
Thanks to this complete professional master’s degree in Sports Nutrition in Special Populations you will be able to acquire specific and advanced knowledge in Nutrition in specific populations"


A physiotherapist must know in depth the characteristics of food and the appropriate nutrition for each type of effort. In addition, athletes with special situations can be neglected, in many cases due to lack of knowledge on the part of the professional who attends them. This reality provokes the need for experts in Sports Nutrition for special groups with deep, up-to-date and precise skills in the field.

This is the reason why TECH has designed a professional master’s degreee in Sports Nutrition in Special Populations with which it seeks to provide students with skills with which to address their work in this field with maximum efficiency and with the best possible result for these athletes with special situations. And this, through a syllabus that delves into topics such as mixed bioenergetics of muscle fibers, monitoring of the athlete, performance limiting factors, diabetic athletes or para-athletes, among others.

All this, in a comfortable 100% online mode that gives total freedom to the student to organize their studies and schedules, without interfering with their other activities and obligations of the day to day. In addition, with the total availability of didactic materials that represent a unique opportunity to access complete, up-to-date and accurate content from any device with an Internet connection.

Enhance your profile and gain access to a prestigious position in the labor market, improving your competences in Nutrition of the female athlete"

This professional master’s degree in Sports Nutrition in Special Populations contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Sports Nutrition in Special Populations
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Deepen your knowledge of the needs of Special Populations and become an expert in Nutrition in this area"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the field who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Acquire new skills in energy requirements and hydration for athletes"


It stands out in a sector of the Nutrition in complete boom and with a great professional projection"


The objective of this professional master’s degree in Sports Nutrition in Special Populations is to provide students with advanced skills and competencies with which to carry out their work in this field with the maximum possible efficiency and knowing how to face any type of situation or difficulty. All this, thanks to complete and innovative theoretical and practical contents.


TECH's goal is to give you the tools you need to succeed in your profession" 

General Objectives

  • Handle advanced knowledge on nutritional planning in professional and non-professional athletes for the healthy performance of physical exercise
  • Manage advanced knowledge on nutritional planning in professional athletes of various fields in order to achieve maximum sports performance
  • Learn advanced knowledge about nutritional planning in professional athletes from team sports to achieve the highest sports performance
  • Manage and consolidate the initiative, entrepreneurial spirit to implement projects related to nutrition in physical activity and sport
  • Know how to incorporate the different scientific advances into one' s own professional field
  • Acquire the skills to work in a multidisciplinary environment
  • Gain an advanced understanding of the context in which the area of their specialty is developed
  • Manage advanced skills in the detection of possible signs of nutritional changes associated with sports activities
  • Manage the necessary skills through the teaching-learning process that will allow them to continue training and learning in the field of Nutrition in sport, both through the contacts established with professors and professionals of the Professional Master’s Degree as well as in an autonomous way
  • Specialize in the structure of muscle tissue and its role in sports
  • Gain knowledge about the energetic and nutritional needs of athletes in different pathophysiological situations
  • Specialize in the energetic and nutritional needs of athletes in the different situations specific to age and gender
  • Become a specialist in the dietary strategies for the prevention and treatment of injured athletes
  • Specialize in the energetic and nutritional needs of child athletes
  • Specialize in the energetic and nutritional needs of Paralympic athletes

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Muscle and Metabolic Physiology Associated with Exercise

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the structure of skeletal muscle
  • Understand in depth the functioning of skeletal muscle
  • Delve into the understanding of the most important changes that occur in athletes
  • Delve into the mechanisms of energy production according to the type of exercise undertaken
  • Further understanding of the interaction between the different energy systems that make up the muscle energy metabolism

Module 2. Evaluation of the Athlete at Different Times of the Season 

  • Perform biochemical interpretation to detect nutritional deficits or overtraining states
  • Perform the interpretation of the different methods of body composition, to optimize the weight and fat percentage appropriate to the sport practiced
  • Monitor the athlete throughout the season
  • Plan the periods of the season according to their requirements

