University certificate
The world's largest school of languages”
It is a well-known fact that English is a universal language for a wide range of industries. The world's largest media outlets such as the BBC and Fox News originated in the United Kingdom and the United States, respectively. The film industry is dominated by Hollywood productions and even the world's most recognized YouTubers speak to their audiences in English. Nowadays, it is essential to know English at an advanced intermediate level in order to better understand the world and develop social and professional relationships. For this reason, TECH has prepared this Language Course, which is taught by world-class native teachers. With an innovative educational methodology, the student will acquire, in a progressive and natural way, all the necessary knowledge to successfully pass the English Level B2 test according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

You will be able to discover and understand the news from dozens of countries, as media such as Al Jazeera publish their news in this language"
In contrast to other languages, where a basic level already provides a significant competitive advantage, English is so widespread in the world that the minimum level usually required is B2. This means that many people, whether for academic, personal or professional reasons, need to study the language to further improve their job opportunities. TECH has prepared this 100%-online Language Course, which allows students to study and improve their English up to CEFR Level B2, passing the corresponding level test in a fast and effective way.
You won't have to worry about complicated paperwork or travel to expensive academies. In TECH's virtual campus you have all the content you need and more, in video and downloadable PDF format.
Improve your English level and get up to date with the requirements and demands of today's job market.
It is proven that learning languages increases your Intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks”
José Antonio Marina.
Philosopher, writer, and teacher.
A unique and stimulating experience
Take the best language course from home, at your own pace and according to your availability and schedule.
Acquire Skills and Abilities |
With our method, you will practice and consolidate the skills required for this level.
Join a large community and exchange knowledge and experiences with students from all over the world.
The objective of this program is to help students improve their English language skills and abilities. For this purpose, TECH has designed a completely online program that follows a practical methodology, in which the student has the freedom to take on the academic workload and study the units according to their learning pace. In addition, the content is fully developed to meet the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Upon graduation, the student will be ready to obtain the B2 language certification.

Practice the speaking skills and abilities required by the B2 CEFR: more than 400 different practice exercises"
General Objectives
- Understand, interact and express yourself in a extensive range of situations, both orally and written, with good control of linguistic resources and with a degree of precision and ease that allows for natural communication with native speakers
- Acquire deeper knowledge of sociocultural aspects related to these situations and alter your register, attitudes and gestures appropriately in each situation
- Internalize new linguistic resources through functional and formal practice and to reinforce the use of those already known; to reflect on mistakes in order to be able to correct yourself
- Become aware of the communication and learning strategies that help you the most, so that you can use them intentionally
- Develop autonomy in the planning, carrying out, evaluation and improvement of your own learning
Specific Objectives
Oral Comprehension |
- Comprender las ideas principales de un discurso complejo lingüísticamente, que trate tanto temas concretos como abstractos pronunciados en un nivel de lengua estándar, incluyendo debates técnicos dentro de su especialidad
- Comprender discursos extensos y líneas complejas de argumentación siempre que el tema sea razonablemente conocido y el desarrollo del discurso se facilite con marcadores explícitos
- Comprender cualquier tipo de habla, tanto conversaciones cara a cara como discursos retransmitidos, sobre temas, habituales o no, de la vida personal, social, académica o profesional. Sólo inciden en su capacidad de comprensión el ruido excesivo de fondo, una estructuración inadecuada del discurso o un uso idiomático de la lengua
- Captar con algún esfuerzo gran parte de lo que se dice a su alrededor, pero puede resultarle difícil participar con eficacia en una discusión con varios hablantes nativos si no modifican su discurso de algún modo
- Seguir conversaciones animadas entre hablantes nativos
- Comprender las ideas principales de conferencias, charlas e informes y otras formas de presentación académica y profesional lingüísticamente complejas
- Comprender declaraciones y mensajes sobre temas concretos y abstractos, en lengua estándar y con un ritmo normal
- Comprende la mayoría de los documentales radiofónicos y otro material grabado o retransmitido pronunciado en lengua estándar, y es capaz de identificar el estado de ánimo y el tono del hablante
- Comprender grabaciones en lengua estándar con las que puede encontrarse en la vida social, profesional o académica, e identificar los puntos de vista y las actitudes del hablante, así como el contenido de la información
Reading Comprehension |
- Read with a high level of independence, adapting reading style and speed to different texts and purposes and use appropriate reference sources selectively. Have a large active reading vocabulary, but may have some difficulty with infrequent idioms
- Read information related to their field of expertise and easily grasp the essential meaning
- Quickly search through long and complex texts to locate relevant details. Quickly identify the content and significance of news items, articles and reports of a wide range of professional topics and decide whether further analysis is appropriate
- Understand articles and reports related to current problems in which the authors express specific viewpoints
- Obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialized sources within their field of interest. Understand specialized articles that are not in their field of expertise as long as they can use a dictionary from time to time to confirm their interpretation of the terminology
- Understand lengthy and complex instructions that are within their expertise, including details about conditions and warnings as long as they can re-read difficult sections
- Understand most television news and current affairs programs. Understand documentaries, live interviews, debates, plays and most standard-language films
In TECH's CEFR B2 Language Course, students will find more than 300 pronunciation and phonetic activities.
Written Expression |
- Express news and points of view effectively when writing and establish a relationship with other people's points of view
- Write letters that convey emotion and highlight the personal significance of events and experiences; comment on the news and views of the person they are writing to
Oral Expression |
- Participate in conversations with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that enables regular interaction with native speakers without strain for either party. Emphasize the personal importance of certain facts and experiences, express and defend points of view with clarity, providing adequate explanations and arguments
- Speak fluently, accurately and effectively on a wide range of general, academic, professional or leisure topics, clearly marking the relationship between ideas. Communicates spontaneously and good grammatical control without showing many signs of having to restrict what he/she says and adopting a level of formality appropriate to the circumstances
- Understand in detail what is said in standard language, even in an environment with background noise
- Approach extensive conversations on most general topics, even in a noisy environment, in a clearly participatory manner
- Have conversations with native speakers without unintentionally amusing or annoying them, and without demanding different behavior from them than they would have with a native speaker
- Convey a certain emotion and highlight the personal importance of facts and experiences
- Follow the rhythm of lively discussions between native speakers. Express ideas and opinions with precision, present complex lines of argument convincingly and respond to them
- Take an active part in informal discussions that occur in everyday situations by making comments, clearly expressing their points of view, evaluating alternative proposals, making hypotheses and responding to them
- With some effort, pick up much of what is said in discussions going on around them, but may find it difficult to participate effectively in discussions with several native speakers if they do not modify their speech in some way
- Express and uphold their opinions in discussions by providing appropriate explanations, arguments, and comments
- Keep up with heated discussions and accurately identify the arguments of different points of view. Express ideas and opinions with precision, present complex lines and respond to them with conviction
- Understand, with complete certainty, detailed instructions. Contribute to the progress of the work by inviting others to participate, speak up, etc.
- Outline an issue or problem clearly, speculating on the causes or consequences and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches
- Negotiate the resolution of conflicts, such as claiming an unfair traffic fine, claiming financial responsibility for damages caused in an apartment or for culpability in an accident
- Express their opinions in the event of damages, using persuasive language to claim compensation, and clearly establish the limits of any concession they are willing to make
- Explain a problem that has arisen and make it clear that the service provider or customer must make concessions
- Understand and exchange complex information and advice on all matters related to their profession. Communicates detailed information with complete certainty
- Make clear and detailed descriptions of how to carry out a procedure. Summarizes and communicates information and arguments from a variety of sources
- Conduct effective and fluent interviews, even spontaneously departing from prepared questions, following the thread and giving interesting answers
- Take the initiative in an interview and expand and develop their ideas, either with little help or getting it if needed from the interviewer
Sociocultural and Sociolinguistic Competence
- Broaden and diversify your knowledge of sociocultural aspects of communities where they speak the language, acquiring a natural and confident manner of speaking, which doesn’t attract attention nor leads to special treatment, different to that given to native speakers. Furthermore, gain knowledge of how to adjust your behavior, reactions, attitude, message and wording to any changes in situation, style and emphasis
- Identify the most important aspects of a variety of common formal and informal oral and written registers, and appropriately use the expressions, pronunciation and intonation of the most common registers with which you are in contact more frequently
- Perceive the differentiating characteristics of the Italian language pattern in relation to other widespread or nearby patterns

