaching staff, professionals from the sector who bring to this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.       

TECH online methodology will allow you to choose the time and place to study, without hindering your professional work"


You will be able to become the Cybersecurity Manager of the best companies in your field"


The rapid development of information technologies has brought great advances, providing numerous services to the population as a whole. However, the number of vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks has also increased, so the main objective of this Professional master’s degree is to turn the computer scientist into a true specialist in cybersecurity management, guaranteeing them a huge and immediate professional progress. Your new skills will provide you with the opportunity to gain access to large companies operating digitally in various sectors.  


The objective of this program is to make you a professional prepared to lead the cybersecurity department of a large company”  

General Objectives

  • Generate specialized knowledge about an information system, types and security aspects that must be taken into account
  • Identify the vulnerabilities of an information system
  • Develop legal regulations and criminalization of the crime attacking an information system
  • Evaluate the different security architecture models to establish the most appropriate model for the organization
  • Identify the regulatory frameworks of application and their regulatory bases
  • Analyze the organizational and functional structure of an information security area (the CISO's office)
  • Analyze and develop the concept of risk and uncertainty within the environment in which we live
  • Examine the Risk Management Model based on ISO 31.000
  • Examine the science of cryptology and the relationship to its branches: cryptography, cryptanalysis, steganography and stegoanalysis
  • Analyze the types of cryptography according to the type of algorithm and according to its use
  • Examine digital certificates
  • Examine the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  • Develop the concept of identity management
  • Identify authentication methods
  • Generate specialized knowledge about the IT security ecosystem
  • Assessing knowledge in terms of cybersecurity
  • Identify the areas of Cloud security
  • Analyze the services and tools in each of the security areas
  • Develop security specifications for each LPWAN technology
  • Analyze comparatively the security of LPWAN technologies

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Security in System Design and Development

  • Evaluate the security of an information system in all its components and layers
  • Identify current security threat types and trends
  • Establish security guidelines by defining security and contingency policies and plans
  • Analyze strategies and tools to ensure the integrity and security of information systems
  • Apply specific techniques and tools for each type of attack or security vulnerability
  • Protect sensitive information stored in the information system
  • Have the legal framework and typification of the crime, completing the vision with the typification of the offender and his victim

Module 2. Information Security Architectures and Models

  • Align the Safety Management Plan with the strategic objectives of the organization
  • Establish an ongoing risk management framework as an integral part of the Security Management Plan
  • Determine appropriate indicators for monitoring the implementation of the ISMS
  • Establish a policy-based security strategy
  • Analyze the objectives and procedures associated with the employee, supplier and partner awareness plan
  • Identify, within the regulatory framework, the regulations, certifications and laws applicable in each organization
  • Develop the fundamental elements required by the ISO 27001:2013 standard
  • Implement a privacy management model in line with the European GDPR/RGPD regulation

Module 3. IT Security Management

  • Identify the different structures that an information security area can have
  • Develop a security model based on three lines of defence
  • Present the different periodic and extraordinary committees in which the cybersecurity area is involved
  • Specify the technological tools that support the main functions of the security operations team (SOC)
  • Evaluate vulnerability control measures appropriate to each scenario
  • Develop the security operations framework based on the NIST CSF
  • Specify the scope of the different types of audits (Red Team, Pentesting, Bug Bounty, etc.)
  • Propose the activities to be carried out after a security incident
  • Set up an information security command center that encompasses all relevant stakeholders (authorities, customers, suppliers, etc.)

Module 4. Risk Analysis and IT Security Environment

  • Examine, with a holistic vision, the environment in which we move
  • Identify the main risks and opportunities that may affect the achievement of our objectives
  • Analyze risks based on the best practices available to us
  • Assessing the potential impact of these risks and opportunities
  • Develop techniques to deal with risks and opportunities in a way that maximizes value contribution
  • Examine in depth the different risk and value transfer techniques
  • Generate value from the design of proprietary models for agile risk management
  • Examine results to propose continuous improvements in project and process management based on risk-driven management models
  • Innovate and transform general data into relevant information for risk-based decision making

Module 5. Cryptography in IT

  • Compile the fundamental operations (XOR, large numbers, substitution and transposition) and the various components (One-
  • Way functions, Hash, random number generators)
  • Analyze cryptographic techniques
  • Develop the different cryptographic algorithms
  • Demonstrate the use of digital signatures and their application in digital certificates
  • Assess key management systems and the importance of cryptographic key lengths
  • Examine key derivation algorithms
  • Analyze the life cycle of keys
  • Evaluate block cipher and stream cipher modes
  • Determine pseudorandom number generators
  • Develop real-world cryptography application cases, such as Kerberos, PGP or smart cards
  • Examine related associations and organizations, such as ISO, NIST or NCSC
  • Determine the challenges in quantum computing cryptography

Module 6. Identity and Access Management in IT Security

  • Develop the concept of digital identity
  • Assessing physical access control to information
  • Foundation of biometric authentication and MFA authentication
  • Assess attacks related to information confidentiality
  • Analyze the federation of identities
  • Establish network access control

Module 7. Security in Communications and Software Operation

  • Develop specialized physical and logical security knowledge
  • Demonstrate knowledge of communications and networks
  • Identify major malicious attacks
  • Establish a secure development framework
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the main information security management system regulations
  • Support the operation of a cybersecurity operations center
  • Demonstrate the importance of having cybersecurity practices for organizational disasters

Module 8. Security in Cloud Environments

  • Identifying risks of a public cloud infrastructure deployment
  • Define security requirements
  • Developing a security plan for a cloud deployment
  • Identify the cloud services to be deployed for the execution of a security plan
  • Determine the operations necessary for the prevention mechanisms
  • Establish guidelines for a logging  and monitoring system
  • Propose incident response actions

Module 9. Security in IoT Device Communications

  • Introduce the simplified IoT architecture
  • Substantiate the differences between generalist connectivity technologies and connectivity technologies for IoT
  • Establish the concept of the iron triangle of IoT connectivity
  • Analyze the security specifications of LoRaWAN technology, NB-IoT technology and WiSUN technology
  • Justify the choice of the appropriate IoT technology for each project

Module 10. Business Continuity Plan Associated with Security

  • Present the key elements of each phase and analyze the characteristics of the Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
  • Substantiate the need for a Business Continuity Plan
  • Determine the success and risk maps for each phase of the Business Continuity Plan
  • Specify how to establish an Action Plan for implementation
  • Assess the completeness of a Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
  • Develop a plan for the successful implementation of a Business Continuity Plan

Your professional goals are now within your reach thanks to this Professional master’s degree, which provides the most advanced knowledge in cybersecurity"  

Professional Master's Degree in Advanced Cybersecurity Management


In recent years, technological development has enabled the creation of digital tools to perform a variety of tasks. For example, banking transactions and invoice consultation can be elaborated through mobile applications. However, these advances have also created computer vulnerabilities that have led to an increase in attacks on the security of devices, applications and websites. To combat this threat, companies require security managers who are highly skilled in the field. To meet this demand, TECH has created the Professional Master's Degree in Advanced Cybersecurity Management, which provides students with the necessary knowledge to perform this job effectively.

Boost your professional career in the area of Cybersecurity


The Professional Master's Degree in Advanced Cybersecurity Management has positioned itself as an excellent tool to help you learn about risk analysis techniques in the digital environment, identity and access management protocols in IT security or strategies to ensure data protection in the cloud. In this way, it will contribute directly to your professional development. Moreover, it will do so following a 100% online methodology that will allow you to study without depending on uncomfortable closed schedules.