
Incorporate the most advanced diagnostic methods and interventions into your daily practice thanks to this program, with which you will be able to deepen your knowledge of issues such as targeted therapy with radioligands"


The disciplines of radiology and Nuclear Medicine have undergone major transformations in recent years, allowing the specialist to incorporate surgical techniques and diagnostic methods of great precision. Thus, these fields are two of the most advanced in medicine today, so the professional who wishes to keep up to date has to take an update program like this advanced master’s degree in Nuclear Medicine and Radiodiagnostics.

This degree has been designed with the aim of offering physicians the most recent developments in these areas, so that they can integrate into their daily work the latest innovations in issues such as the treatment of cerebral vasospasm, the combined technique of BSGC and localization of occult lesion (SNOLL), teragnosis applied to neuroendocrine and gastroenteropancreatic tumors or breast cancer screening and the BI-RADS system, among many others.

All this, from a 100% online learning system that will adapt to the personal circumstances of the specialist, since they will be able to decide when, where and how to study, without having to submit to rigid schedules and without uncomfortable trips to an academic center. In addition, a teaching staff of great international prestige will accompany you throughout the entire process and will use numerous multimedia resources to make the program's educational itinerary more effective.

This program is developed in a 100% online format and will allow you to combine your work with your studies, without submitting to rigid schedules or requiring you to travel to an academic center" 

This advanced master’s degree in Nuclear Medicine and Radiodiagnostics contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of practical cases presented by experts in Nuclear advanced master’s degree
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Nuclear Medicine and Radiodiagnostics
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Get updated thanks to the prestigious teaching staff selected by TECH, composed of working professionals who know all the latest developments in these specialized fields" 

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of medicine, who bring to this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training experience designed to train for real-life situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will learn about the latest advances in Nuclear Medicine applied to pediatrics, deepening in PET/PET-CT/PET-MRI techniques in pediatric and young adult patients"


The best multimedia materials are waiting for you: Video proceedings, interactive summaries, case studies, master classes"


The main objective of this advanced master’s degree in Nuclear Medicine and Radiodiagnostics is to provide the specialist with the latest advances in these disciplines. And to achieve this, it offers you the best option in the market: A teaching staff with a great international reputation in these medical areas, the most effective and flexible learning methodology and complete and updated contents, presented through different multimedia resources.


This program integrates the most advanced diagnostic methods of Nuclear Medicine and Radiodiagnostics, providing the specialist with a deep and complete update in these areas" 

General Objectives

  • Update the specialist in Nuclear Medicine
  • Perform and interpret functional tests in an integrated and sequential manner
  • Achieve a diagnostic orientation of the patients
  • Assist in deciding the best therapeutic strategy, including radiometabolic therapy, for each patient
  • Apply clinical and biochemical criteria for the diagnosis of infections and inflammations
  • Understand the particularities of Nuclear Medicine applied to pediatric patients
  • Learn about the new therapies of Nuclear Medicine
  • Know the latest contributions to radiological diagnosis and treatment which has a positive impact in curing and improving the quality of life of patients
  • Increase the degree of knowledge in diagnostic and therapeutic radiology in the subspecialties of neurology, sensory organs, pneumology, cardiology, Gastroenterology, urology, traumatology, women's pathology and angiology
  • Implement the protocols for medical management of the patient in diagnostic and therapeutic radiology
  • Recognise the new materials used in interventional radiology

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Management

  • Deepen the comprehensive management of the Nuclear Medicine unit with efficiency and quality oriented to the patient
  • Establish a strategic plan considering the institution's environment, needs and resources
  • Delve into the different organizational forms and the implementation of a quality program oriented to continuous improvement focused on the patient

Module 2. Radiomics

  • Obtain diagnostic, response predictive and prognostic biomarkers offering patients personalized precision therapy

Module 3. Single Photon Emission Nuclear Medicine: “Pearls and Pitfalls”

  • Show the characteristic imaging patterns for new pathologies, the causes of diagnostic error and the update of advances in conventional Nuclear Medicine in a practical way

Module 4. Infection/Inflammation: Gammagraphic Studies and PET Tracers

  • Deepen in the application of molecular and morphofunctional imaging techniques in the field of Nuclear Medicine in the diagnosis, assessment of the extent and response to treatment of infectious/inflammatory pathology in the different organs and systems
  • Deepen the techniques applied in the specific clinical context
  • Accurate diagnosis with the least consumption of resources and radiation for the patient

