University certificate
The world's largest school of business”
Why study at TECH?
The figure of the upright, inflexible and authoritarian manager has become obsolete. A new profile has emerged, one that is much more in line with new trends and stands out for being technologically savvy, practising active listening and being self-critical of their work"

Why Study at TECH?
TECH is the world's largest 100% online business school. It is an elite business school, with a model based on the highest academic standards. A world-class centre for intensive managerial skills training.
TECH is a university at the forefront of technology, and puts all its resources at the student's disposal to help them achieve entrepreneurial success"
At TECH Global University
Innovation |
The university offers an online learning model that combines the latest educational technology with the most rigorous teaching methods. A unique method with the highest international recognition that will provide students with the keys to develop in a rapidly-evolving world, where innovation must be every entrepreneur’s focus.
"Microsoft Europe Success Story", for integrating the innovative, interactive multi-video system.
The Highest Standards |
Admissions criteria at TECH are not economic. Students don't need to make a large investment to study at this university. However, in order to obtain a qualification from TECH, the student's intelligence and ability will be tested to their limits. The institution's academic standards are exceptionally high...
95% of TECH students successfully complete their studies.
Networking |
Professionals from countries all over the world attend TECH, allowing students to establish a large network of contacts that may prove useful to them in the future.
100,000+ executives trained each year, 200+ different nationalities.
Empowerment |
Students will grow hand in hand with the best companies and highly regarded and influential professionals. TECH has developed strategic partnerships and a valuable network of contacts with major economic players in 7 continents.
500+ collaborative agreements with leading companies.
Talent |
This program is a unique initiative to allow students to showcase their talent in the business world. An opportunity that will allow them to voice their concerns and share their business vision.
After completing this program, TECH helps students show the world their talent.
Multicultural Context |
While studying at TECH, students will enjoy a unique experience. Study in a multicultural context. In a program with a global vision, through which students can learn about the operating methods in different parts of the world, and gather the latest information that best adapts to their business idea.
TECH students represent more than 200 different nationalities.

Learn with the best |
In the classroom, TECH teaching staff discuss how they have achieved success in their companies, working in a real, lively, and dynamic context. Teachers who are fully committed to offering a quality specialization that will allow students to advance in their career and stand out in the business world.
Teachers representing 20 different nationalities.
TECH strives for excellence and, to this end, boasts a series of characteristics that make this university unique:
Analysis |
TECH explores the student’s critical side, their ability to question things, their problem-solving skills, as well as their interpersonal skills.
Academic Excellence |
TECH offers students the best online learning methodology. The university combines the Relearning method (a postgraduate learning methodology with the highest international rating) with the Case Study. A complex balance between tradition and state-of-the-art, within the context of the most demanding academic itinerary.
Economy of Scale |
TECH is the world’s largest online university. It currently boasts a portfolio of more than 10,000 university postgraduate programs. And in today's new economy, volume + technology = a ground-breaking price. This way, TECH ensures that studying is not as expensive for students as it would be at another university.
At TECH, you will have access to the most rigorous and up-to-date case studies in the academic community”
The Executive development program in Strategic Marketing and Management in Companies and Organizations is a tailor-made program for professionals that is taught in a 100% online format so that they can choose the time and place that best suits their availability, schedules and interests.
A program that takes place over 6 months and is intended to be a unique and stimulating experience that lays the foundation for your success as a manager and entrepreneur.
What you study is very important. The abilities and skills you acquire are fundamental. You won't find a more complete syllabus than this one, believe us..."
The Executive development program in Strategic Marketing and Management in Companies and Organizations of TECH Global University is an intense program that prepares you to face challenges and business decisions globally.
The content of the Executive development program in Strategic Marketing and Management in Companies and Organizations is designed to promote the development of managerial competencies that allow for more rigorous decision-making in uncertain environments.
Throughout 750 hours of education, students analyze a multitude of practical cases through individual practice and teamwork. It is, therefore, an authentic immersion in real business situations.
