
The Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics David Sáez de la Mata is an expert in the area of Assisted Human Reproduction, he deals with endometriosis, uterine fibroids and dominates the field of Reproductive Genetics. The constant updating of his skills and knowledge have been his guarantee to occupy the position of Assistant Physician in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University Hospital Infanta Sofia.

However, his professional interest has also led to his incursion into the educational field, being a teacher in university and postgraduate studies related to medicine.  

  • Medical Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University Hospital Infanta Sofia.
  • Gynecologist Specialist in Reproductive Medicine at Ginemed. 
  • Gynecologist Specialist in Reproductive Medicine in Sanitas 
  • Collaborating lecturer in university studies in Medicine
  • Master's Degree in Contraception and Sexual and Reproductive Health by the Spanish Society of Contraception. 
  • Expert in Uterine Pathology, Menopause and Reproduction by the Institute of Continuing Education of the University of Barcelona. 
  • Expert in Gynecological Exploration and Breast and Vulvar Pathology by the Institute of Continuing Education of the University of Barcelona. 
  • Expert in Childbirth, Puerperium and Lactation by the Institute of Continuing Education of the University of Barcelona.
Programmes in collaboration with

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