
Join the change and bet on a program of the highest level in which you will find the most relevant and up-to-date information to deal with aging through an innovative medical practice"


A recent study endorsed by prestigious international organizations such as SEME has revealed that 4 out of 10 people seek Aesthetic Medicine after the age of 26. Today's society, increasingly hyperconnected and exposed to the social world, needs to feel good and one of the keys to this is through beauty. However, this concept has been evolving in recent decades and nowadays what is demanded is naturalness and the promotion of a radiant appearance, but, above all, healthy. For this reason, techniques such as those related to anti-aging, the removal of blemishes, warts, scars or tattoos, or mesotherapy have come to occupy the number 1 in the ranking of the most demanded treatments.

And being aware that many professionals in the medical field do not have the necessary time to keep abreast of all the latest developments, TECH has developed this professional master’s degree in Advanced Aesthetic Medicine, a program designed with the aim of gathering, in 1,500 hours of the best multidisciplinary content, all the latest developments in this clinical area. It is a program that will allow the graduates to delve into the latest developments related to botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid (techniques of use, conservation methods, recommendations, etc.). They will also work on the approach to intradermal body, facial and hair therapy, as well as biostimulation with platelet-rich plasma to promote the production of collagen, elastin and epidermal tissue. In addition, students will be able to perfect their skills in 360° facial harmonization and in the use of technologies related to plexer and CoolSculpting.

All this over 12 months of 100% online educational experience. And the convenient format of the program will allow you to design your own academic calendar, without schedules or on-site classes. Likewise, you will have the support of a teaching team versed in different areas, which will be at your disposal to resolve any doubts that may arise through a state-of-the-art Virtual Campus. It is, therefore, a unique opportunity to work in a complete way in a comprehensive refresher program for the promotion of beauty through an aesthetic practice of the highest level.

A professional master’s degree with which you can delve into the advances of the tensor threads as collagen-inducing materials par excellence from wherever you want thanks to its convenient 100% online format"

This professional master’s degree in Advanced Aesthetic Medicine contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Aesthetic Medicine
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Would you like to get up to date on hyaluronic acid filler strategies that are being used in the world's leading aesthetic centers? If the answer is yes, you have an opportunity before you"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Botulinum toxin is one of the best allies of the aesthetic doctor. For this reason, in this professional master’s degree you will find the most relevant news regarding its use, recommendations, techniques, etc"


A program that will bring you up to date with the most relevant topics that you should handle perfectly as an aesthetic doctor (treatments, techniques, filler materials, etc.)"


The increasingly high demand for the different services of Aesthetic Medicine, as well as the innovations that have been implemented in this practice in recent years are the 2 reasons why TECH Global University has considered the development of this program to be necessary. Therefore, the objective of the program is to gather in 1,500 hours of the best theoretical, practical and additional content, all the information that will allow the graduates to get up to date with the advances in surgical and non-invasive techniques, as well as the best filler materials for a safe and effective practice of beauty treatments.


Did you know that this program includes a module to update you on the best strategies to master the situation if the results of the intervention are not as expected? That way, you'll always be prepared”

General Objectives

  • Update the professional's knowledge in order to be a professional of modern Aesthetic Medicine, knowledgeable about the best and newest treatments and know how to apply them in an adequate and individualized way for each of their patients
  • Focus on the establishment of the most innovative guidelines for an exquisite doctor-patient relationship
  • Be up to date with the most important tips regarding risk prevention, complications and emergency situations
  • Delve into the latest developments in Aesthetic Medicine, its treatments and techniques in a way that is not purely theoretical, but through dynamic and practical material

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Aging and Other Relevant Issues to Consider in a Practice as an Aesthetic Doctor

  • Review in depth how Aesthetic Medicine began
  • Update the doctor's knowledge of easy anatomy and anatomical risk areas
  • Get up to date on the methods of identifying a harmonious face
  • Have up-to-date dermatology fundamentals (know skin layers, semiology of the face and skin characteristics with appropriate instruments)
  • Have a deep and up-to-date knowledge of the main skin alterations (Acne, Rosacea, Hirsutism, Hyperhidrosis, Dyschromia)
  • Delve into the most innovative protocols to act in emergency situations in the Aesthetic Medicine office: anaphylaxis, PCR, epileptic crisis, etc
  • Know in depth the latest developments related to anesthesia used in Aesthetic Medicine: topical, local etc
  • Delve into basic medical legal aspects: clinical history, data protection, permission for publications in social networks, liability insurance

Module 2. Advanced Botulinum Toxin Injection Techniques

  • Update the doctor's knowledge in relation to botulinum toxin
  • Update in the treatment of the upper third, that is, the most demanded treatment in the Aesthetic Medicine office: wrinkles
  • Delve into other advanced techniques: gummy smile correction and treatment of bruxism
  • Keep in mind the most frequent adverse effects and know how to deal with them
  • Be up to date on the commercial names of botulinum toxins type A
  • Get to know how to reconstitute the toxin and how to preserve it according to current methods
  • Know in depth the most innovative post-treatment recommendations to indicate them to each patient