Module 3. Watersports

  • Delve into the most important characteristics of the main water sports
  • Understand the demands and requirements associated with sports activities in aquatic environments
  • Distinguish between the nutritional needs of different watersports

Module 4. Adverse Conditions

  • Differentiate between the main performance limiting factors caused by climate
  • Develop an acclimatization plan appropriate to the situation given
  • Delve into the physiological adaptations due to altitude
  • Establish the correct individual hydration guidelines according to the climate

Module 5. Vegetarianism and Veganism

  • Differentiate between the different types of vegetarian athletes
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the main mistakes made
  • Treat the notable nutritional deficiencies of sportsmen and sportswomen
  • Manage skills to provide the athlete with the most effective tools to combine foods

Module 6. The Type 1 Diabetic Athlete

  • Establish the physiological and biochemical mechanism of diabetes both at rest and during exercise
  • Deepen the understanding of how the different insulins or medications used by diabetics work
  • Assess the nutritional requirements for people with diabetes both in their daily life and in exercise, to improve their health
  • Deepen the knowledge necessary to plan nutrition for athletes of different disciplines with diabetes, in order to improve their health and performance
  • Establish the current state of evidence on Performance Enhancing Drugs in diabetics

Module 7. Parathletes

  • Deepen understanding of the differences between the different categories of para-athletes and their physiological-metabolic limitations
  • Determine the nutritional requirements of the different para-sportsmen in order to establish a specific nutritional plan
  • Further the knowledge necessary to establish interactions between the ingestion of pharmaceuticals in these athletes and nutrients, to avoid nutrient deficits
  • Understand the body composition of para-athletes in different sport categories
  • Apply current scientific evidence on nutritional ergogenic aids

Module 8. Sports by Weight Category

  • Establish the different characteristics and needs within sports by weight category
  • Understand in depth the different nutritional strategies for preparing the athlete for competition
  • Optimize the improvement of body composition through nutritional approach

Module 9. Different Stages or Specific Population Groups

  • Explain the specific physiological characteristics to be taken into account in the nutritional approach of different groups
  • Understand in depth the external and internal factors that influence the nutritional approach to these groups

Module 10. The Injury Period

  • Determine the different phases of the injury
  • Help in the prevention of injuries
  • Improve the prognosis of the injury
  • Develop a nutritional strategy to meet the changing nutritional requirements during the injury period

You will achieve your goals thanks to the best tools and the latest advances in Sports Nutrition" 

Professional Master’s Degree in Sports Nutrition in Special Populations

If we talk about healthy habits, it is impossible not to bring up two of the most fundamental components: physical activity (in any of its modalities: exercise, sport, pilates, etc.) and nutrition. But what if we must approach these aspects from the perspective of a person with a special condition, such as a terminal illness or a motor disability? For that TECH Global University has developed the Professional Master's Degree in Sports Nutrition in Special Populations for Physiotherapists: a proposal that brings together the best of nutrition with the most practical of sports science to form a synergy of the most interesting and useful that, no doubt, will not be indifferent to professionals in the health field. Even more so if the focus is on the physiotherapeutic area, which is where most injured athletes go. We put at your disposal a program of the highest curricular standard, endorsed and taught by a multidisciplinary team of great experience that will take your knowledge and skills to the next level.

Train as a physiotherapist in specialized sports nutrition

In sports, as in life itself, it is willpower, strength of conviction and hard work that make the difference. Trischa Zorn was born visually impaired and has won 55 medals at the Paralympics, making her the most outstanding athlete in the field. Teresa Perales, a Spanish athlete, has suffered from immobility in her legs due to neuropathy since childhood and has won 26 medals in swimming, as well as being a writer and having participated in politics. If your goal is to become a notable and recognized physiotherapist, why impose limitations on yourself? This Professional Master's Degree is a great opportunity to enhance your career by strengthening your knowledge of the sports world in such an essential aspect as nutrition. Do you see a great option to specialize, but don't have enough time? This program is structured in a completely virtual format that will allow you to regulate your schedule and access advanced multimedia material even from your smartphone. Enroll and experience an unparalleled academic advantage with which you can make your mark.