This Executive development program in Strategic Marketing and Management in Companies and Organizations deals in depth with all the financial areas of the company and is designed to train managers who understand Strategic Management from a strategic, international and innovative perspective.
A plan designed for students, focused on their professional development, which prepares them to achieve excellence in the field of management and business administration. A program that understands your needs and those of your company through innovative content based on the latest trends, and supported by the best educational methodology and an exceptional faculty, which will provide you with the skills to solve critical situations in a creative and efficient way.
This program takes place over 6 months and is divided into 5 modules:
Module 1. Management and Strategy of Companies and Organizations
Module 2. Principles of Strategic Marketing
Module 3. Marketing Processes and Variables
Module 4. Market and Customer Management
Module 5. Introduction to Market Research

Where, When and How is it Taught?
TECH offers the possibility of developing this Executive development program in Strategic Marketing and Management in Companies and Organizations completely online. Over the course of 6 months, you will be able to access all the contents of this program at any time, allowing you to self-manage your study time.
Module 1. Management and Strategy of Companies and Organizations
1.1. General Management
1.1.1. The Concept of General Management
1.1.2. The General Manager's Action
1.1.3. The General Manager and its Functions
1.1.4. Transforming the Work of Management
1.2. Organisational Design
1.2.1. Organizational Design Concept
1.2.2. Organizational Structure
1.2.3. Types of Organizational Designs
1.3. Planning and Strategy
1.3.1. The Plan in a Strategy
1.3.2. Strategic Positioning
1.3.3. Strategy in Companies
1.3.4. Planning
1.4. Strategic Management
1.4.1. The Concept of Strategy
1.4.2. The Process of Strategic Management
1.4.3. Approaches in Strategic Management
1.5. Corporate Strategy
1.5.1. The Concept of Corporate Strategy
1.5.2. Types of Corporate Strategies
1.5.3. Corporate Strategy Definition Tools
1.6. Digital Strategy
1.6.1. Technology Strategy and its Impact on Digital Innovation
1.6.2. Strategic Planning of Information Technologies
1.6.3. Strategy and The Internet
1.7. Corporate Strategy and Technology Strategy
1.7.1. Creating Value for Customers and Shareholders
1.7.2. Strategic IS/IT Decisions
1.7.3. Corporate Strategy Vs. Technology and Digital Strategy
1.8. Competitive Strategy
1.8.1. The Concept of Competitive Strategy
1.8.2. Competitive Advantage
1.8.3. Choosing a Competitive Strategy
1.8.4. Strategies Based on the Strategic Clock Model
1.8.5. Types of Strategies according to the Industrial Sector Life Cycle
1.9. Investment Valuation
1.9.1. Assessment of Investments
1.9.2. Inversions Selection Methods
1.9.3. Additional Tools for Investment Project Appraisal
1.10. Social Business
1.10.1. Web 2.0 Strategic Vision and its Challenges
1.10.2. Convergence Opportunities and ICT Trends
1.10.3. How to Monetize Web 2.0 and Social Media?
1.10.4. Mobility and Digital Business
Module 2. Principles of Strategic Marketing
2.1. Fundamentals of Marketing
2.1.1. The Concept of Marketing
2.1.2. The Basic Elements of Marketing
2.1.3. Marketing Activities in Companies
2.2. Marketing Strategy Dimensions
2.2.1. Marketing Strategies
2.2.2. Types of Marketing Strategies
2.3. The Function of Strategic Marketing
2.3.1. The Concept of Strategic Marketing
2.3.2. Concept of Strategic Marketing Planning
2.3.3. Stages in the Process of Strategic Marketing Planning
2.4. Digital Marketing
2.4.1. Digital Marketing Concept
2.4.2. Marketing Strategies in Digital Marketing
2.5. Inbound Marketing.
