
Nurse María Ángeles De Pedro Sánchez has extensive professional experience in the health sector and in leading hospitals. Throughout her career she has maintained a constant updating of her healthcare competencies. In this sense, she has developed her leadership, management and communication skills, essential in her daily professional performance. 

She also teaches other healthcare professionals interested in digestive care, as well as nursing students who wish to obtain a practical update.  

  • Nurse at the Regional Health Management of Valladolid
  • Nurse at the Sagrado Corazón Hospital in Valladolid
  • Nurse at Insalud in Valladolid 
  • Teacher of programs of the Nursing College of Palencia and the Department of Social Welfare of the City of Palencia
  • Collaborating teacher at the University School of Nursing in Valladolid
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing at the University of Valladolid
  • Degree in Nursing from the University of León 
  • Master's Degree in Nursing Unit Direction and Management, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
  • MBA in Skills Development and Effective Communication from Asevegue European School Health Education
  • Nursing Leadership Program. Nightngale Challenge by ISFOS and UNIR
  • Master's Degree in Humanization of Health Care by the European University Miguel de Cervantes 
Programmes in collaboration with

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