Module 5. Nuclear Medicine in Pediatrics

  • Deepen in the specific characteristics of Nuclear Medicine studies in pediatrics
  • Cover aspects of test indication, acquisition protocols with appropriate choice of radiopharmaceutical and instrumentation characteristics
  • Optimization of dosimetric parameters
  • Interpret images and know the different pathologies by organs and systems and differential diagnosis
  • Know the best diagnostic strategy with proper sequencing of tests while minimizing radiation
  • Avoid tests that do not provide information for the management of the child

Module 6. Neuroendocrine Tumors

  • Deepen the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of NETs
  • Position Nuclear Medicine both in the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects in the appropriate context

Module 7. Radioguided Surgery

  • Establish the protocols for performing the techniques, as well as their indication and modifications in the management of the patient in the different localizations

Module 8. PET/CT- PET/MRI in Oncology Clinical Guidelines

  • Deepen the role of PET/CT studies in tumors with the highest incidence
  • Know its impact on diagnosis and staging and on response assessment and follow-up
  • Analyze the positioning of the different scientific societies in the respective clinical guidelines

Module 9. Targeted Therapy with Radioligands

  • Present the diagnostic protocols, patient selection, therapeutic protocols, care of the patient treated with metabolic therapy, responses obtained, side effects, its positioning compared to other therapies and possible lines of research for each of the different pathologies in which it is used

Module 10. Nuclear Medicine

  • Deepen the knowledge of the basics of Nuclear Medicine in its fundamental elements, such as radioactivity and the type of disintegrations, image detection and generation, radiopharmaceuticals and radioprotection

Module 11. Neuroradiology

  • Recognize radiological advances in cerebrovascular disease and protocolize the radiologist's actions in the code stroke in time
  • Analyze the image findings in craniocerebral trauma
  • Recognize the pathological signs of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis
  • Recognize the pathological signs of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis
  • Evaluate CT and MRI findings of CNS neoplasms
  • Know the different evaluation systems for the response to treatment in CNS neoplasms
  • Discriminate between treatment response, pseudoresponse, pseudoprogression and disease progression
  • Recognise the latest advances in diagnostic neuroradiology

Module 12. Sensory Organs

  • Analyze the findings of diagnostic radiology techniques in Ophthalmologic Pathology

Module 13. Chest

  • Diagnose and stage lung cancer using radiological techniques
  • Evaluate the response to lung cancer treatment
  • Describe the radiological semiology of thoracic vascular pathology

Module 14. Abdomen

  • Analyze the findings of radiological techniques in pelvic floor pathology

Module 15. Musculoskeletal System (MSK)

  • Recognize injuries secondary to glenohumeral dislocation with radiological techniques
  • Systematize the technique of joint puncture for arthrography
  • Analyze trauma and degenerative pathology of the wrist with radiological techniques
  • Diagnose pelvic injuries with MRI
  • Recognise the different types of meniscus tears with MRI
  • Identify the normal anatomy and the semiology of knee ligament injuries
  • Evaluate cartilaginous lesions of the knee and arthropathies
  • Analyze post-traumatic lesions of the ankle with imaging techniques
  • Use ultrasound and MRI to recognize sporting muscle injuries

Module 16. Breast

  • Revise the technological advances for the study of breast pathology (elastography, tomosynthesis and contrast mammography)
  • Systematize the reading and radiologic report of breast cancer with Bi-RADS
  • Systematize percutaneous sampling with FNA or BAG in breast pathology
  • Analyze the findings for the correct local staging of breast cancer
  • Assess the response to treatment of breast cancer with radiological techniques

Module 17. Gynecology

  • Identify imaging findings in benign pathology of the uterus and adnexa
  • Stage the neoplasms of the uterus and cervix
  • Analzye the semiology in the different radiological techniques in ovarian cancer

Module 18. Management in Radiology

  • Describe the way in which to manage a radiology department
  • Identify the ICT advances involved in the radiology process
  • Revise the importance of radiological information and the evolution towards a structured report
  • Analyze the medical-legal implications in radiological practice

Module 19. Basis of Intervention Procedures

  • Explain the technical bases for the development and performance of the different approaches in interventional procedures and the bases of advanced radiological protection

Module 20. Intervention Materials

  • Describe the main characteristics of the various materials used in interventional radiology in all territories as well as the techniques with their indications, handling, problems and solutions