2.5.1. Effective Inbound Marketing
2.5.2. The Benefits of Inbound Marketing
2.5.3. Measuring the Success of Inbound Marketing
2.6. Marketing: From the Idea to the Market
2.6.1. The Marketing Process
2.6.2. Ideas as Business Opportunities
2.6.3. Marketing, a Market Drive
2.7. Consumer Psychology and Behavior
2.7.1. The Study of Consumer Behavior
2.7.2. Internal and External Factors Influencing the Consumer
2.7.3. Consumer Decision Process
2.7.4. Consumerism, Marketing, Ethics and Society
2.8. Market Segmentation
2.8.1. Market Segmentation Concept
2.8.2. Use and Segmentation Requirements
2.8.3. Consumer Market Segmentation
2.8.4. Industrial Market Segmentation
2.8.5. Segmentation Strategies
2.8.6. Segmentation Based on Marketing - Mix Criteria
2.8.7. Market Segmentation Methodology
2.9. Competitive Positioning
2.9.1. Positioning Concept on the Market
2.9.2. The Positioning Process
2.10. Social Marketing
2.10.1. Social Marketing
2.10.2. Socially Responsible Marketing
2.10.3. Social Cause Marketing
Module 3. Marketing Processes and Variables
3.1. Developing the Marketing Plan
3.1.1. Marketing Plan Concept
3.1.2. Situation Analysis and Diagnosis
3.1.3. Strategic Marketing Decisions
3.1.4. Operating Marketing Decisions
3.2. Marketing Mix
3.2.1. Marketing Mix Concept
3.2.2. Product Strategies
3.2.3. Pricing Strategies
3.2.4. Distribution Strategies
3.2.5. Communication Strategies
3.3. Product Management
3.3.1. Product Classifications
3.3.2. Differentiation
3.3.3. The Design
3.3.4. Luxury
3.3.5. Environmental Issues
3.4. Pricing Principles
3.4.1. Introduction to Pricing
3.4.2. Stages in Pricing
3.5. Distribution Channel Management
3.5.1. Concept and Functions of Commercial Distribution
3.5.2. Design and Management of Distribution Channels
3.6. Advertising Communication
3.6.1. Integrated Marketing Communication
3.6.2. Advertising Communication Plan
3.6.3. Merchandising as a Communication Technique
3.7. E-Commerce
3.7.1. Introduction to E-Commerce
3.7.2. Differences between Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce
3.7.3. Technological E-Commerce Platforms
3.8. Marketing Information System
3.8.1. The Concept of a Marketing Information System (MIS)
3.8.2. Features of an MIS
3.8.3. The Information in the MIS
3.8.4. Structure of SIM
3.9. Marketing Intelligence
3.9.1. The Concept of Marketing Intelligence
3.9.2. Areas of Marketing Intelligence
3.9.3. Surveillance in Marketing Intelligence
3.9.4. Panels as Sources of Information for Marketing Intelligence
3.10. Branding
3.10.1. The Brand and Their Functions
3.10.2. Brand Creation (Branding)
3.10.3. Brand Architecture
Module 4. Market and Customer Management
4.1. Marketing Management
4.1.1. The Concept of Marketing Management
4.1.2. New Trends in Marketing
4.1.3. A New Marketplace: Consumer and Business Capabilities
4.1.4. Holistic MK Orientation
4.1.5. Update on the 4 Ps of Marketing
4.1.6. Marketing Management Tasks
4.2. Relationship Marketing
4.2.1. Concept of Marketing Relations
4.2.2. The Customer as an Asset of the Company
4.2.3. CRM as a Relationship Marketing Tool
4.3. Data Base Marketing
4.3.1. Data Base Marketing Applications
4.3.2. Laws and Regulations
4.3.3. Information Sources
4.4. Types of Buying Behavior
4.4.1. The Process in Purchasing Decisions
4.4.2. The Stages in the Buying Process
4.4.3. Types of Buying Behavior
4.4.4. Features of the Types of Buying Behaviour
4.5. Consumer Centric Marketing
4.5.1. Introduction to Consumer Centric Marketing
4.5.2. Client Segmentation
4.5.3. Marketing Strategies for the Best Customers
4.6. Logistics and Customers
4.6.1. Demand Analysis
4.6.2. Demand and Sales Forecast
4.6.3. Sales and Operations Planning
4.7. The Loyalty Process
4.7.1. In-Depth Knowledge of the Client
4.7.2. Loyalty Process
4.7.3. The Value of the Customer
4.8. Knowing the Market and the Consumer
4.8.1. Open Innovation