Module 3. Filler Materials and Hyaluronic Acid

  • Update on the use of filler materials: delve into the concept and its use, know the types, etc
  • Update the students' knowledge in the use of hyaluronic acid
  • Identify, correctly and based on their types, the main indications and treatments (dark circles under the eyes, lips, furrows and expression lines)

Module 4. Tensor Threads and Other Collagen-Inducing Materials

  • Get an in-depth update on the types of collagen stimulating products
  • Update on the mechanisms of action and possible adverse effects
  • Acquire a comprehensive and innovative knowledge of tensor threads (mechanism of action of tensor threads, indications; complications and their solutions)

Module 5. Body, Facial and Capillary Mesotherapy/Intradermotherapy

  • Get to know the applications of mesotherapy at facial, capillary and body level in current Aesthetic Medicine
  • Know in depth the most innovative mesotherapy techniques (manual and spray)
  • Delve into their contraindications and side effects as a review

Module 6. Platelet-Rich Plasma Biostimulation (PRP)

  • Get to know the tremendous relevance of PRP and its various applications in Aesthetic Medicine today
  • Elaborate a good treatment with plasma, thereby obtaining the best results based on the guidelines of current Aesthetic Medicine
  • Gain knowledge about the most effective and innovative techniques for its application according to the physiological characteristics of the patient

Module 7. Body Aesthetic Medicine. Obesity

  • Have an up-to-date knowledge of body composition analysis and body semiology
  • Be up to date on eating disorders
  • Delve, in depth, into the main types of diets
  • Be up to date on the importance of physical exercise (importance, adequate quantity, etc.)

Module 8. Laser

  • Delve into laser technology, and the different types of lasers that currently exist, both ablative and non-ablative 
  • In-depth knowledge of how to treat the different types of lesions (vascular lesions and pigmented lesions) based on the current criteria of Aesthetic Medicine
  • Update in depigmentation of tattoos
  • Update on the use of laser photoepilation

Module 9. Other High Technologies: Plexer, CoolSculpting, Ultrasound and Others

  • Know what coolsculpting consists of and its current applications and indications
  • Have a deep knowledge of the latest developments in the use of ultrasound in Aesthetic Medicine
  • Have a brief and up-to-date knowledge of other devices such as: radiofrequency, cavitation, cryolipolysis, vacuum therapy, diathermy, carboxitherapy and hyperbaric chamber

Module 10. 360° Facial Harmonization: A Global Vision

  • Update the doctor's knowledge of the 360° method in Aesthetic Medicine
  • Treat the pathology of young skin (acne) based on the most innovative treatments
  • Get up to date on rejuvenation techniques: upper third of the face, eye, oral and perioral area
  • Know in depth how to approach the treatment of the “double chin" in a new way
  • Gain knowledge about how to approach neck and neckline and hand rejuvenation with the new techniques of Aesthetic Medicine
  • Get to know how to perform a non-surgical facelift, foxy eyes and facial skinbooster following the latest advances in clinical aesthetics

A program with which you will work in the updating of pre and post surgical treatments to achieve the best results and meet the needs of your patients based on the latest advances in Aesthetic Medicine"

Professional Master's Degree in Advanced Aesthetic Medicine

In today's world, the pursuit of beauty and wellness has become a priority for many people. Advanced aesthetic medicine has emerged as a revolutionary discipline that combines medical science with aesthetics, allowing healthcare professionals to offer innovative and personalized solutions to improve patients' physical appearance and overall well-being. If you are passionate about this fascinating field and wish to become an expert, the Professional Master's Degree in Advanced Aesthetic Medicine created by TECH Global University is the gateway to an exciting and constantly evolving career. Our program, taught 100% online, is designed to provide you with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to become a highly skilled professional in this field. Through flexible online classes and state-of-the-art interactive material, we will optimize your skills in a variety of areas that will be useful in broadening your scope of action.

Be an expert in advanced aesthetic medicine

At TECH we provide you with the latest tools that contribute to reinforce and improve your learning day by day. By taking the postgraduate course online, you will be able to self-manage your study schedule as best suits you, so you will not have to put aside other personal or work activities. Through a comprehensive and updated approach, you will immerse yourself in the fundamentals of aesthetic medicine, exploring topics such as skin physiology, skin aging, non-surgical facial rejuvenation techniques, the use of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers, among others. In addition, you will study the ethical and legal aspects related to the practice of aesthetic medicine. In this way, you will be prepared to face ethical challenges and make informed decisions that benefit your patients and promote safety and quality in medical care.