Module 21. Venous and Lymphatic Interventional Procedures

  • Describe the techniques of venous and lymphatic interventionism, its indications, alternatives, and medical management
    Address the treatment of venous insufficiency of the lower limbs. Describe abdominal aortography and arteriography, their indications, alternatives, and medical management

Module 22. Vascular Diagnosis

  • Describe the arteriography of visceral digestive trunks, their indications, alternatives, and medical management

Module 23. Vascular Therapy

  • Describe the techniques for vascular therapy, their indications, alternatives, and medical management

Module 24. Embolotherapy

  • Manage the most advanced techniques in embolotherapy

Module 25. Diagnostic Punctures

  • Perform percutaneous, renal, hepatic and pulmonary biopsies

Module 26. Diagnostic Neurointerventionism

  • Describe cerebral and spinal arteriography, its indications, alternatives, and medical management

Module 27. Therapeutic Neurointerventionism

  • Describe the techniques for therapeutic neurointerventionism, their indications, alternatives, and medical management
  • Address the treatment of cerebral vasospasm, ischemic stroke and intracerebral AVMs
  • Identify the spinal vascular malformations

Module 28. Musculoskeletal Interventionism

  • Describe the techniques of musculoskeletal interventionism, its indications, alternatives, and medical management

Module 29. Urologic Interventionism

  • Describe the techniques of urologic interventionism, its indications, alternatives, and medical management
  • Recognize radiological surgery of urologic neoplasms
  • Systematize the reading and radiologic report of prostate cancer with PI-RADS

Module 30. Thoracic Interventionism

  • Describe thoracentesis, thoracic drainage and associated techniques, their indications, alternatives and medical management

Module 31. Puncture Drainage

  • Identify the indications for biliary and abscess drainage, its approaches and technique
  • Describe the techniques of percutaneous gastrojejunostomy, gastrostomy and cholecystostomy, and their medical management

Module 32. Ablative techniques

  • Describe the ablative techniques, their indications, alternatives, and medical management
  • Complete knowledge with some non-systematizable techniques and broaden the vision of Interventional Radiology with new horizons based on new biomaterials, techniques, post-processing and biomarkers in medical imaging

Module 33. Other Aspects of Interest in Interventional Radiology

  • Describe the management models, indicators, development of strategic plans and organization in Interventional Radiology
  • Determine the legislation of patient information, the use of informed consent and data protection
  • Identify the main aspects and be capable of developing a clinical consultation in Radiology
  • Identify and manage local anesthetics, pain management, sedation and anesthetic block techniques with ultrasound

Module 34. Management and Organization in Image-Guided Therapy

  • Incorporate the protocols for medical management in diseases commonly managed in Interventional Radiology and Diagnostic Radiology
  • Gain up-to-date knowledge of the architectural and technical requirements required for the implementation of an imageguided therapy service or section

The leading specialists in nuclear medicine will accompany you throughout the entire educational itinerary, ensuring that you get up to date quickly and efficiently"

Advanced Master's Degree in Nuclear Medicine and Radiodiagnostics


In recent years, disciplines such as radiology and nuclear medicine have evolved significantly, leading to major advances in the methods of diagnosis and approach to numerous pathologies. Thanks to this development, specialists can now resort to tools and procedures that facilitate their work and guarantee highly accurate results. However, in order to be able to operate these instruments and effectively integrate the latest developments into their daily practice, they must be prepared and update their technical skills. At TECH Global University we developed this Advanced Master's Degree in Nuclear Medicine and Radiodiagnosis, a postgraduate course through which you will be able to address the most important concepts, topics and issues of this branch of medicine and implement them in the daily management of patients in diagnostic and therapeutic radiology.

Specialize in clinical and healthcare management


Our Advanced Professional Master's Degree brings together in a comprehensive way the most advanced information, methods and resources to specialize you. Through a curriculum in a 100% online format, you will understand the particularities of the use of radionuclides in diagnostic and therapeutic methods; you will learn the new therapies of nuclear medicine and apply clinical and biochemical criteria to properly care for each of your patients; and you will contribute to the implementation of radiological techniques in the subspecialties of neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology, urology, traumatology, among others. From this, you will achieve professional success, stand out in a highly competitive field, and revalue your professional profile by applying your knowledge and skills in the daily practice of your functions.