4.8.2. Competitive Intelligence
4.8.3. Competitive Economy
4.9. Social Web
4.9.1. Organization in the Age of Conversation
4.9.2. Web 2.0 Is All About People
4.9.3. Digital Environment and New Communication Formats
4.10. Social Media Platforms
4.10.1. General, Professional, and Microblogging Platforms
4.10.2. Video, Image, and Mobility Platforms
Module 5. Introduction to Market Research
5.1. Fundamentals of Marketing Research
5.1.1. Concept of Market Research and Marketing
5.1.2. Utility of Market Research
5.1.3. Market Research Ethics
5.2. Market Research Applications
5.2.1. The Value of Research for Managers
5.2.2. Factors in the Decision to Investigate the Market
5.2.3. Main Objectives of Market Research
5.3. Types of Market Research
5.3.1. Exploratory Research
5.3.2. Descriptive Research
5.3.3. Causal Investigations
5.4. Types of Information
5.4.1. Elaboration: Primary and Secondary
5.4.2. Qualitative Nature
5.4.3. Qualitative Nature
5.5. Organisation of Market Research
5.5.1. Internal Market Research Department
5.5.2. Research Outsourcing
5.5.3. Decision Factors: Internal vs. External
5.6. Research Project Management
5.6.1. Market Research as a Process
5.6.2. Planning Stages in Market Research
5.6.3. Execution Stages in Marketing Research
5.6.4. Managing a Research Project
5.7. Desk Studies
5.7.1. Objectives of Desk Studies
5.7.2. Sources of Secondary Information
5.7.3. Results of the Desk Studies
5.8. Field Work
5.8.1. Obtaining Primary Information
5.8.2. Organization of Information Gathering
5.8.3. Interviewer Control
5.9. Online Market Research
5.9.1. Quantitative Research Tools in Online Markets
5.9.2. Dynamic Qualitative Customer Research Tools
5.10. The Market Research Proposal
5.10.1. Objectives and Methodology
5.10.2. Completion Deadlines
5.10.3. Budget

A unique, key, and decisive training experience to boost your professional development and make the definitive leap”
Management Development Program in Strategic Marketing and Management in Businesses and Organizations
If you are looking to enhance your strategic marketing and management skills, TECH Global University has the perfect program for you: the Management Development Program in Strategic Marketing and Management in Businesses and Organizations. In our program, you will immerse yourself in the exciting world of strategic marketing and learn the most advanced techniques to lead your company to success. Through our online classes, taught by experts in the field, you will acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to strategically lead the growth of your organization. The online classes encourage interaction and collaboration between participants and professors through online learning platforms. You will be able to share ideas, participate in discussions and receive direct feedback from marketing and management experts. This collaborative dynamic will allow you to develop practical skills and gain a deep understanding of how to apply effective marketing and leadership strategies.
Lead success in companies and organizations with TECH Global University.
At TECH Global University, we work to provide you with the best possible continuous learning tailored to the needs and demands of today's job market. Upon completion of the Management Development Program in Strategic Marketing and Management in Businesses and Organizations, you will be able to design and execute successful marketing plans, identify growth opportunities, lead high-performance teams and make strategic decisions that drive business success. Don't miss the opportunity to become a leader in strategic marketing and management. Enroll in our Management Development Program in Strategic Marketing and Management in Businesses and Organizations at TECH Global University and take your career and your company to the next level.