
Would you like to be able to implement 3D printing and design work in your classes? With this TECH program, you will delve into the basics of this revolutionary technique with which your students will enjoy learning"


Numerous studies carried out in the educational field have determined that the use of 3D technology in the classroom enhances the creative skills of students, while promoting knowledge in a multidisciplinary, entertaining and innovative way. An example of this is the use of 3D printers as a regular tool in the school environment, which has shown an increase in the degree of participation of children in the activities, as well as teamwork, capturing their attention and improving teaching through a real visualization of the different concepts (making topographic maps, designing instruments, layout of historical buildings, etc.).

In this type of contexts, the role of the teacher is key, since the use of the latest generation technology can be complex and frustrating for students. For this reason, and in order to promote education based on the inclusion of the most innovative and beneficial tools for learning, TECH has developed a program with which teachers can learn in detail the pedagogical guidelines to include in their curriculum the use of 3D printers. Through the principle of "if you can dream it, you can create it", you will work intensively on the knowledge of the main fundamentals of technology applied to training, with special emphasis on the mastery of Tinkercad as the software par excellence for the enhancement of neuroeducation through design and 3D printing.

All this 100% online and through 450 hours of the best theoretical, practical and additional content, which will be hosted in a comfortable and accessible state-of-the-art Virtual Campus. In addition, all of this material can be downloaded to any device with an internet connection, so that the student can consult it even after the program is completed. This will ensure the highest level of specialization that adapts not only to their needs, but also to the demands of Education 2.0.

A program that will reinforce your teaching quality and will give you the guidelines to develop as a first instance technology teaching coach"

This postgraduate diploma in 3D Design and Printing in Education contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Education and Innovation
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide techniques and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning.
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Are you interested in knowing what the 10 keys are to successfully gamify your classroom? Enroll in this postgraduate diploma and you will learn how to develop projects based on Robotics and Education"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive knowledge programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

You will work intensively in the knowledge of the main pedagogical techniques to promote educational skills through the use of different technologies in the classroom"


The best program on the current academic market to learn how to handle Tinkercad, from the basics to the creation of complex projects"


The existence of 3D printers in the educational field and their daily use in the classroom is becoming more and more frequent. For this reason, and with the aim that the teacher can get the most out of this technology, TECH Global University has developed this program to find in it all the theoretical and practical information you need for it. In this way, through 6 months of 100% online education, you will be able to work intensively on perfecting your skills in the use of different 3D tools, with special emphasis on the most effective teaching strategies for the transmission of knowledge to students of all ages.


Thanks to this Postgraduate Diploma you will be able to adapt the use of 3D printers to different fields: art, food, textile and jewelry, medicine, constriction, education, etc”

General Objectives

  • Specialize teachers in the use of materials and methodologies that enhance motivation, creativity and innovation through educational robotics, programming and 3D printing
  • Learn how to plan in a transversal and curricular way in order to incorporate new technologies and methodologies in the classroom
  • Raise teachers' awareness of the importance of a transformation in education, motivated by the new generations

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Fundamentals and Evolution of Applied Technology in Education

  • Raise teachers' awareness of new educational trends and the direction of their role in education
  • Provide knowledge of new information and communication technology skills.
  • Train teachers to promote educational change within the classroom to create environments that improve student achievement
  • Introduce learning theories related to Educational Robotics
  • Understand the laws of robotics

Module 2. 3D Design and Printing "If You Can Dream It, You Can Create It"

  • Learning to balance the flow state between the difficulty of the challenge and the learner's abilities
  • Know the importance of the digital skills for teachers
  • Distinguish different complementary tools
  • Learn about different robotic resources as alternatives in the classroom

Module 3. Tinkercad: A Different Way of Learning Neuroeducation and Physical Education

  • Acquire the methodology of work in educational robotics
  • Transfer a new learning method to motivate students to research and entrepreneurship
  • Know the relationship between Educational Robotics and the curriculum.
  • Identify the different Arduino components

You will work comprehensively on the strengthening of different types of intelligence through the creative design of educational projects based on 3D technology in the classroom"

Postgraduate Diploma in Design and 3D Printing in the Educational Field

Nearly 250 materials to use, a highly competitive speed and up to 90% efficiency in the resources used. The attributes of 3D printers make this type of technology increasingly positioned as a versatile and essential tool for optimization in many areas of industrialization and creativity. To address this field, TECH Global University offers the Postgraduate Diploma in Design and 3D Printing in Education, a program of innovative curricular performance taught in three modules and in a 100% online format that provides several advantages to the Postgraduate Diploma, such as self-regulation of time and access anywhere from any device with internet. Although the program aims to provide skills in the practical use of this tool, its focus is on teaching in the classroom; we refer to an instrument that will allow teachers to build new dynamics for pedagogical development and establish a bridge to the vision of a world that combines futurism and progress.

Specialize in 3D printing for academia

It is to the engineer Chuck Hull that we owe mainly the development and massification of stereolithography: a process by which thin layers are successively printed and hardened by polymerization under the action of ultraviolet light. Thanks to this method proposed in the 1980s (but taken up again decades later), today we have 3D printing, a technology that has even made it possible in recent years to print food, as the companies Foodini and ChefJet are doing. Fashion, archeology, medicine, industrial design and education are some of the sectors that have innovated with the use of this machinery. You can be part of this transforming experience with our specialization. The agenda of the classes is extremely complete and you can address from the pedagogical foundations of educational robotics through the types of 3D printers to the management of Tinkercad for the classroom: a software that allows modeling in three dimensions. Looking to take that professional leap that will open job doors for you? You will find it here.