
María Luz Calero García is a Doctor in Law who has devoted a large part of her professional career to research. Among her main lines of study are the taxable bases in the Personal Income Tax, the taxation of corporate income or international double taxation agreements. In addition, he has carried out research on the tax regime of fractioned payments or on the accounting and registration obligations of businessmen and professionals.  

As a result of his prolific activity, he has authored dozens of publications for specialized legal journals. Likewise, her passion for teaching has led her to give classes in university studies related to Financial and Tax Law. 

  • Researcher in Budgetary Equilibrium and Discipline
  • Author of several publications on Financial and Tax Law in specialized journals
  • Lecturer in university studies 
  • Doctor in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid
  • Graduate in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid 
  • Master's Degree in Taxation-Tax Advice from the Centro de Estudios Financieros (Centro de Estudios Financieros) 
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