Linguistic Competence
- Manage a wide and varied repertoire of linguistic resources, including complex syntax and textual grammar, in order to approach, with naturalness, precision, clarity and cohesion, texts on a wide range of situations and topics, almost without showing that he/she has to limit what he/she wants to say
- Flexibly adapt to changes in direction, register and emphasis, although hesitations and circumlocutions can still occur
- Efficiently use a variety of connectors and discourse markers to clearly show the link between different ideas and successfully make the speech cohesive in a flexible and efficient way
- Possess good command of linguistic resources with very few mistakes. When using complex structures, especially in discourse development, and even more so in oral communication or in less common situations, there are sometimes cohesion or inappropriate register mistakes, as well as sporadic slips or some "resistant" errors in less commonly controlled situations. In these cases the student will be capable of self-correcting
To consolidate all these skills, you will have more than 500 lexical, vocabulary and sociocultural activities"

Did you know?
Communicative competence is not merely limited to the knowledge and ability to use the linguistic code, but has other broader dimensions, which place it in direct relation with other competences such as information processing and digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competence, or cultural and artistic competence.
This implies a cultural immersion that is only possible to recreate in the online format through simulated scenarios, storytelling, videos and real situations.
Only TECH offers videos with the 180 specific situations required to master the CEFR B2.
B2 English Language Course
Imagine being able to answer a simple interview questions in English to access an excellent job opportunity. Achieving an intermediate level of proficiency in the most widely spoken language in the world will allow you to do so, and TECH, the world's largest online university, makes it easy for you with the B2 English Language Course. Thanks to the innovative Relearning methodology adapted to the teaching of foreign languages, autonomous classes that you can manage freely according to your availability and a wide range of state-of-the-art multimedia content, you will have access to an immersive, flexible and optimal learning experience to enhance your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Throughout fifteen modules where you will see various conversational topics (professional life, customs and traditions, emotions, current affairs and media, etc.) you will learn from actively participating in formal discussions to familiarize yourself with and properly use colloquial language in frequent use; an ideal preparation alternative to achieve the level of English you are looking for.
Learn Intermediate English with TECH
Do you know why improving your English is one of the best decisions you can make? Because some sectors such as tourism, foreign trade, marketing or customer service offer positions with excellent remuneration for bilinguals who have at least a B2 level of English. By taking this course you will be able to improve your knowledge of grammar, phonetics, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation of the English language through interactive material that includes multiple practice exercises developed by bilingual experts. We will train you not only to achieve greater oral and written comprehension and expression, but also to acquire unique sociocultural and sociolinguistic skills that will enable you, for example, to perceive the differentiating characteristics of an English speaker's language pattern or to effectively use a variety of connectors and discourse markers in order to relate ideas. Only TECH provides you with a rewarding, autonomous language learning experience that fits into your routine.